
wén ní
  • laminated clay;varve clay;varve
纹泥[wén ní]
  1. 高分辨率古环境指示器&湖泊纹泥研究综述

    Review on the high resolution varved lake sediments as a proxy of Paleoenvironment

  2. 柴达木盆地早更新世湖相非冰川碎屑纹泥的初步研究

    Preliminary study on nonglacial varved sediments of early Pleistocene lake in Qaidam Basin

  3. 火山活动是影响全球变化的重要因素之一,玛珥湖和纹泥年代学是近年来古气候研究的新领域。

    Volcanic activity is one of the important factors that may affect global climate .

  4. 上新世湖相纹泥及其环境信息与时间标尺记录晚上新世以来南海北部深部水团演化

    LATE PLIOCENE LACUSTRINE VARVES AND ITS ENVIRONMENTAL INFORMATION AND TIME MARK RECORD Variations in Deep-Water Masses from the Northern South China Sea since the Late Pliocene

  5. 滦河三角洲晚更新世以来沉积的孢粉组合及其地质意义美国西北部克拉其亚湖相层纹泥沉积的孢粉学证据

    Palynological Assemblages of the sediments from the Luan River Delta since the late Pleistocene and their geological implication palynological evidence of varves in the clarkia Lake beds , northwestern America