
yào gāo
  • ointment;salve;unguent
药膏 [yào gāo]
  • [ointment;salve] 用于创伤、疮疡肿痛的油膏性、粘性药品;治疗用的油膏

药膏[yào gāo]
  1. 我们在他的膝盖上涂了些药膏并打上了绷带。

    We put some ointment and a bandage on his knee

  2. 敷用这药膏后,你的脚会感到舒服些。

    Your foot will feel better after the application of this ointment .

  3. 用涂药器把药膏抹在感染部位。

    Use the applicator to apply cream to the affected area .

  4. 这种药膏应有助于止痛。

    This cream should help to relieve the pain .

  5. 我已试过各种各样的药物、药膏、药片和药水。

    I 've tried all sorts of drugs , creams , pills and potions .

  6. 把药膏轻轻涂抹在患处。

    Gently apply the cream to the affected areas .

  7. 很多能够消除这种感染的药膏在药店就能买到。

    There are many creams available from the chemist which should clear the infection

  8. 外科医生在我烧伤的指头上敷了一些药膏。

    The surgeon applied some ointment to my burnt fingers .

  9. 医生给我的伤口敷上药膏。

    The doctor painted my wound with ointment .

  10. 这种药膏可用来治各种轻伤。

    This cream can be used to treat sundry minor injuries .

  11. 医生可用药丸或药膏治疗粉刺

    Doctors can treat acne with pills or creams .

  12. 本公司配制药膏

    The firm has been dispensing ointments .

  13. 禁止使用油、油膏、药膏或HF皮肤烧伤的处理办法。

    Do not use oils , salves , ointments , or HF skin burn treatments .

  14. 推荐你使用McQ制药生产的一种药膏。

    I would recommend a cream made by McQ Pharmaceuticals .

  15. 这种新技术以光力学治疗方法(PDT)为基础,也就是将强光与药膏联合运用于皮肤的方法。

    The new technology builds upon an existing method called photodynamic therapy treatment ( PDT ), which involves intense light combined with a pharmaceutical cream applied to the skin .

  16. 目的:观察活血祛痛汤及伤科黑药膏贴敷治疗对突出椎间盘组织中IL-1α、IL-1β含量的影响,探寻中医药抗炎止痛机理。

    Objective : To observe the influence of blood soup cured pain and traditional Chinese medicine cured application on pain of herniated disc tissue content of interleukin-1 α interleukin-1 β, and the mechanism of anti-inflammatory pain medicine .

  17. 这种处方药膏含有两种廉价的主要成分:双碘喹啉(iodoquinol),一种已有几十年历史的抗生素,可以防止真菌生长;以及从芦荟提取的芦荟多糖(aloepolysaccharides)。

    The prescription ointment contains two inexpensive main ingredients : iodoquinol , a decades-old antibiotic that prevents fungal growth , and aloe polysaccharides , derived from the aloe vera plant .

  18. 其它产品,如AmLactinXL(强效保湿露)--处方药膏LacHydrin的OTC柜台销售型--不仅包含AHA果酸,还使用了新型的神经酰胺技术来保持皮肤的水分。

    Products such as AmLactin XL - the over-the-counter version of the prescription cream Lac-Hydrin - not only contain alpha hydroxy acids , but also a new ceramide technology to seal in moisture .

  19. NovumPharma上周把两款药膏的价格上调一倍以上,即便其他制药商的类似涨价已经引发公愤,并使医疗费用高昂成为美国总统竞选的一个话题。

    Novum Pharma last week more than doubled the price of the ointments , even after similar increases by other drugmakers prompted an outcry and propelled the topic of high healthcare costs into the US presidential campaign .

  20. 用自制药膏高倍剂量涂布脱毛后的家兔皮肤,观察多次给药(每天3次,每次10g,连续7d)后对完整皮肤及受损皮肤的刺激性反应。

    To daub this antiphlogistin on naked skin of rabbits with high dosage and 3 times a day , 10g each time for 7d continuously , the stimulation reaction of the antiphlogistin to healthy skin and damaged skin were observed .

  21. 我们谈了一小时后,柬埔寨著名企业家陈丰明(KithMeng)用手指在茶几上一个令人好奇的小瓶子里蘸了蘸,接着把一种带有香味的黄色药膏涂到了脖子和太阳穴上。

    About an hour into our meeting , Kith Meng , Cambodia 's leading entrepreneur , dips a finger into an intriguing little flask on his coffee table and applies a fragrant yellow ointment to his neck and temples .

  22. DirkvanHelden负责新南威尔士纽卡斯尔大学的研究,他说,这种含一氧化氮的药膏在人身上也适用。

    Dirk van Helden led the research at the University of Newcastle in New South Wales . He says the nitric oxide ointment also showed promise in humans . Volunteers were injected with a harmless liquid that contained molecules about the same size as snake venom molecules .

  23. 痂皮脱落后,无需再擦药膏,但需擦防晒油(SPF15以上),在室内也要涂抹,以防紫外线UVA/UVB的伤害。

    After the crusts fall off , do not need to rub ointment , but the need to rub suntan lotion ( SPF15 or above ), but also painting indoors , to prevent ultraviolet UVA / UVB damage .

  24. 女性朋友们可以在性活动之前施以药膏或胶体。

    Women would use a microbicide cream or gel before sex .

  25. 从早到晚在草药、药膏、消毒剂中间消磨岁月。

    Living all the day among herbs , ointments , disinfectants .

  26. 京万红药膏在皮肤再生修复中的观察和护理

    Observe and Nurse Regeneration and Repair of Skin Coated jingwanhong Ointment

  27. 红药膏治疗褥疮的临床疗效

    Clinical Effect of Red Ointment in the Treatment of Pressure Ulcers

  28. 古埃及人还制做了蜂蜜药膏来对付各种伤病。

    Ancient Egyptians made ointments of honey to treat various injuries .

  29. 将装膏药的内带撕开,从袋内取出金药膏。

    Unrip the inner bag , take out Jing Yao Gao .

  30. 没有绷带,没有药膏,没有奎宁,没有麻醉剂。

    No bandages , no salves , no quinine , no chloroform .