
  • 网络red grape
  1. 红葡萄的色素存在于果皮中。

    The color of red grapes is in the skin .

  2. 白藜芦醇是在红葡萄皮中发现的一种健康物质。

    Resveratrol is a healthy substance found in the skin of red grapes .

  3. 试验以全球红葡萄为试材,研究了6-BA处理对葡萄果实发育过程中糖积累及转化酶活性的影响。

    Red Globe grape berries were used to study the effect of6-BA on sugar metabolism and invertase activities .

  4. 她说:“WhiteCottageCuvee或者Matthiasson红葡萄酒吧。”她提到的是两家小规模的小众加州生产商。

    Probably the White Cottage Cuvee or a Matthiasson red , ' she said , naming two small , cultish California producers .

  5. 植物生长调节剂对全球红葡萄花粉活力的影响

    Influence of different hormone on pollen viability of induced red globe

  6. 我要一些茄子,小黄瓜,红葡萄和豌豆。

    I want some eggplant , cucumbers , carrots and peas .

  7. 精选法国郎格多克多种红葡萄混合而成的葡萄。

    Customized blend of the best red varietals from Languedoc .

  8. 浓缩红葡萄汁的粘度与酒石析出

    Viscosity of Inspissated Red Grape Juice and Separation of Tartar

  9. 全球红葡萄肥料效应函数的初步研究

    Study on fertilizer response function of red globe grape

  10. 全球红葡萄氮素营养及氮肥施用效果研究

    Study on the N-element Nutrient of Red Globe Grape and Its Nitrogen Fertilization

  11. 红葡萄汁加工工艺中酒石的去除方法

    Removing tartar from red grape juice during its processing

  12. 尝尝我们的红葡萄酒吧。请给我一瓶红葡萄酒吧。

    Try our red wine . A bottle of red wine , please .

  13. 无酒石浓缩红葡萄汁生产工艺研究

    Processing technology of concentrated red grape juice without tartar

  14. 他喜欢在晚饭时喝红葡萄葡萄酒。

    He likes to drink red wine at supper .

  15. 外源水杨酸处理对全球红葡萄植株抗寒性的影响

    Effect of exogenous salicylic acid on the cold resistance of the red globe grape

  16. 本文探讨了红葡萄汁榨汁工艺,研究了蜂蜜与果胶酶等其它澄清剂合用时对红葡萄汁澄清效果的影响。

    The effect of squeezing process on the quality of grape juice was studied .

  17. 由发酵前去除外皮的红葡萄制成的微带桃色的进餐酒。

    Pinkish table wine from red grapes whose skins were removed after fermentation began .

  18. 不同架式晚红葡萄浆果膨大期光合特性研究

    Studies on Photosynthetic Characteristics of Red Globe during Berry Expansion Period in Different Trellis

  19. 枣子、蔓越莓和红葡萄的抗氧化剂含量很高,他说。

    Dates , cranberries and red grapes have high concentrations of antioxidants , he said .

  20. 红葡萄浸渍特性的研究

    Study on the Properties of Claret Steeping

  21. 那是一个凉爽迟来的葡萄收获期,尤其是红葡萄在这期间已然成熟。

    This was a cool , late vintage in which the cabernet grapes in particular flourished .

  22. 你忘了你的红葡萄藤了。

    You forgot your red vines .

  23. 用离子色谱法考察一进口红葡萄色素样品的质量。

    The quality of an imported pigment from red grape skin is identified using Ion Chromatography .

  24. 尝尝我们的红葡萄酒吧。

    Try our red wine .

  25. 我也喜爱意大利低度红葡萄十分易于入口的苦味,不过这有些离题了。

    I also love the super - digestible bitterness of Italy 's lighter reds but I digress .

  26. 用红葡萄、白兰地烈性酒、葡萄干及橘子皮和糖混合而成的斯堪的纳维亚人的一种鸡尾酒。

    Scandinavian punch made of claret and aquavit with spices and raisins and orange peel and sugar .

  27. 全球红葡萄霜霉病防治及病菌生物学特性研究

    Study on the control of " quan Qiu hong " grape downy mildew and its pathogen biological characteristics

  28. 全球红葡萄在新疆的表现及合理架面管理探讨

    Discussion on Proper Distribution of Grapevine on Trellis and Espalier and Expression of Growth of Red Globe in Xinjiang

  29. 最有名的红葡萄浆果撒丁岛-以及该地区大多数耕地之一-Cannonau。

    The most famous red berried grape of Sardinia-as well as the most cultivated one in the region-is Cannonau .

  30. 加本内颂维翁是全世界种植最为广泛的红葡萄品种,在法国的波尔多地区作为最主要的酿酒品种。

    Cabernet Sauvignon is the most widely planted black grape variety in the world , especially in Bordeaux France .