
  1. 鸡新城疫疫苗紧急接种免疫比较试验

    Comparison with different urgent immunization on Newcastle Disease in Chickens The Immune Algorithm

  2. 3兔体三联血清用于非典型性新城疫的紧急接种保护实验,对已受感染和初显症状蛋鸡保护率达85%,中、重度病鸡,保护率达62%。

    When the triple serum was used in a protective experiment with emergency inoculation against Newcastle disease , the protective rates for the infected chickens with early symptoms and for the moderately or severely infected chickens were 85 % and 62 % respectively ;

  3. 及时发现黄热病并迅速作出反应,开展紧急疫苗接种活动,对于疫情控制是极其重要的。

    Prompt detection of yellow fever and rapid response through emergency vaccination campaigns are essential for controlling outbreaks .

  4. 操作者设计了问卷,并通过移动网络立刻发送给卫生工作者,从而获取疾病暴发和紧急疫苗接种方案进展的实时信息。

    Questionnaires were formulated and sent out to healthworkers instantaneously via mobile networks to obtain real-time information on the progress of the outbreak and emergency vaccination programme .