
  1. 在其中一张照片中,希拉里身着一件紫红色礼服。

    In the one photo in which she appeared , Hillary Clinton wore a magenta gown .

  2. 雅典娜在她优雅的红色礼服和贝壳胸罩看起来超性感

    Athena looks super-sexy in her elegant red dress and seashell bra

  3. 圣诞节快到了,我们很快就忘记了那件红色礼服。

    Christmas was nearing and the red dress was soon forgotten .

  4. 他们在房间内跳起了华尔兹,那件大红色礼服在我的心底旋动,展示着它的魔法。

    As they waltzed around the room , Big Red swirled its magic deep into my heart .

  5. 她还说你寄了她一条红色礼服裙和机票来参加今晚的活动

    Then she said you sent her a red dress and a plane ticket to be here tonight .

  6. 裁剪得体的红色礼服突出其纤细苗条的体态,同时又和她浅色的肌肤和秀发交相辉映。

    Her red fitted gown showed off her svelte figure , while also complementing her light hair and skin .

  7. “抱银鼠的女子”向我们展示了米兰公爵年少时的情妇,她穿着时尚的红色礼服,从她的袖缝中可以看到她苍白色的内衣。

    " The Lady with an Ermine " shows the Duke of Milan 's teenage mistress in a fashionable red gown , its slit sleeves revealing a pale underdress .

  8. 她明艳的猩红色礼服是露背款式的,被她用一根闪亮的带褶边的小牛皮宽皮带紧紧地固定着,从脖子一直延伸到腰间。

    Her vivid scarlet dress was backless , tight to her calves where it flared into a wide ruffled train , with a neckline that plunged to her waist .

  9. 按照传统,新娘会穿红色礼服并用喜帕盖住脸,新娘的母亲或伴娘会打红伞,迷信的说法是这会让她好生养

    According to tradition , the bride wears a red veil to hide her face , and her mother or attendant holds a red umbrella over the bride 's head , a superstition to encourage fertility and grow her own family . 18 .

  10. 您穿插件红色晚礼服很好看。

    You look pretty good in this red gown .

  11. 那个新娘穿着红色的礼服。

    The bride was dressed in red .

  12. 新娘穿着一件红色的礼服-整场婚礼都有些古怪。

    The birde was in a red dress & the whole wedding was a bit of a rum do .

  13. 49岁的桑德拉当然希望把全场目光都聚焦在她自己身上,她穿着朝气蓬勃的红色褶皱礼服裙,并用黑色饰物搭配。

    And Sandra , 49 , certainly drew the attention onto herself in a vibrant red folded gown with black accessories .

  14. 这件廓型的优雅红色小礼服将体现你沙漏般完美线条。

    This elegant goddess-style dress in red will set off your hourglass figure or give you curves if you don 't already have them .

  15. 一位元来自佛吉尼亚的顾客在电子邮件中问道,如果米歇尔·奥巴马穿上你们的红色丝缎礼服,肯定会显得光彩照人,难道你们不这么认为吗?

    One Virginia customer sent an email asking , 'Don 't you think Michelle Obama would look so elegant in your cardinal red duchesse satin gown ?

  16. 周四晚上,斯嘉丽约翰逊一袭闪亮的红色小礼服搭配同样颜色的口红和指甲出席了《美国队长2》在伦敦的首映礼。

    On Thursday night , Scarlett Johansson stepping out in a stunning red cocktail dress with matching lipstick and a manicure , to attend the London premiere of Captain America : The Winter soldier .

  17. 未知预测:朱莉所穿的这款MoniqueLhuillier(莫尼克·鲁里耶)深红色串珠抹胸礼服吸引了所有的眼球。

    Wild Card : All eyes are guaranteed to be on Jolie in this crimson beaded strapless Monique Lhuillier gown .

  18. 交换誓言之后,她换上了一身红色短裙宴会礼服。

    After exchanging vows , she slipped into a short red party dress .

  19. 没送我一件酒红色的晚礼服

    doesn 't bring me a burgundy dinner jacket ,

  20. 他买了一件红色的晚礼服并把它送给了妻子以祝贺她的生日。

    He bought a red evening dress and gave it to his wife for her birthday .

  21. 这样,你就可以马上想起你穿着那件紫红色的晚礼服或是打着那条黄色领带见过什么人。

    That way , you can instantly recall who saw you in that fuchsia gown or yellow tie .

  22. 我看到安娜在房间的另一端,身着一件红色闪光常礼服,光彩照人。

    I saw Anna at the other end of the room , resplendent in a red sequined cocktail dress .

  23. 如果你是浅白肤色,就穿一条底色以粉色或桃红色为主的礼服。

    If you 're fair-skinned , go for a shade of dress that is more pink or peach in its undertone .

  24. 他跟那个用泡沫板做成的自己穿着红色的结婚礼服,还请了一个伴娘跟一个伴郎,他向祖宗排位和长辈们鞠躬行礼,以期获得祝福。

    He , and the foam cut-out of himself in a red bridal dress , were attended by one bridesmaid and one groomsman . On the way out he bowed to the ancestors and to senior guests in return for blessings .

  25. 她穿着一件紫红色的丝绒晚礼服。

    She wears a wine velvet evening dress .

  26. 身穿华裔设计师吴季刚设计的一款红色雪纺纱丝绒礼服,第一夫人显得美艳绝伦。

    The First Lady looked stunning in a sweeping , velvet and chiffon , ruby-colored dress by designer Jason Wu .