
cí diǎn
  • dictionary
辞典 [cí diǎn]
  • [dictionary] 词典

辞典[cí diǎn]
  1. 这部辞典将扩充到一千五百页。

    The dictionary will be enlarged to 1500 pages .

  2. 这本新辞典的出版是今年文化界的一件大事。

    The publication of the new dictionary is one of the cultural event of the year .

  3. 汉和辞典是日本语文词典的一个主要门类

    Kanwa dictionary is a main kind of Japanese philological dictionary .

  4. 有些辞典的编纂者用引文作例证以解释词义

    Some dictionary writers use citations to show what words mean .

  5. 所有的缩写都要完整地写出来来自辞典例句

    All abbreviations are to be written out .

  6. 他们恳求他说实话.来自辞典例句

    They besought him to speak the truth .

  7. 韦氏新世界大学辞典的编辑们认为,“信息零食”指的是人们在工作时偷偷处理个人邮件,搜索体育比赛成绩,与老友联系或者在网上购物这些“偷来的”时刻。

    Editors at Webster 's New World College dictionary define1 infosnacking as those stolen moments at work at which we sneak2 time to handle personal e-mail , Google sports scores , old friends or shop online .

  8. 《新牛津美语大辞典》(NewOxfordAmericanDictionary)公布了其2009年度词语。

    The New Oxford American Dictionary has announced its 2009 word of the year .

  9. 地名辞典服务是一个面向大众的、以地名搜索空间信息的GIS服务。

    Gazetteer service is a user-oriented GIS service , which supports searching spatial information by placenames .

  10. 基于HMM的百科辞典文本中句子的知识点分类

    A HMM Based Topic Categorization of Sentences in Encyclopedia Texts

  11. 根据我查阅过的辞典,在这两个短语中,showtheflag是比较常见的。

    According to most of the dictionaries I have consulted , " show the flag " is the more familiar of the two versions of this phrase .

  12. AA:BenZimmer是VisualThesaurus的监制,这是一个在线知识宝库和辞典栏目。

    AA : Ben Zimmer is executive producer of the Visual Thesaurus , an online thesaurus and dictionary .

  13. 他曾与杰克·普莱诺(JackC.Plano)合著重要参考书《美国政治辞典》(TheAmericanPoliticalDictionary)。该书于1962年首次出版,现已第11次再版。

    He is co-author ( with Jack C.Plano ) of a major reference work , The American Political Dictionary , first published in1962 and now in its11th edition .

  14. 本页列出所有在2cm辞典的页面。

    This page lists all pages from the2cm dictionary .

  15. 文中介绍8位专用单片机SH58216的异步串行接口(UART)在电子辞典系统开发中的实际应用。

    This paper the application of the ASIC microcontroller SH58216'a subsystem UART in the Electronic Dictionary system is introduced .

  16. 宿命论的在牛津辞典中的解释是,表示一种宿命论认识:就是以后会发生什么不是人能控制的。千禧年的n.禁欲主义者,恬淡寡欲的人adj.坚忍的,苦修的心理;

    fatalistic In Oxford living dictionary , this word used to convey a fatalistic recognition that future events are out of the speaker 's control .

  17. 《牛津英语辞典》将自拍(selfie)评为2013年度单词。

    The Oxford English Dictionary called out selfie as the 2013 word of the year .

  18. 韦氏公司的总裁约翰·摩尔斯说,integrity在字典中的解释是“坚守准则;清政廉洁”,这个词在网络版辞典中一直很受瞩目。

    The noun , formally defined as a " firm adherence to a code " and " incorruptibility ," has always been a popular one on the company 's Web site , said Merriam-Webster President John Morse .

  19. 《牛津英语辞典》将“自拍”(selfie)评为“2013年度单词”。

    The Oxford English Dictionary called out " selfie " as the 2013 word of the year .

  20. SKOS:随时关注知识组织系统(KOS)方面的开发,例如语义Web框架中的辞典、分类模式、主题(subjectheading)系统和分类法。

    SKOS : Keep in touch with developments in knowledge organization systems ( KOS ) such as thesauri , classification schemes , subject heading systems and taxonomies within the framework of the Semantic Web .

  21. 通过一个电子辞典用PCB腐蚀失效的分析案例,介绍了PCB的失效现象、分析过程和分析技术,阐述了其失效机理,并提出了相应的改进措施。

    In the case of corrosive failure of a PCB for eletronic dictionary , the failure phenomena , analysis process and failure techniques are introduced . The failure mechanism is discussed and the corresponding corrective action are present .

  22. 用心理语言学中关于心理词典的激活扩散原理,评论学习型词典《建宏e世代英汉辞典》利用字辨、字源、构词、联想及参考等专栏,有效帮助读者增强词汇记忆方面的特色。

    Based on the spreading activation theory with respect to psycholinguistics , some comments are made on the learning-enhancing dictionary 's functions in word distinction , word origin , word formation , word associations and references , etc , which can effectively enlarge readers ' vocabulary .

  23. 辞典编撰学家,电视节目《倒计时》(Countdown)的常驻专家苏西•登特认为,这种现象源自于拼写检查和自动纠错等工具的流行。

    Susie Dent , lexicographer and resident word expert on TV show Countdown , believes the results were partly down to the prevalence of tools such as spellcheck and auto-correct .

  24. 文章针对本方案的构件描述数据具有的层次性和结构性,结合XML语言的特点,确定以XML作为方案的描述语言,并且给出构件刻面树的XMLSCHEMA和术语空间、辞典的XMLSCHEMA。

    Considering the hierarchy and structure property of component description data and the characteristic of XML language , we make certain XML as description language of our classification scheme , and provide XML schemas as component facet tree XML schema , term space XML schema and thesaurus XML schema .

  25. 然而,《牛津英语大辞典》副主编菲利普?杜尔金在一篇发表在BBC网站上的文章中表示,近些年来,英语已经由“舶来”转成“输出”。

    Yet in recent times it has become more of a lender than a borrower , says Philip Durkin , deputy chief editor of the Oxford English Dictionary , in an article for the BBC website .

  26. 手机作为一种移动通讯工具,已不再局限于打电话发短信,还可以作为MP3、MP4播放器,以及电子辞典、数码学习机等。

    As a tool of mobile communication , the cell phone can be used as mp3 and mp4 player , electronic dictionary , digital learning machine besides usual things such as message sending .

  27. 牛津在美国的辞典项目负责人凯瑟琳马丁表示:GIF成了2012年的词汇里程碑,作为动词形式当选为年度词汇,而不仅仅是名词。

    GIF celebrated a lexical milestone in 2012 , gaining traction as a verb , not just a noun , said Katherine Martin , head of the U.S. dictionaries program at Oxford .

  28. 本文从市场营销和渠道管理的角度出发,以本人在公司电子辞典科从事大区销售管理工作为基础,对卡西欧公司电子辞典STP营销及销售渠道的重新构建的相关问题进行分析和研究。

    The thesis basis on marketing management and channel management theory discussed problem on STP marketing and distribution channel rebuild of CASIO electronic dictionary products . Firstly , the paper gives the brief introduction about the CASIO CO.

  29. Lingro:免费提供十一种不同开放内容的语言辞典。

    Lingro – Lingro is a free site with open content dictionaries that provide free online learning in11 different languages .

  30. 我翻看过去的大学辞典,上面显示“sex”一词代表生物的差异,如男性和女性,而“gender”这个词是指某些语言中部分对应的自然顺序的区别,比如所要形容的对象是阳性,阴性还是中性。

    My old college dictionary says that sex is a difference among living beings , as in the male and female sex , while gender is a difference in some languages partially corresponding to the natural order , in which the names of objects are either of masculine , feminine , or neuter gender .