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cí xiè
  • decline with thanks;politely decline;reject with thanks
辞谢 [cí xiè]
  • [politely decline] 彬彬有礼地托辞拒收

  • 辞谢红包

  • 秦王恐其破璧,乃辞谢,固请。--《史记.廉颇蔺相如列传》

辞谢[cí xiè]
  1. 由于你方所提供的条件不能接受,我只得辞谢。

    I must decline because the conditions offered are not acceptable .

  2. 与此相反,一个中国人出席,比方说,一个美国人举行的宴会,他常常辞谢递给他的食物或饮料。

    On the contrary , a Chinese sits at , say , an American 's dinner party , he very often refuses the offer of food or drinks though in fact he is still hungry or thirsty .