
  1. 吉尔·本内特成为了约翰·奥斯本的第四任妻子,并参演过他的几部戏剧。

    Jill Bennett became John Osborne 's fourth wife , and appeared in several of his plays

  2. 他连着四任当选。

    He was reelected for four consecutive terms .

  3. 在致第四任妻子玛丽·威尔士(MaryWelsh)的战时信件中,这位作家显得可亲可爱得多,这些信少有的羞涩,展示出他的自我。

    A more endearing writer is the one who reveals himself in a series of uncharacteristically shy wartime letters to Mary Welsh , who would become his fourth wife .

  4. RobLowe将饰演德鲁皮特森一角,在剧中他是一位魅力四射,异性缘极佳的芝加哥警官,在他的第四任太太神秘失踪后却被控谋杀其第三任太太。

    Rob Lowe will play Drew Peterson , a charismatic , womanizing Chicago police officer that was charged with the death of his third wife after the mysterious disappearance of his fourth wife .

  5. 不久以后,教会的第四任会长取消了一夫多妻制。

    Shortly afterwards , the church 's fourth president banned polygamy .

  6. 这刻第四任丈夫已经倒台。

    But by now marriage number four had foundered .

  7. 富兰克林-d-罗斯福总统第四任就职演说

    Fourth Inaugural Address Of President Franklin D. Roosevelt

  8. 他是我们的第四任总统,是吧?

    He was our4th president , right ?

  9. 这一天是美国第四任总统詹姆斯·麦迪逊的诞辰日。

    This is the day on which the 4th United States President James Madison was born .

  10. 你说我们会不会20年后,与第四任丈夫结婚呢?

    Blair : You think this will be us in20 years , onto our fourth husbands ?

  11. adj.唯一的弗兰克林,迪,罗斯福是第四任总统唯一的候选人。

    sole Franklin D. Roosevelt was the sole candidate to be elected President for a fourth term .

  12. 这两人就要迎来自球队2013年打入西部决赛以来的第四任主教练了。

    Those two now will be on their fourth coach since making the 2012 Western Conference finals .

  13. 93岁的施特韦·费尔普斯参加合唱团的时候,担任指挥的是第四任人称“巴迪”的马歇尔·巴塞洛缪。

    Stowe Phelps , 93 , sang under the fourth one , Marshall Bartholomew - known as Barty .

  14. 瓦德•佛雷的第四任妻子是一个布莱克伍德,但是在孪河城,亲属关系就和宾客权利一样一文不值。

    Walder Frey 's fourth wife was a Blackwood , but kinship counts for no more than guest right at the Twins .

  15. 牛人罗斯福在大萧条及二战(注意!此两件大事,经常谈及)的特殊时刻,打破了这一惯例,在总统宝座上一干就是四任。

    Roosevelt broke the custom at the special time of the Great Depression and World War Two , acting as American president through four terms .

  16. 他不得不从侧门羞耻地离开,这也就结束了他不会轻易原谅和忘记的第四任政府生涯。

    He had to leave ignominiously from a side door & an end to his fourth government that he will not lightly forgive or forget .

  17. 詹姆斯·麦迪逊是美国的第四任总统,于1751年出生在美国的弗吉尼亚州。他是家中的长子,家里有12个兄弟姐妹。

    James Madison was the fourth President of the United States . He was born in 1751 in Virginia , the oldest of twelve children .

  18. 他为最近的四任美国总统和世界范围内的知名跨国公司做过咨询工作。

    He has been consulted on the subject by at least four American presidents and by some of the best-known occupants of corporate boardrooms around the world .

  19. 此前,梁振英上台宣誓就任香港特别行政区第四任行政长官。

    Earlier , Leung Chun-ying took to the podium to take his oath as the Chief Executive of the fourth-term government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region .

  20. 在四年任内,他帮美国取得了德州土地、重建了独立的财政制度,并且从墨西哥取得了部分领土。

    In four years , he oversaw the addition of texas , the reestablishment of an independent treasury system , and the acquisition of territory from mexico .

  21. 就在第五次当选四年一任的国际足联(FIFA)主席仅仅四天之后,塞普·布拉特(SeppBlatter)已辞去这一职位。这件事的大背景是国际足联正卷入该组织有史以来最严重的腐败丑闻。

    Sepp Blatter has resigned as the president of Fifa , just four days after he won re-election for a fifth four-year term against the backdrop of the worst corruption scandal in the organisation 's history .

  22. 在巴尔四届国会任期间,他同样代表了亚特兰大的偏远地区。

    Barr also represented a district in the Atlanta suburbs during his four terms in Congress .

  23. “我们确实给予了利沃诺太多进球机会了”主教练费拉拉在获得了四连胜之后任然对此若有所思。

    " We did allow Livorno a few too many scoring opportunities ," mused Coach Ferrara after a fourth straight win .

  24. 用钻孔崩落分析程序处理冀中坳陷67口井的四臂双井任测井资料,分析其水平主应力方向。

    Hole diameter data from four-arm dipmeter logging in 67 oil wells in Jizhong depression , Hebei province , were processed with computer programs I which the authors developed previously , and orientations of horizontal principal stress axes were derived for the depression region .

  25. 雅四2你们纵任贪欲,仍无所有;

    Jas . 4:2 You lust and do not have ;

  26. 露西:又结婚了?那么他肯定是第四或第五任丈夫了。

    Lucy : Again ? He must be her fourth or fifth husband .

  27. 奥瑞尔:法国政治家及第四共和国第一任总统(1947年-1954年)。

    Auriol : French politician and first president ( 1947-1954 ) of the Fourth Republic .

  28. (四)由于所任公司职务可以获取公司有关证券交易信息的人员;

    Personnel who , because of their offices in the company they serve , can have access to information relevant to the company 's securities trading ;

  29. 溥仪直到去世,一共结婚五次,上面的方子应该是在其第四或者第五任妻子时采用的。

    Until the death of Pu Yi , married a total of five times , the prescription should be above in its fourth or fifth wife when used .

  30. 第四部分,论述海明威在与阿格妮丝以及四任妻子和另外一些情人之间的爱情纠葛中所受的创伤及治疗。

    Part 4 mainly discusses the trauma and treatments in the love stories with Agnes , his four wives and other lovers .