
  1. 起初,我们有“妈妈企业家”,指那些一边照看孩子,一边在厨房餐桌旁创业并把生意做得红红火火的女性。

    First we had mumpreneurs - the women raising children while also setting up thriving businesses from their kitchen tables .

  2. 中国传媒的l卜场化首先在报业取得成功,虽然报业发展红红火火,但是其中的问题也小容回避。

    The success of marketing of Chinese media shows firstly in newspaper . Although the newspapers develop well , the problems cannot be neglected .

  3. 中国电信作为最大的固话运营商其固网短信业务正开展得红红火火,3G的到来势必会给中国电信带来新的机遇和挑战。

    China Telecom , the biggest fixed phone operator in China , has its fixed network SMS business prosperous throughout China . 3G which is not so far away from us no doubt will bring a new challenge and opportunity to it .

  4. IPTV的市场在欧美和日韩已经红红火火,虽然目前国内IPTV尚未普及,但是我国的宽带网络用户人数已经过亿,因此将孕育出庞大消费市场。

    IPTV is not so popular in China currently as in Europe and America but a huge consumer market of IPTV is gestating since the number of broadband network users in our country is over 100 million now .

  5. 我相信今年的奥运会一定会开的红红火火!

    I believe the Olympic Games must be ardent in this year .

  6. 他的运动衫生意做得红红火火。

    He was doing a roaring trade in t-shirts .

  7. 基因治疗一度红红火火,激起公众极大的期望。

    In the past decade , human gene therapy aspired great expectations from public .

  8. 中国的动漫产业一直不赚钱,日本却是春风得意红红火火。

    Animation and comics industry of China has not earned money all the while .

  9. 红红火火的金华市场

    The Prosperous Market in Jinhua City

  10. 她表示,这让她对2014年慈善事业可能红红火火感到乐观。

    She said it made her optimistic that 2014 could be a strong year for philanthropy .

  11. 这样的利润率加上她的慧眼形成了这个红红火火的作坊式企业。

    These margins , matched with her careful eye , made for a booming cottage business .

  12. 运动场所经常空无一人,而麦当劳生意却红红火火。

    The athletic fields are usually all but empty , though McDonald 's is doing good business .

  13. 照明产业发展迅速,照明设计可以说是红红火火。

    With the rapid development of lighting industry , lighting design which can be said as thriving .

  14. 她表示,这让她对2014年慈善事业可能红红火火感到“乐观”。

    She said it made her " optimistic " that 2014 could be a strong year for philanthropy .

  15. 然而,红红火火的表象背后,更多的是动漫从业者的艰辛和苦涩。

    However , booming behind the appearance , more of a cartoon practitioners and the pain and bitterness .

  16. 一开始也许生意不大景气,不过我们现在却红红火火!

    Business may have been a little slow at first , but now we 're cooking with gas !

  17. 我们买了很多红色的东西,红色的衣服,代表红红火火嘛。

    We bought a lot of things of red color , such as red clothes . Red symbolizes prosperity .

  18. 祝咱们家的日子像今天的火锅似的,红红火火,热气腾腾。

    I wish that everyone 's life is like today 's hot pot , so warm and full of energy .

  19. 随着影视艺术与文化旅游产业的发展,影视城的兴建与开发进行得红红火火。

    Along with the development of the film , television art and cultural tourism industry , the world studios are building and developing prosperously .

  20. 这几年,随着中国中产阶层逐渐迷上高档时装和珠宝,来自法国、意大利和美国的众多奢侈品牌在中国发展得红红火火。

    For years , French , Italian and American luxury brands have thrived as China 's middle class developed a taste for high-end fashion and jewelry .

  21. 而阿根廷的主要贸易伙伴巴西在经济和通货方面的蓬勃发展更是为阿根廷创造出一个红红火火的商品加工市场。

    And both the economy and currency of Brazil , the country 's chief trading partner , have taken off , creating a booming market for manufactured goods .

  22. 当市场销售红红火火,如果有一个低潮,只专注于买新楼,随着时间的推移市场都必将反弹。

    Sell when the market is booming and if there is a slump , just concentrate on buying newer properties , as the markets are sure to rebound over time .

  23. 进入新千年以后,我国股市红红火火,呈现出一派蒸蒸日上的新景象,令管理者、投资者和经纪商无不欣喜。

    Enters new millennium , the stock market of our country is flourishing , demonstrating a more and more prosperous new scene , makes the administrator , investor and broker joyful invariably .

  24. 随着大众健康意识的不断增强,越来越多的人们把健身作为一种时尚,各种各样的健身俱乐部开展的红红火火,出现了良好的发展趋势。

    With the growing awareness of public health , more and more people to fitness as a lifestyle , there has been a good trend , a variety of health club carried out in booming .

  25. 但是,尽管就业市场仍然红红火火(一位风险投资家表示,猎头公司太忙了,无法接受他的招聘委托),但员工流动率可能还不会大幅升高。

    But in spite of a job market that remains hot - one venture capitalist says headhunters are too busy to take his new staffing assignments - staff turnover may not be about to spike .

  26. 与铺天盖地的当代设计的理论研究和技法研究还有客家文化理论红红火火的场面相比,有学术深度的客家文化与当代设计结合研究的内容显得寥若晨星。

    The paper of Hakka culture of depth of academic combined with contemporary Design are very few compared to a large number of the theoretical study and research techniques of contemporary design and the Lively scene of Hakka culture theory .

  27. 坊间一般认为现行选举体制对于如自民党这样较小的政党很不利,这种说法也不全对:一些非常小、但高度地区化的政党在这种制度下红红火火,比如在北爱尔兰。

    It is commonly said that the current system is tough on smaller parties like the Lib Dems , but that is not quite right : some very small , ultra-regional parties thrive on it , for instance in Northern Ireland .

  28. 如何改变当前我国红红火火讲素质教育,扎扎实实做应试教育的现状,促进人的自由全面发展,不仅是教育界,而且是整个社会所面临的迫切需要解决的问题。

    In order to change the current status of " talking about quality-oriented education ardently , implementing the examination-oriented education solidly ", promoting the free and comprehensive development of human beings is a pressing issue facing the educational circles and the full society .