
  1. 就村民自治来说,广大村民通过选举才能表达自己的意志,选出自己满意的村干部管理村里的事务。

    As far as villagers ' autonomy , extensive villagers express their will through the election , to elect their satisfied village cadres to manage village affairs .

  2. 村社作为农村基层的行政组织和社会组织,社员可以利用这一组织自主管理村社事务,其管理及服务社员的过程有着浓厚的非官方色彩。

    The village community is the administrative organization and social organizations of the rural grass-roots . Members can manage village affairs use self-management organization , and that owns a strong unofficial color .

  3. 声音2:Watoto组织在乌干达坎帕拉附近管理儿童村。

    Voice 2 : Watoto manages children 's villages near Kampala , Uganda .

  4. 本文着重介绍了勐宋哈尼族对藤类资源独特的管理制度&村社藤类保护林Sangpabawa以及在轮歇地栽培管理藤类的实践。

    This paper describes the communal rattan protected forest " Sangpabawa ", a traditional rattan resources management system created by Hani people , and the practice of rattan cultivation in Hani swidden system .

  5. 随之而来的是,作为农村社区管理主体的村干部,也由人民公社时期直接从事生产管理和分配的角色开始出现了转变。

    Village leaders , the main previous role as managers and assignors during the period of people ' community .

  6. 在不同体制时期,作为基层乡村社区管理者的村干部,都有不同的使命,并相应扮演不同的角色。

    In the different historical periods , the village cadre has the different mission and different corresponding acting role .

  7. 依照1998年和2002年通过的农村土地管理法,村必须为农民提供书面合同,确认他们的土地使用权。

    Rural land management laws passed in1998 and2002 also required villages to provide farmers with written contracts certifying their land use rights .

  8. 严格规范村级组织财政资金使用管理。建立村财政资金公开制度,加大联动监管力度。

    Strictly regulate the use and management of financial funds in village-level organizations : Establish the open system of village financial funds and increase linkage supervision .

  9. 发现村财乡管这一财务管理模式在五星村的实施对村里财务起到一定的效果。

    Found " village finance Xiang Guan " to implement the financial management mode in the five-star village on the village finance play a certain effect .

  10. 根据农村村组经济的性质和发展状况,对村组经济的核算与管理采用“分村核算、强化公示、定期审计、落实惩处”模式,符合中国农村国情,有利于促进农村经济的发展。

    According to the features and development state of present village team economy , the series of management mode , namely , separating team accounting , intensifying accounting publicity , regular auditing , and punishment is feasible and conducive to rural economic development .