
  1. 第三章内容紧承第二章思路,引入了资产证券化基础理论。

    Chapter III follow of Chapter ideas , the introduction of an asset securitization basic theory .

  2. 第二部分紧承第一部分,着重介绍了世界主要市场经济发达国家的不动产担保证券化制度。

    In the part II , this thesis introduces the law system of main countries with developed Market Economics .

  3. 该部分紧承第三部分,对教唆犯的概念进行了界定,对教唆犯的成立要件作了构建。

    The fourth section , immediately following the third section , delimits the concept of the instigator and constructs the important tenable conditions for the instigator .

  4. 第五部分紧承前一部分,因为在公众话语权壮大的基础上,必然形成对传统行政权力的质疑和监督。

    The fifth part closely relates to the previous part , because with the growing of public conversation power , the supervision and suspect towards traditional administrative power have definitely been generated .

  5. 紧承上文理论分析,论文又对长沙石油改制的必要性进行了分析,首先作者对企业所处的外部环境进行分析,作者认为这种外部市场环境的变化直接促动了企业的改制。

    The author explains the necessity of the reform firstly , and then comments on outside environment of the Changsha petroleum factory , in his view the change of outside macro-environment drives the reform directly .