
gāo diǎn
  • cookie;pastry;cake;patisserie
糕点 [gāo diǎn]
  • [pastry] 以糊状面团焙制的甜味食品(如糕饼、馅饼或果馅饼)

糕点[gāo diǎn]
  1. 把油酥糕点烤至金黄酥脆。

    Bake until the pastry is golden and crisp .

  2. 这种酥皮糕点可真松软啊。

    This pastry is so light .

  3. 可别给我拿糕点——那我会吃个没够的。

    Don 't give me cakes ─ I 'll just pig myself .

  4. 布卢瓦的糕点很有名。

    Blois is famous for patisserie .

  5. 我喜欢烘烤糕点。

    I love to bake .

  6. 她吃了一块涂上了奶酪的月牙形小糕点。

    She ate a small crescent of pastry topped with cheese .

  7. 麻烦你把茶具和糕点拿到园子里去好吗?

    Can you carry the tea things and the cake out into the garden ?

  8. 糕点是由包装好的混合材料制成的。

    Cake is made from a packaged mix .

  9. 种糕点最好蒸食。

    This cake is best eaten steamed .

  10. 鲁斯几乎被糕点的最后一块碎屑所噎住。

    Ruth nearly choked on the last crumb of her pastry .

  11. 了解事情经过后,后羿带了嫦娥最爱的食物、糕点和水果到月光下和嫦娥分享。

    Upon realizing what had happened , Hou Yi brought her favorite foods , cakes , and fruit out in the moonlight to share with his wife .

  12. 在这种情况下,tea则指下午的茶点,包括饮料和糕点、饼乾之类。

    In this case tea consists of a drink and cake or biscuits in the afternoon .

  13. 超声提取HPLC法测定糕点中苯甲酸、山梨酸和糖精钠方法

    Simultaneous Determination of Benzoic Acid , Sorbic Acid and Saccharin Sodium in Cake Products by Supersonic Extraction and HPLC

  14. BléSucré糕点店的这个低级版本的售价仅为1.76欧元。

    Bl é Sucr é " s decadent version costs just 1.76 euros .

  15. 香格里拉酒店(Shangri-La)以糕点见长。

    The Shangri-La , she said , specializes in pastries .

  16. 结论只有在西式糕点生产过程中运用HACCP原理,才能有效的保证食品卫生质量。

    Conclusion Utilizing the appropriate measure of HACCP will effectively ensure the hygienic quality and safety of western - style cake .

  17. 纽约大学(NewYorkUniversity)的运动生理学家、高级临床营养学家萨曼莎・赫勒(SamanthaHeller)表示:“早餐吃糕点或者午餐吃快餐会消耗你的精力。”

    That breakfast pastry or a fast food lunch can sap your energy , ' says Samantha Heller , an exercise physiologist and a senior clinical nutritionist at New York University .

  18. 前不久,布鲁克林的糕点师坎农处理了一个意外事件,一名Facebook用户未经授权发布了普林斯顿等孩子的照片。

    Ms. Cannon , the pastry chef from Brooklyn , recently dealt with an incident in which a Facebook user posted photos of Princeton and other children without permission .

  19. 纽约大学(NewYorkUniversity)的运动生理学家、高级临床营养学家萨曼莎&12539;赫勒(SamanthaHeller)表示:早餐吃糕点或者午餐吃快餐会消耗你的精力。

    ' That breakfast pastry or a fast food lunch can sap your energy , ' says Samantha Heller , an exercise physiologist and a senior clinical nutritionist at New York University .

  20. 在面包糕点中:CMC可以控制糊状物的粘度,增强面包、糕点产品的水分保持性和耐藏性。

    Cakes in the bread : CMC can control the viscosity paste , enhanced bread , pastry products and maintain the water resistance of possession .

  21. 关于他们选择的糕点师,先前梅根自己创办了一个生活方式网站“TheTig”,这位准新娘曾为她的网站采访过普塔克。

    As for their choice of pastry chef , the bride-to-be knew Ptak from previously interviewing her for " The Tig , " Markle 's former lifestyle website .

  22. GC-MS-SIM检测糕点中的防腐剂和抗氧化剂

    Determination of preservatives and antioxidants in cakes by GC-MS-SIM

  23. 19年34周1天59分之后,也就是所谓的“现在”,小Ned成为了一个专做水果派的糕点师。

    It's19 years , 34 weeks , 1 day and59 minutes later , heretofore known as " Now . " Young Ned has become The Pie Maker .

  24. 去布鲁克林湾脊区的香柏糕点店(CedarsPastry)挖一勺冰激凌,会发现它向上拉伸,拽着勺子,不肯松开。

    Try to scoop up the ice cream at Cedars Pastry , in Bay Ridge , Brooklyn , and it stretches upward , tugging at the spoon , resisting .

  25. 糕点大厨尼古拉·巴切(NicolasBacheyre)制作的巧克力热饮上桌时其实不是热的,而是温的,盛放在传统的利摩日瓷杯里,保证让你以最经典的方式告别巴黎。

    A spot of the pastry chef Nicolas Bacheyre 's chocolat chaud , served warm , not hot , in traditional Limoges porcelain , is guaranteed to send you off in classic style .

  26. 与他们的礼物和特别的水果蛋糕,水果,糕点带来了充满传统的儿童称为simnel。

    Traditionally children brought with them gifts and a special fruit cake or fruit-filled pastry called a simnel .

  27. 其实还有一点能够让他们更为惊叹:直到不久前,罗西奥·桑切斯(RosioSánchez)还是Noma的糕点师。

    There is reason for them to marvel even more : Until recently , Rosio S á nchez was Noma 's pastry chef .

  28. 本文还明确了可以用面团流变学试验(Farinograph)中的形成时间、稳定时间、衰落度和评价计值等指标来评价糕点专用粉的品质。

    It is certainly believed that development time , stability time , Mixing tolerance index , and evaluation mark which are From Farinograph could be used to estimate the quality Of cake flour .

  29. 甜点,比如标准巴克拉娃脆香或galactobourico(奶油布丁和肉桂糕点)或奶油饼干,都是不错的一顿。

    Dessert , such as the standard baklava or galactobourico ( custard pudding with cinnamon pastry ) or butter cookies , rounds out a meal .

  30. 这款铂金蛋糕是由日本糕点大师NobueIkara设计制作的,售价仅为130000美元,这一款甜品可以说是圆了铂金狂热者的梦。

    Created by a Japanese pastry chef named Nobue Ikara , the Platinum Cake rings in at the tiny price of $ 130,000 , and is any platinum lover 's dream .
