
  • 网络Tension headache;TTH
  1. 前述报告的作者——尼日利亚的托普·雷蒙德·埃金比努(TopeRaymondAkinbinu)和博茨瓦纳的Y·J·马沙拉——引用的四项研究成果显示,即便每天使用电脑三小时,也有可能带来眼部症状、腰痛、紧张性头痛以及社会心理压力。

    The report 's authors , Tope Raymond Akinbinu of Nigeria and Y. J. Mashalla of Botswana , cited four studies demonstrating that use of a computer for even three hours a day is likely to result in eye symptoms , low back pain , tension headache and psychosocial stress .

  2. 口腔负压对紧张性头痛症的治疗作用

    Therapeutic Function of Oral Negative Pressure in Patients with Tension Headache

  3. ScapularRetraction拉扯你的肩胛骨紧绷的胸部会引起不健康的姿势,不健康的姿势自然导致肌肉的紧缩,紧张性头痛也就会随之而来。

    A tight chest leads to poor posture , poor posture leads to tight muscles , and tight muscles lead to tension headaches .

  4. 由NathanWatemberg医生领衔的研究组认为,该发现将使医生在不借助任何额外测试和药物治疗的前提下治愈数千患者的偏头痛和紧张性头痛。

    The scientists , led by Dr Nathan Watemberg , believe the finding could allow doctors to cure thousands of patients of migraines and tension headaches without the need for additional tests or medication .

  5. 本研究应用发色底物法(CS)测定了两类原发性头痛:偏头痛及紧张性头痛患者血浆组织型纤溶酶原激活物(t-PA)及其快速抑制物(PAI-1)活性的变化规律。

    Abstract We detected the changes of activities of tissue type plasminogen activator ( t PA ) and its rapid inhibitor ( PAI 1 ) in plasma in the patients with migraine and tension type headache ( TTH ) by chromophore substrate assay .

  6. 温胆汤加减治疗中学生紧张性头痛46例

    Modified Wendan Decoction in Treating 46 Middle School Students ' Tonic Headache

  7. 盐酸文拉法辛治疗慢性紧张性头痛的安全性观察

    The safety of Venlafaxine on the tension - type headache

  8. 紧张性头痛患者的病因和认知障碍分析

    Analysis of pathogeny and cognitive impediment of tension headache

  9. 针刺推拿治疗紧张性头痛临床研究

    Clinical Study on the treatment for tension headache by acupuncture and Chinese massage

  10. 紧张性头痛从络病论治探讨

    Investigation of the treatment of tonic headache according to the collateral disease theory

  11. 忧虑能产生很多疾病,如神经紧张性头痛、腰酸背痛等。

    Worry can bring a lot of diseasessuch as tension headaches and backaches .

  12. 针刺治疗紧张性头痛疗效的系统评价

    Acupuncture for Tension-type Headache : A Systematic Review

  13. 最常见的一种头痛是“紧张性头痛”。

    The most common type of headache is the " Tension Type Headache " .

  14. 人们通常可以通过摩擦和按压后颈肌肉来处理紧张性头痛。

    One can often handle tension headaches by rubbing and pressing back neck muscles .

  15. 盐酸文拉法辛对慢性紧张性头痛患者生活质量的影响

    Influence of venlafaxine hydrochloride on the quality of life in patients with chronic tension headache

  16. 针刺加推拿治疗发作性紧张性头痛37例总结

    A Summary on 37 Cases of Episodic Tonic Headache Treated by Acupuncture and Massage Therapy

  17. 继发性头痛多由某些疾病所引起;原发性头痛主要包括紧张性头痛和偏头痛。

    More secondary headaches caused by the disease ; primary headaches including tension headache and migraine .

  18. 氨酚羟考酮与曲马多治疗偏头痛及紧张性头痛的疗效对比

    Comparison of curative effect between tylox and tramadol in the treatment of migraine and tension headache

  19. 约有三分之一的偏头痛以及六分之一的紧张性头痛与“周末头痛症”现象有关。

    And a phenomenon of'weekend headaches'accounts for roughly one-third of all migraines and one-sixth of tension headaches .

  20. 目的:探索治疗伴有抑郁和/或焦虑状态紧张性头痛的有效方法,以及抗抑郁/焦虑药物在治疗该类紧张性头痛中的作用。

    Objective : To search for effective therapy for tension type headache with depression and / or anxiety .

  21. 氟哌噻吨和美利曲辛合剂治疗伴有抑郁和/或焦虑症状紧张性头痛的研究

    Randomized , open , controlled trial of flupenthixol / melitracen in treatment of tension type headache with depression and / or anxiety

  22. 结论:对于伴有抑郁和/或焦虑状态的紧张性头痛患者,除应用对症治疗外,应该加用抗抑郁/焦虑药物。

    Conclusion : Tension type headache patients with depression and / or anxiety should be treated with flupenthixol / melitracen besides using anodyne .

  23. [目的]探讨紧张性头痛患者的可能病因及某些情感和认知功能障碍。

    [ Objective ] To probe into the possible pathogeny of tension headache ( TH ) as well as some emotion and cognitive function impediment .

  24. 其中,最常见的紧张性头痛和偏头痛分别为10.77%和9.3%,每位城市患者平均每年花费1098.08元治疗头痛。

    The most common tension headache and migraine were 10.77 % and 9.3 % , with an average annual cost per city 1098.08 yuan treatment of headache .

  25. 检测了40例偏头痛患者及年龄、性别相配的20例紧张性头痛患者和28例健康人的血小板聚集率。

    Circulation platelet aggregate rate ( CPAR ) was studied in 40 patients with migraine , 20 patients with tension headache and healthy subjects matched in age and sex .

  26. 通过我们的研究目的在于观察放松训练治疗对于预防慢性紧张性头痛发作的效果。

    Our study 's goal was find the evidence in effect . Method : there are46 patients who suffer from chronic tense headache take part this study for volunteer .

  27. 结论:盐酸文拉法辛对慢性紧张性头痛患者的生活质量有一定的改善作用,总的结果与萘普生相似。

    CONCLUSION : Venlafaxine hydrochloride has a certain improving effect on the QOL of patients with chronic tension headache , and the total results are similar to those of naproxen .

  28. 目的:用萘普生作为对照评价盐酸文拉法辛对慢性紧张性头痛患者生活质量的影响。

    AIM : To evaluate the effect of venlafaxine hydrochloride on the quality of life ( QOL ) in patients with chronic tension headache by taking naproxen as a control .

  29. 结论:口腔负压对紧张性头痛患者具有明显的治疗效果,其机制可能与改善微循环及调整神经功能紊乱有关。

    Conclusions : Oral negative pressure has a good curative effect on tension headache and its mechanism might relate to improvement of microcirculation and adjustment of vegetative nerve functional disturbance .

  30. 为了更科学地研究,他要求参与实验的30名6-19岁间,患有慢性偏头痛和紧张性头痛的哎嚼口香糖患者在一个月内停止嚼口香糖。

    Taking a more statistical approach , he asked 30 patients between six and 19 years old , who had chronic migraine or tension headaches and chewed gum daily , to quit chewing gum for one month .