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hóng dòu
  • Red bean;adzuki;love pea;Ormosia hosiei;bean tree;jumby bean
红豆 [hóng dòu]
  • (1) [jequirity;love pea]∶相思子树的种子,色鲜红,古代文学作品中常用来象征相思,也叫相思子

  • (2) [ormosia]∶红豆树属植物的泛称

红豆[hóng dòu]
  1. 分析红豆树(Ormosiahosiei)百年以上老林分的11个乔木层树种的相对优势度、物种多样性、均匀度、生态位宽度、生态位重叠度等指标。

    The relative dominant degrees , species diversity , even degrees , niche width , niche overlapping degrees , and other indicators were analyzed by the arbor trees of 11 stories in the hundred-year-old virgin forest of Ormosia hosiei Hemsl . et Wils .

  2. 红豆树等五种豆科珍稀树种种子及幼苗研究

    Study on Seed and Seedling of Five Rare Species of Leguminosae Such as Ormosia Hosiei

  3. 用红豆、芋头和黄油给自己过生日。

    You celebrate your birthday with taro , red bean and butter .

  4. Title光叶红豆和花榈木核型比较。

    Comparison of karyotype of Ormosia glaberrima and Ormosia henryi .

  5. 好时拥有好时之吻(Kisses)巧克力;金丝猴有红豆味奶糖。

    Hershey has kisses ; golden money has red-bean milk candies .

  6. 经分析曼地亚红豆干杉枝叶中紫杉醇含量为0.012%,RSD为1.46%。

    The result shows that the taxol content in Taxus madia is 0.012 % and RSD is 1.46 % .

  7. 红豆草根瘤胞间隙和侵入线中另有个别细菌含有PHB颗粒,而且数量很少,一个细菌通常仅有一个。

    Only very few bacteria contain PHB granules in the intercellular spaces and the infection threads of Onobrychis viciaefolia nodules and usually is one in a bacterium .

  8. 海南红豆(Ormosiapinnata)夏季叶片气体交换、气孔导度和水分利用效率的日变化

    Daily variation of gas exchange , stomatal conductance and water use efficiency in summer leaves of ormosia pinnata

  9. 即便是在这个有鱼丸口味品客薯片(Pringles)和红豆口味百事可乐(Pepsi)的国家,真金的糖果也显得有些极端。不过奇巧在日本饮食文化中拥有一种特殊地位。

    Even for a country where shoppers can find fish-ball-flavored Pringles and adzuki bean-flavored Pepsi , actual gold candy seems extreme , but the Kit Kat holds a special place in Japan 's culinary universe .

  10. “柬埔寨人Wentao是在红豆集团经营的一家纺织厂工作的当地人之一,红豆集团是该经济区的主要中国投资方。

    Wentao , a Cambodian national , is one of a number of locals who works at a textile factory run by Hodo Group , a major Chinese investor in the economic area .

  11. 卫星搭载红豆草后代中耐盐细胞系的筛选及鉴定对通过细胞工程方法得到的耐盐芦苇(PhragmitescommunisTrin.)变异系R500212与野生型植株进行了分子生物学和生理生化特性比较分析。

    R5002_12 , a salt tolerant line of Phragmites communis Trin . , which was obtained from ethyl methane sulfonate ( EMS ) treated callus selected under saline stress , was compared with its wild line in respect to their molecular biological , physiological and biochemical characterizations .

  12. 不同的发酵有机肥,其发酵速度也不一样,其中黄豆的发酵速度最快,发酵80d左右已基本腐熟,其次是花生和红豆,其发较充分分别需90d、110d。

    Different fermentation of organic fertilizer , the fermentation rate is not the same , the fastest of which soybean fermentation , matured aftet 80 days of fermentation , followed by peanuts and azuki beans , required 90 days , respectively , 110 days .

  13. 红豆奶加工工艺和配方研究

    A study of the technology and recipe for processing ormosia milk

  14. 帮我什么?撒这些没有用的红豆。

    Don 't you think the red beans can help me ?

  15. 她的爱人马上就要离开去喝红豆汤了。

    Her lover could be leaving soon to eat red-bean soup .

  16. 本吃光了,就连红豆也吃完了。

    Ben ate it all up , even the red beans .

  17. 我种大豆、红豆和白豆。红花菜豆(攀缘豆科植物)。

    I grow soybeans , red beans , and white beans .

  18. 红豆草生长发育的气候条件分析

    Analysis report for the weather condition of the growth of Sainfoin

  19. 海南红豆红锈病的发生与危害

    Occurrence and damage of red rust disease on Ormosia pinnata

  20. 本文就红豆草中所含有的单宁酸含量对过瘤胃蛋白的保护作用进行了探索性研究。

    The paper studied the tannin in sainfoin protecting protein passed paunch .

  21. 于是,雅各把饼和红豆汤给了以扫;

    Then Jacob gave Esau bread and pottage of lentiles ;

  22. 当然红豆粥和南瓜粥也都非常好吃。

    Red bean porridge and pumpkin porridge are also delicious .

  23. 绵羊对红豆草营养期青干草的采食率和消化率

    Intake Rate and Digestibility of Sainfoin Hay in Sheep Diet

  24. 红豆草种荚抑制作用的研究

    A study on the function of inhibition of sainfoin pod

  25. 红豆草种子产量构成因素的分析及育种指标的讨论

    Analysis of seed yield components and discussion on breeding indices in sainfoin

  26. 不同杀虫剂防治红豆草害虫的效果

    Effect for Different Insecticides to Control Pest Insects of Sainfoin

  27. 中国红豆属植物的叶表皮形态学

    Leaf Epidermal Morphology of Ormosia Jacks . ( Leguminosae ) in China

  28. 红豆草悬浮细胞培养及再生植株的研究

    Study of Suspension Cell Culture and Plantlets Regeneration on Sainfoin

  29. 冷季苜蓿和红豆草的抗冻性

    Cold Hardiness of Alfalfa and Sainfoin in the Cold Season

  30. 红豆草悬浮培养细胞原生质体再生植株

    Plant regeneration from in suspension culture cell protoplast of Sainfoin