
  • Red and Black;The Red and the Black;LE ROUGE ET LE NOIR
红与黑 [hóng yǔ hēi]
  • [The Red and the Black] 法国作家斯丹达尔(司汤达)著的现实主义小说。故事围绕木匠之子于连这个机会主义者的勃勃野心而展开,他为人虚伪、善用心计,把诱惑作为向上爬的手段

  1. 复杂矛盾中的心理描写&浅析《红与黑》中的心理描写

    Psychological Portray of Complicated Contradiction & Analysis of Psychological Portray in The Red and the Black

  2. 是野心家,还是悲剧英雄?&《红与黑》中于连人物形象分析

    A careerist or a tragic hero ? & About Julien image in " the red and the black "

  3. 论《红与黑》的心理动力学建构

    On the psycho dynamics construction of The Red and the Black

  4. 对《红与黑》中于连人物形象的辨证认识

    Dialectical Understanding of Julien 's Figure in The Red And Black

  5. 外国文学教学如何面向现代化&以《红与黑》的心理分析一课为例

    On the Modernization of Foreign Literatures Teaching : An Illustration

  6. 《红与黑》中的女性形象

    The Female Imagery in the Red and the Black

  7. 《红与黑》:介体欲望的悲剧

    Red and Black : A Tragedy of Desire Agency

  8. 试论《红与黑》的文本构成

    On the Text Structure of Red and Black

  9. 文学翻译是两种语言的竞赛&《红与黑》新译本前言

    Literary Translation Is Rivalry Between Two Languages

  10. 王家寨的红与黑

    Red and black of Wang Village

  11. 你玩红与黑

    You play red and black ,

  12. 宅急送:尊重至上自我与自尊&从心理学角度浅析《红与黑》中的于连

    Ego and Self & respect

  13. 司汤达,女权主义者?&从《红与黑》中的女性形象说起

    Stendhal , is he a feminist ? & Talk from two female images in Red and Black

  14. 古典·红与黑

    Classic Red and Black

  15. 本文以“《红与黑》的心理分析”一课为例,阐明了作者对外国文学教学现代化的认识与实践。

    This is illustrated by a lesson of " The Psychoanalysis in Le Rouge et Le Noir " .

  16. 法国小说家、《红与黑》的作者司汤达诞生于格勒诺布尔。

    1783 Stendhal , French novelist , author of The Red And The Black , was born at Grenoble .

  17. 对《红与黑》的解读大多受到了政治思维模式的影响,存在着理解上的误区,基于勒内。

    The political thinking influences most of understanding of Red and Black , so there are a lot of misunderstandings .

  18. 不过我比较喜欢国外的,尤其是那些由文学名著改编的片子,如《飘》、红与黑》等。

    But I prefer foreign movies , especially literary movies such as Gone with the wind , Red and Black etc.

  19. 在798的一个画廊里见到了北水的《鱼•非鱼》和《红与黑》油画系列作品,第一时间它就紧紧地抓住了我的心灵。

    His art works Fish , Non fish and Red and Black caught my eyes when I saw them in798 art zone .

  20. 从红与黑看中英含有色彩词习语的语义对比

    A Semantic Comparison Between Chinese and English Idioms Containing Color Words from Two Representative Words " Red " and " Black "

  21. 在红与黑交织的画面上,展现了一个人神共在,诡谲、流动飞扬、变幻神奇的神话般的世界。

    The black and red pictures on the lacquer ware present a mysterious and ever-changing fairy world inhabited by human beings and immortals .

  22. 以精神分析理论为基点对《红与黑》进行解读,在充满激情的表层文字下发掘作品的深层意蕴。

    This paper uses the theory of Psychoanalysis to analyze " Red and Blacd ", trying to explore the deep meaning of this works under its passionate superficial words .

  23. 本文主要从社会现实和心理学的角度对《红与黑》中主人公于连的爱与恨进行了分析。

    The paper mainly analyzes the love and hatred of Julien , a main character in The Red and the Black , from the viewpoint of social reality and psychology .

  24. 大学生的人生观经过半格式化所折射出来的红与黑,给人们的不仅是震惊,更多的是深思。

    The refraction of the red and black are semi-formatted by college students'outlook on life which has not only shocked to people , but also made more deep in thought .

  25. 《红与黑》不仅是一部反映复辟时期法国社会生活的政治小说,更是一部洞察爱情、展示人物心灵的艺术杰作。

    Red And Black is not only a political novel reflecting French social life in restored period , but also a masterpiece of art with an insight into love and soul .

  26. 他在《红与黑》中通过主人公于连的命运揭示了法国王政复辟时期小资产阶级和平民知识分子的追求与反抗。

    In his novel " The Red & Black ", he revealed the pursuit and rebellion of the common intellectuals who belonged to the lower middle class through the fate of the hero Julien .

  27. 本文用新弗洛伊德主义解读司汤达代表作《红与黑》,以证实《红与黑》对人类灵魂的展示为现代心理学提供了诸多经典范型,并建构了完整的心理动力学体系。

    This paper tries to use Neo-freudism to decode Stendhal 's representative work The Red and the Black , and to demonstrate that the revelation of Man 's soul in this work provides paradigms for the modern psychology and constructs an integrated psycho-dynamics system .

  28. 对8只健康成年科尔沁细毛羊脑干中的红核与黑质进行了研究,结果表明:红核长5.4lmm,细胞密度1400个/mm3,主要由大中型多极神经细胞构成;

    Eight adult fine-wool sheep were studied with Nucleus ruber adn substantia nigra in their brain stem . The results showed the length of nucleus ruber was 5.4mm , cell density of the nucleus was 1400 / mm3 , Which were consisted by big and middle cell .

  29. 红核与黑质的空间位置关系

    The study on the position relation of substantia nigra and red nucleus the dark eye

  30. 红核与黑质同属于基底结神经核团,与纹状体等结构存在广泛的纤维联系,然而,纹状体梗死后,红核是否会出现继发性损害,其特点以及临床意义如何等问题尚不清楚。

    Locus ruber and substantia nigra all belongs to cerebral nuclei in basal ganglia region and have extensive fiber connection with corpus striatum etc. Nevertheless whether the red nuclei will appear the secondary injury after corpus striatum infarction or not , its characters and significance remains unclear .