
  • 网络lexicography
  1. 秦汉时期的识读课本在我国辞书编纂史上具有重要意义。

    The children 's primers of our country 's Qin and Han period have great significance in the history of lexicography .

  2. 《类篇》反切注音在《集韵》基础上有所继承和革新,反映了唐宋时代语言研究和辞书编纂领域的进步成果,具有重要的研究价值和重要的现实意义。

    Leipian inherits the achievement in the Fanqie phonetic transcription in Jiyun with innovation , showing the progress in language research and lexicography in the Tang and Song Dynasty .

  3. 联合国组织术语辞书编纂法述介

    Introduction to the Method of Compiling Terminology Dictionaries of UN Organizations

  4. 异形成语的整理与辞书编纂

    On the reorganization of variant idioms and the compilation of dictionaries

  5. 辞书编纂中异形成语的处理与思考

    Some Advice and Treatments of Compiling Variant Idioms in Dictionary

  6. 论体裁语言研究对辞书编纂的意义

    On the Significance of the Study of Stylistic Language to Dictionary Compilation

  7. 联绵词的词形整理与辞书编纂

    Sorting Out Chinese Two-syllable Clusters and Dictionary Compilation

  8. 异形词的规范和辞书编纂

    The Standardization of Homographs and Lexicographical Compilation

  9. GB/T15238.1-1994辞书编纂基本术语第1部分

    Basic lexicographical terminology & Part 1

  10. 本文从同源词研究、辞书编纂、词语训释三方面对其进行讨论。

    This paper centers discussion on cognate words research , dictionary compilation , and semantic interpretation .

  11. 试谈辞书编纂的规范性准则

    On the Standardized Maxim in Dictionary-Compiling

  12. 词性标注一直是汉语语文辞书编纂未能很好解决的难题。

    The part-of-speech label is always a difficult problem which writers of Chinese dictionaries can not solve perfectly .

  13. 可供《大字典》修订和汉语语文辞书编纂时参考。

    This paper can be regard as a useful reference for revising Grand Chinese Dictionary and compiling other Chinese dictionaries .

  14. 学术大师王国维卓越的辞书编纂实践,体现出丰富性、科学性、创造性与学术效益性。

    Excellent practice of master Wang Guowei 's dictionaries compilation consists in abundance , science , creation and academic profits .

  15. 《汉语大词典》是我国第一部大型多卷本汉语语词词典,它的完成是我国辞书编纂史上一个空前的盛举。

    The Grand Chinese Dictionary is the first multi-volume Chinese dictionary , is an unprecedented grand event of dictionary compilation history .

  16. 地名研究在大型辞书编纂中的作用为:一、提供丰富而恰当的例证;

    The study of geographical names in the compilation of the large-scale dictionaries functions as follows : 1.to provide adequate and proper examples ;

  17. 无论是语料库的建设还是辞书编纂自动化的工作,都是围绕任务来进行的,而所有任务的处理,均通过编辑器完成。

    Either the construction of corpus or compiling automation of lexicographical books is task-oriented , and all tasks are processed by the Editor .

  18. 第四、五章则是融合文字、音韵、训诂等知识对道书中潜藏的语言和文献材料进行探索,揭示它们在辞书编纂和古籍整理方面的价值。

    Thirdly elaborating the value of Taoist document in the ancient works and dictionary compiling by the knowledge of Philology , Phonology and Hermeneutic .

  19. 佛教戒律文献含有较多的口语材料,对汉语词汇史研究和辞书编纂有着重要意义。

    The Buddhist Doctvine scriptures have many colloquialism , which have immense significance to the study of of Chinese vocabulary and the compliation of lexicographical works .

  20. 本论文在分析该书词汇时代性特点的时候,着重分析了该书中的新词新义对大型辞书编纂的作用;

    While analyzing temporality of lexes in the book , the dissertation highly explores the contributions to compilation of large-scale lexicology by new words and meanings in the book ;

  21. 本文运用文献学理论和传统朴学的方法,从文献学与语料学的角度对敦煌禅宗文献中的重要问题、文献整理与释读、词语考释及辞书编纂等作了系统研究。

    This dissertation , using a traditional academic way , discusses systematically important problems , data-sorting-out , vocabulary and phrase explanations and compiling of dictionaries of Dunhuang Zen Documents .

  22. 迄今为止,研究已经涉及到文字、音韵、训诂、文献、版本、辞书编纂等多个方面。

    So far , the researches have referred to various aspects , such as characters , phonology , exegesis , literature , version , dictionary compilation , and so on .

  23. 最后,通过以上泛义动词本体研究指出对辞书编纂及对外汉语教学等语言实践的指导意义,并在理论上简要提出泛义动词的自然语言理解模式。

    Finally , the thesis mentions the directive significance of general verbs to the work of dictionary-compiling , foreign langrage teaching and other language practices , still in a senseof theory .

  24. 文章选择了“兄”“弟”“姊”“妹”四个称谓词,指出在辞书编纂、汉语史研究和古籍整理方面存在的问题。

    The article takes " Xiong "," Di "," Zi "," Mei " as an example to make a comprehensive study on compiling dictionaries , researching Chinese language history and keeping ancient books .

  25. 从汉语史、文化史等角度探讨“养母”一词,不仅牵涉到有关文献的校勘、句读、史实认定等问题,对辞书编纂工作也有一定的借鉴作用。

    Study on the word " adoptive mother " from the point of view of the history of Chinese language and culture , will involve the textual criticism , punctuations and historical facts .

  26. 本文刺取“兄弟”一词,对其独特的兄妹一义的表现、成因及相关情况作考索,为语文辞书编纂提供新材料。

    The author chooses the word " brothers ", and studies its particular meaning of " brother and sister ", the cause and related situations , to provide some new materials for editing the dictionaries .

  27. 第六章是银雀山汉简《六韬》词汇研究在辞书编纂上的价值,我们从增补义项、提前始见书、增补例证、补充新词等几个方面加以说明。

    Chapter VI is YHL on the terms of the value of the lexicography , we add to the meaning of items , see the example in advance , add the example and new words to illustrate several aspects .

  28. 同时指出《汉语大词典》在收词、溯源等方面的不足之处,旨在对汉语史的词汇研究以及辞书编纂提供一些有价值的材料。

    Meanwhile , it points out some weakness of " the Great Chinese Dictionary " when selecting and tracing the source of words for supplying some valuable materials for the study of vocabulary in Chinese history and dictionary compilation .

  29. 当前计算机技术和电子语料库已完全能满足语文辞书编纂修订的需要,积极探讨和推进辞书编纂修订手段的现代化,亟待引起重视。

    At present computer technology and electronic language database can fully meet the need of the compilation and revision of Chinese dictionaries . It is quite urgent to probe into and enhance the modernization of Chinese dictionary compilation and revision .

  30. 揭示退婴在中日语言中的源流本末,从一侧面说明中日语言比较研究对于辞书编纂、汉语史研究、中日文化交流史研究的重要价值和意义。

    This confusion over phrasal origins between Chinese and Japanese indicates the great significance of contrastive studies to dictionary compiling , research on the history of the Chinese language and on the history of cultural exchange between the two nations .