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  1. 在中轻度Cd污染的酸性潮泥田上,稻谷产量随赤泥施用量的增加均呈先增加后下降的变化趋势。

    In the Cd moderately contaminated acidity alluvial loamy paddy soil , grain yield increased with increasing red mud application and then decreased .

  2. 探讨了在含山县淀白土田上施用磷酸二铵对水稻产量的影响。

    The effects of diammonium phosphate on the rice yield in whitened soil in Hanshan were discussed .

  3. 因此,在同一大豆田上连续种植大豆,会使土壤中的胞囊不断积累,导致危害加重。

    So soybean continuous cropping would accumulate the cysts in soil , resulting in increased the harm of soybean cyst nematode .

  4. 表明钾锌配施有较好的互作效应,尤以在灰潮土田上效果最好。

    This result shown there was a positive interaction effect of Kand Zn on rice yield , especially on calcareous alluvial .

  5. 我们每一个人,在此刻,都站在他/她自己的钻石田上。

    Each of us is , at this moment , standing in the middle of his or her own acre of diamonds .

  6. 随着种植密度的降低,烟田上、中、下部叶位的光照强度和田间温度均有增大的趋势,田间湿度呈降低的趋势。

    When reducing the planting density , the light intensity and field temperature among the upper , middle and lower leaf are improved with an increasing .

  7. 说,我昨日看见拿伯的血和他众子的血,我必在这块田上报应你。

    Yesterday I saw the blood of Naboth and the blood of his sons , declares the Lord , and I will surely make you pay for it on this plot of ground , declares the Lord .

  8. 对粉煤灰复田立地上欧美杨人工幼林施肥效应进行了研究,结果表明:①N、P、K和绿肥肥效均极其显著。

    Study on the effect of fertilization on the growth of juvenile plantation of P. × euramericana in reclaimed area by coal ash was conducted .

  9. 田菁地上部分K+含量随时间呈现出下降趋势。

    Sesbania aerial parts of K + content showed a descending trend over time .

  10. 夕阳下,慢步采田木桥上;

    Sunset , walk the bridge taken Tianmu ;

  11. 著名的蓬莱阁就在蓬莱市。在田横山上可以看到黄渤海分界线。

    It is famous for Penglai Pavilion and Demarcation Line of the Bohai Sea and the Yellow Sea .

  12. 粉煤灰复田立地上杨、柳、榆、刺槐根系的分布和生长特点

    Distribution and growth characteristics of the root systems of poplar , willow , elm and locust on site of renewed land by fine ash of coal

  13. 发生在蒙田大道上的哈利·温斯顿珠宝店持械抢劫案是法国历史上最大胆的,当然也是最重大的珠宝抢劫案。

    The heist at the Harry Winston store on the luxury Avenue Montaigne was among the most daring and certainly the biggest jewel theft in French history .

  14. 于是领巴兰到了琐腓田,上了毗斯迦山顶,筑了七座坛,每座坛上献一只公牛,一只公羊。

    So he took him to the field of Zophim on the top of Pisgah , and there he built seven altars and offered a bull and a ram on each altar .

  15. 经过一夜的拼搏,我终于让所有的田都盖上了绿色的地毯。

    After a night of struggle , I finally let all the fields were covered green carpets .

  16. 7月24日上午,田先生坐上了由温州南站出发至福州站的列车。

    Tian then took a train from South Wenzhou Station to Fuzhou Station on the morning of July 24 .

  17. 不等别人来帮忙,他就把另两具尸体拖开,将第三个人拽到田边地头上。

    Without waiting for help , he pulled away the two corpses and dragged the third man to the side of the field .

  18. 从《文选》“田猎”类赋的类名取用看,编者乃是在四时之田的通名上使用这一概念的。

    From the perspective of the name used in the classification of Tian Lie Fu in Wenxuan , the editor chose its ordinary meaning .

  19. 第4代发生在8月上旬至9月上旬,主要在晚稻及闲置稻田稗草等生境,田边杂草上数量很少。

    The fourth generation occurred from early August to early September , mainly damaged late rice , and a few pests were observed on weeds .

  20. 高田公司于上个月承认安全气囊的缺陷可能导致增压泵因工作时的过大压力而爆炸,从而危及安全气囊原本应该保护的驾驶员和乘客。

    Takata admitted last month that faults in its airbags could cause their inflaters to explode with too much force when they deploy , endangering the drivers and passengers that the safety devices are intended to protect .

  21. 第三部分:在全面了解蒙田的基础上,从时代背景、前代人的影响、科学发现、家庭影响和个人原因等五方面分析了其历史思想产生的原因。

    The third part has analyzed the reasons that his historical thoughts came into being from five respects : the background , the forefathers ' influence , scientific discoveries , family influence and personal reasons on the basis of understanding him in an all-round way .

  22. 玉米田上方的蓝天上,盘旋着喷火式战斗机和暴风雨。

    Spitfires and Hurricanes in the blue sky over the cornfields .

  23. 碧田矿床是成因上与燕山晚期次火山岩有关的以银为主的大型铜金银矿床。

    The genesis of siliceous rocks in the Changkeng gold-silver deposit , Guangdong Province ;

  24. 田在新闻发布会上说,这只能被说明是更高技能的培训。

    " This can only be addressed with more skills training ," Tian told the news conference .

  25. 在玲珑金矿田地质特征基础上,详细研究分析了175号脉群地质特征。

    On the basis of the geological characteristics of Linglong gold field , the study on geological feature of175th branch vein is made and analysed .

  26. 在这个阶段上,一般地还不是建立社会主义的农业,但在“耕者有其田”的基础上所发展起来的各种合作经济,也具有社会主义的因素。

    In general , socialist agriculture will not be established at this stage , though various types of co-operative enterprises developed on the basis of " land to the tiller " will contain elements of socialism .

  27. 甚至在丰田和日产于周四宣布,将召回比第一次宣布时还要多286万辆的配备高田安全气囊的车辆之后,高田面对史上最大规模的一次因安全原因导致的汽车召回,仍然拒绝辞职。

    Even after Toyota and Nissan said on Thursday that they would recall 2.86 million more vehicles equipped with Takata airbags than first announced , Mr. Takada dismissed suggestions that he should resign over what has become the largest automobile safety recall in history .