
  • 网络Red Wine sauce
  1. 芥末,辣根汁,红酒汁,烤土豆,扒蔬菜。

    Mustard , horseradish , red wine sauce , jacket potatoes , grilled vegetables .

  2. 配红酒汁,蘑菇汁,黑胡椒汁。

    Sauce with red wine , mushroom sauce , black pepper sauce .

  3. 西红柿,青椒,黄瓜,奶酪配上红酒醋调味汁。

    Tomato , green pepper , cucumber , green onions , feta cheese in a red wine vinegar dressing .

  4. 随着技术的发展,他已经可以烹制完整的烤牛肉饭,以及放在红酒和野梅汁上的橙子杏子鸭了。

    As his technique developed , he was able to cook full roast beef meals as well as duck with orange and apricot , served over a red wine and wild plum sauce .

  5. 他认为,最好的办法是,患者想喝多少红酒或紫葡萄汁,就让他们喝多少。

    He suggested the best approach was to let the patient drink as much red wine or purple grape juice as he or she wanted .