
cí jiù yíng xīn
  • ring out the Old Year and ring in the New Year
辞旧迎新[cí jiù yíng xīn]
  1. 但为了和谐节日主题,在网球赛季辞旧迎新之际,我们列出了下列ATP和WTA的大腕,谨致我们的谢意。

    But in keeping with the theme of the holiday , let 's make a short list of certain ATP and WTA icons we should be thankful for as the tennis year comes grinding to a halt .

  2. 我们以歌声辞旧迎新

    We sang the old year out and the new year in

  3. 让我们一起来辞旧迎新吧!

    Out with the old , in with the new !

  4. 明天就是除夕夜了,一年的最后一天,辞旧迎新。

    Tomorrow is New Year 's Eve , the year the last day of New Year .

  5. 拜年是中国民间的传统习俗,是人们辞旧迎新、相互表达美好祝愿的一种方式。

    Pay a New Year Call is a way people deliver their wishes and usher in the new year .

  6. 对孩子们来说,辞旧迎新是一件非常高兴的事。

    It 's a great joy for children to see the new year in and the old year out .

  7. 英美举行的戴面具化妆舞会,据说也源于辞旧迎新的古老愿望。

    England and America hold " dress up dance " that come from the old wish about dismiss old to welcome new .

  8. 辞旧迎新,伴着卓依婷甜美、圆润、喜庆的歌声,祝愿大家牛年好运安康、如意吉祥、新春快乐、阖家幸福。

    Good luck , Best wishes , and excellent health for the Spring Festival of Ox Year to you and your family !

  9. 几乎人人都把除夕作为辞旧迎新的时刻来庆祝。

    Almost everyone makes an occasion of New Year 's Eve in order to see the old year out and welcome the new one .

  10. 每年,我们都在辞旧迎新,今年,我们心情与众不同。

    Every year , we are discarding the old for the new ; however , this year , our mood is out of the ordinary .

  11. 扫尘亦有辞旧迎新之意,求的是万象更新的新年新气象。

    Dusting shows the good wish of putting away old things and welcoming a new life , making everything look fresh in the new year .

  12. 刚在纽约时代广场一起辞旧迎新,这对儿音乐情侣转移方向去了英属维尔京群岛浪漫度假。

    After ringing in the New Year in Times Square together , the musical twosome have headed off for a vacay in the British Virgin Islands .

  13. 辞旧迎新之际,我们与“今日中国”一起,共同期待世界美好的未来。

    On the occasion of New Year celebration , we will , along with China today , look forward to a better future for the world .

  14. 即便是现在(12月初),我也会建议你拆掉你的节日植物装饰,享受圣诞节前夜辞旧迎新的那份激动。

    Even now , in early December , I would advise you to dismantle your festive foliage and enjoy the thrill of renewing it on Christmas Eve .

  15. 在辞旧迎新之际,我们在此欢聚一堂,共叙友谊,共话合作,共谋发展。

    We are very happy to have you all here tonight to greet the spring of2009 , to renew our friendship and to discuss further cooperation and development .

  16. 灰尘在传统上与旧联系在一起,所以打扫房屋和扫除灰尘意味着辞旧迎新。

    The dust is traditionally associated with old so cleaning their houses and sweeping the dust mean to bid farewell to the old and usher in the new .

  17. 每年我们都要辞旧迎新,许多人都养成了回顾过去一年的习惯。

    Each year as we say goodbye to the old and hello to the new , many of us have made a practice of reflecting on the year past .

  18. 在这辞旧迎新的时刻,草场地艺术区全体员工谢谢各位艺术同仁们长期以来的支持和关注,并向您和您的家人致以最诚挚的祝福!

    At this special moment , Caochangdi Arts staff thank everybody to art colleagues long-term support and attention , and to you and your family my most sincere wishes !

  19. 在这辞旧迎新的美好夜晚,很高兴和新老朋友们欢聚畅谈,共迎新年。

    I am delighted to join you , friends both old and new , on this beautiful evening to ring the old year out and the new year in .

  20. 合作伙伴及兄弟单位纷纷发来贺电,恭祝浩丰公司辞旧迎新,蓬勃发展,开辟农业新篇章。

    The partners and the brother units sent the congratulatory telegram respectfully congratulated the company discarding the old for the new , developing vigorously and opening a new chapter of agriculture .

  21. 尊敬的各位家长们,2011年的新年钟声即将敲响,值此辞旧迎新之际,对您给予的长期支持与厚爱,表示深深地感谢!

    New Year 's bell will soon ring ! On this special occasion , I wish to send you my sincere THANK YOU for supporting us and giving your love day by day .

  22. 对于世界上许多人而言,庆祝新年就是和朋友一起彻夜不眠,喝着香槟酒,在篝火前哼着跑调的《友谊天长地久》,欣赏着辞旧迎新的烟花,直到新年的太阳升起。

    For much of the globe this involves sipping bubbly with friends until the sun comes up , seeing out the old year with bonfires and flares and off-key renditions of Auld Lang Syne .

  23. 这个习俗历史悠久,美丽的窗花不仅能妆点节日的气氛,还寄托了人们辞旧迎新,接福纳祥的美好愿望。

    This custom has a long history which not only brings festivity to the holiday , but is also a symbol for people to express their wishes for welcoming the new year , blessings , and fortunes .

  24. 大年三十是中国农历的最后一天,又称“除夕”,寓意辞旧迎新。

    December 30 of Chinese lunar calendar , also called " Chuxi " ( Chinese New Year 's Eve ) , is the last day of the year according to the lunar calendar . It means saying goodbye to the last year and welcoming the new year .