
jǐn shēn yī
  • tight clothing;maillot;tight
紧身衣 [jǐn shēn yī]
  • [leotard] 舞蹈演员、杂技演员或高空杂技演员穿在躯干部的一种紧身衣服,有时有长袖,高领或长至踝部的裤管

  1. 当你在应用程序内浏览帖子时(现在帖子中似乎总包含一些豪华度假胜地、豪华跑车和身着紧身衣的女性等内容),你会在显示器底部看到一个黄色的表情符号,它会根据你的反应不断变化。

    When you look at a post in the app ( for now the posts seem to consist of a suspicious amount of luxury vacation spots , fancy cars , and women in tight clothing ) , you see a small yellow emoji on the bottom of the display , its expression changing along with your real one .

  2. GERD患者应避免穿紧身衣,特别是收腹的衣服。

    People with GERD should avoid wearing tight clothing , particularly around the abdomen .

  3. 不要穿紧身衣。

    Do not wear restrictive clothing .

  4. 一想到儿子身穿紧身衣在舞台上神气活现地走来走去,他就感到震惊。

    He was horrified at the thought of his son prancing about on a stage in tights .

  5. 那真是不顺心的日子:汽车发动不起来,我开会迟到,更糟糕的是,我的紧身衣抽丝了。

    It just wasn 't my day ; the car wouldn 't start , I was late for the meeting , and to top it all I laddered my tights !

  6. 不如像MichelleWilliams,搭配件紧身衣和丝袜之类就可以了,但不要选择标准配置啊。

    Or throw on tights , booties like Michelle Williams for an outfit that 's anything but standard-issue .

  7. 这位演唱了《IKnewYouWereTrouble》的歌手为新发型配了黑色上装和黑裙子,还有黑色紧身衣和暗红色的短靴。

    The I Knew You Were Trouble singer 's hair stood out against a dark outfit consisting of a black top and black skirt , with black tights , and dark red ankle boots .

  8. 或者还会选择一件Acne的宽松型羊皮机车夹克以及Stellamccartney的粗针毛衣和羊毛紧身衣。

    Or alternatively an Acne oversized sheepskin biker jacket with chunky knits from Stella McCartney and wool ribbed tights .

  9. 在纽约SterlingCooper广告公司的办公室里,男职员常常会在烟雾缭绕中漫不经心地伸手索要一根好彩牌香烟,而这一幕通常在穿着紧身衣的秘书身边上演。

    In the offices of the Sterling Cooper ad agency in New York , wandering hands of working men frequently emerge from the smoky fog for a lucky strike , usually at the nearby secretaries wearing tight dresses .

  10. 这使得城市天际线出现了大量奇奇怪怪的轮廓——墨尔本的一家建筑设计公司刚刚公布了一栋68层波浪形公寓和酒店大楼的设计方案,其灵感来自碧昂斯(Beyoncé)视频中穿着紧身衣的舞者。

    This creates plenty of strange shapes on the skyline - a firm of architects in Melbourne has just unveiled plans for an undulating 68-storey apartment and hotel block inspired by the fabric-clad dancers in a Beyonc é video .

  11. 加拿大棕熊Barney参与了本次三天多的外景拍摄,后期制作公司JellyfishPictures和制片人JonStopp用影片修复的方法做出了棕熊脱外套的效果,并模拟了“一个冻得要死的男人穿着斑斑点点的紧身衣跳舞”的场景。

    Shot on location over three days with a Canadian Brown Bear , Barney , post production house Jellyfish Pictures and producer Jon Stopp created the stripped down bear using prosthetics and " a very cold man dancing around in a spotty bodystocking . "

  12. 按销量计算,眼镜的销售减少了43%,紧身衣的销售减少了29%卡塔利娜的国民账户事务副总裁玛拉汤普森(MarlaThompson)表示,这是因为女性开始更加爱护自己已经购买回去的紧身衣穿戴。

    Eyewear was down 43 per cent in unit terms , while 29 per cent fewer packs of tights were sold as women took better care of the tights they had already purchased , according to Marla Thompson , Catalina 's vice - president of national accounts .

  13. 她画了一幅河马穿紧身衣的图片。

    She had drawn a picture of a hippo wearing tights .

  14. 上次他穿一身黑色的紧身衣去夜店。

    He comes to a nightclub in a tight black suit .

  15. 当我穿长袜或紧身衣时,衣物会有捍卫。

    When I wear stockings or tights , they get sweaty .

  16. 害我白穿紧身衣白喷除臭剂了

    Now I 'm wearing girdle and deodorant for no reason .

  17. 老实说,穿紧身衣真的舒服吗?

    Be honest : Are the skintight velvet bodysuits actually comfortable ?

  18. 然而,裹着欧元这件紧身衣,希腊怎么才能够做到这一点?

    But how can Greece accomplish this within the euro straitjacket ?

  19. 紧身衣的革命本体最早是哲学上的概念。

    Bodywear Revolution Ontology emerged as only a philosophical concept .

  20. 要是你们再让我儿子穿这种紧身衣。

    If you put stockings on my boy again for this crap .

  21. “这是我的快乐紧身衣。”祖父说。

    These are my happy tights , @ said grandpa .

  22. 她递给我一套闪着金光的彩虹纹紧身衣。

    She handed me a pair of rainbow tights with gold sparkles .

  23. 当米妮穿着紧身衣走近你。

    And when Mini comes to you wearing those micro-minis .

  24. 我们必须避免穿上窒息探求精神的学术紧身衣。

    We must avoid intellectual strait-jackets that stymie a spirit of inquiry .

  25. 值得庆幸的是,如今的紧身衣大多是用弹性面料制成的。

    These days , body-hugging clothes are mostly made ofstretchfabric - hooray !

  26. 她总穿紧身衣来炫耀她的好身材

    She likes to show off her nice figure by wearing tight dress

  27. 束腰是一种通过“拉固”来重塑体型的紧身衣。

    Corsets were bodywear that could be tightened to reshape the torso .

  28. 穿上特制的紧身衣获得超能力?

    What if we could wear bodysuits to give us super strength ?

  29. 她身着黑色超短裙和紧身衣。

    She is arrayed in black mini and tights .

  30. 启蒙运动及新古典主义带来了紧身衣风潮。

    But the Enlightenment and neoclassicism brought tightly fitted clothing to the surface .