
  1. 一位美国飞行员被迫将喷气式飞机紧急迫降在波斯湾上。

    One American pilot was forced to ditch his jet in the Gulf

  2. 在直升机紧急迫降时,一名幸存者被撞昏过去。

    A survivor was knocked unconscious when the helicopter ditched .

  3. 飞机紧急迫降时请把高跟鞋脱掉。

    Please take off your high-heel shoes in an event of emergency landing .

  4. 该飞机因为引擎故障紧急迫降于河床。

    The aircraft was forced to make an emergency landing because of an engine failure .

  5. 昨天三角航空公司的一架航班在夏威夷的野生动物避难所紧急迫降。

    Yesterday a Delta airlines flight made an emergency landing at a wildlife refuge in Hawaii .

  6. 由于飞机发动机出现故障,将做紧急迫降。

    The plane will make an emergency landing because of the sudden breakdown of an engine .

  7. 大陆航空公司一架飞机遭遇严重湍流,被迫转移到迈阿密紧急迫降。

    Severe turbulence forced a Continental Airlines plane to to Miami to make an emergency landing .

  8. 今天下午,一架小型飞机在纽约市繁忙的高速公路上紧急迫降。

    A small plane made an emergency landing this afternoon on a busy New York City expressway .

  9. 飞机是飞往拉萨去的,但必须在成都紧急迫降。

    The plane was headed for Lhasa . But they had to do an emergency landing in Chengdu .

  10. 它向指挥塔报告技术故障,但没讲明,之后试图紧急迫降。

    It attempted the emergency landing after reporting a technical failure to the control tower without specifying it .

  11. 捷克警方说,俄罗斯航空公司的一架飞机在劫机未遂事件后紧急迫降布拉格。

    Czech police say a Ru ian airliner has made an emergency landing in Prague after an hijacking attempt .

  12. 周六,一架警方直升机在犯罪团伙之间的枪战中被击中,随后紧急迫降。

    On Saturday , a police helicopter made an emergency landing after being hit by gunfire during a firefight between rival gangs .

  13. 而在冲突中紧急迫降在机场则是一件可能性很小的事。

    There 's also the remote possibility of having to make an emergency landing at an airport in the middle of a conflict .

  14. 圣塔莫尼卡机场协会的克里斯蒂安弗赖伊称这绝对是由经验丰富的飞行员进行的一次完美的紧急迫降。

    Christian Fry of the Santa Monica Airport Association said it was an absolutely beautifully executed emergency landing by an unbelievably well-trained pilot .

  15. 经机长判断,为了保证航班安全,飞机在虹桥机场发出紧急迫降请求。

    In the Captain 's judgement , in order not to compromise flight safety , enroute to Hongqiao Airport he declared an emergency .

  16. 报道中说,尽管撞上了信鸽,刘洋仍保持了飞机平稳飞行,在几分钟之后成功实施了紧急迫降。

    Despite the carnage , the report says , Ms. Liu managed to keep the plane steady , safely executing an emergency landing minutes later .

  17. 未经证实的报道称,飞机起飞后不久引擎发生故障,飞机上的俄罗斯飞行员曾试图紧急迫降。

    Unconfirmed reports said the Russian pilot of the plane may have been attempting an emergency landing after facing engine problems , shortly after takeoff .

  18. 这名身价过亿的总统一直备受指责因为在前往全家出游途中飞机燃油不足直升飞机进行紧急迫降。

    The billionaire president has been criticized for making an emergency helicopter landing while running low on fuel on his way to a family getaway .

  19. 中方的飞行员在那次事故中丧生,而美方机组人员则在受损飞机紧急迫降在海南之后,被中方扣押了两周。

    The Chinese pilot died in that incident and the US air crew were held for two weeks after their damaged aircraft made an emergency landing on Hainan .

  20. 一架客机发生引擎故障,机长命令机组成员帮助乘客各就各位,准备紧急迫降。

    An airliner was having engine trouble , and the pilot instructed the cabin crew to have the passengers take their seats and get prepared for an emergency landing .

  21. 因为机上一名女乘客高歌惠特尼·休斯顿的名曲《我将永远爱你》不停,美国航空公司一架飞机被迫紧急迫降。

    An American Airlines pilot was forced to make an emergency landing after a passenger refused to stop singing Whitney Houston 's hit song I Will Always Love You .

  22. 据称,飞行员腿部被子弹击中之后,飞机发生碰撞,飞行员试图在足球场紧急迫降。

    The police helicopter is believed to have crashed after the pilot was struck in the leg by a bullet and attempted to make an emergency landing on a football ground .

  23. 航空安全官员开始调查澳大利亚航空公司一架巨型喷气式客机的引擎星期四失灵的原因,这次事故迫使该飞机在新加坡紧急迫降。

    Air safety officials have begun investigating why an engine failed on one of Australia 's Qantas Airlines jumbo jets on Thursday , forcing it to make an emergency landing in Singapore .

  24. 47岁的资深飞行员大卫威廉姆斯,就在昨天下午起飞不久后发现了技术故障紧急迫降,被夸赞贯彻了教科书式的模范降落了波音747。

    Senior pilot David Williams , 47 , was praised for carrying out a ' textbook ' landing of the Boeing 747 after it developed a technical fault shortly after take-off yesterday afternoon .

  25. 与强壮的强森相匹配的还有影片中盖恩斯专业的人设:教科书般优秀的飞行与驾驶技术;影片中飞机引擎熄火时紧急迫降的一幕更是令人叹为观止。

    Matched with his strength is Gaines " authoritative competence . The hero showcases fancy flying and driving skills , with an emergency crash-landing after his plane 's engine breaks down being especially stunning .

  26. 自2001年以来,中美两国军事关系总体有所改善。2001年,一架中国战机与一架美国间谍飞机相撞,使美机在海南岛紧急迫降。

    US military relations with China have generally improved since 2001 when a Chinese fighter jet collided with a US spy plane , forcing the aircraft to make an emergency landing at Hainan island .

  27. 在蛇咬了他之后开始通过飞机滑行,飞机紧急迫降在红海的度假胜地霍尔格达,《约旦时报》报道。

    After the snake bit him and began slithering through the aircraft , the plane made an emergency landing on the Red Sea in the resort town of Al Ghardaqah , reports The Jordan Times .

  28. 实际上,这么说不完全对,因为要保证您的安全,我们的坐椅应该像战斗机一样,面朝后,这样紧急迫降时会更安全。

    Actually , that is not quite true : if it were , our seats would be rear-facing , like those in military aircraft , since they are safer in the event of an emergency landing .

  29. 周五,一架从乌克兰飞往土耳其的客机在伊斯坦布尔紧急迫降,原因是一名乘客试图劫持这架飞机到正在举办冬季奥运会的俄罗斯索契。

    A passenger plane en route from Ukraine to Turkey made an emergency landing in Istanbul on Friday after a passenger attempted to hijack the airliner to divert it to Sochi , Russia , where the Winter Olympics are taking place .

  30. 最近伊朗发生的坠机事件是在2011年1月,伊朗波音727飞机在伊朗西北部遇上暴风雪天气,在紧急迫降的过程中坠毁、机身四分五裂,死亡人数至少77人。

    The last major airliner crash in Iran happened in January 2011 , when an Iran Air Boeing 727 broke to pieces on impact while trying an emergency landing in a snowstorm in northwestern Iran , killing at least 77 people .