
wén zhāng
  • arm;device;gad
纹章 [wén zhāng]
  • [arm] 授于城镇、公司等或为其采用的作为一种标志或商标的有条纹的徽章

纹章[wén zhāng]
  1. 有一扇饰有家族盾形纹章的彩色玻璃窗。

    There was a stained-glass window with the family coat of arms .

  2. 人字形图记一种形似倒V字的纹章图案一群群大雁常排成人字形一起飞行。

    A device shaped like an inverted V. Flocks of geese often fly in a V-shaped formation .

  3. 其中之一是穿礼服用的绣有花边的围巾。在那上面我看到一个贵族纹章和字母E。

    On one of them , which was a fringed scarf for a dress of ceremony , I saw the armorial bearings of a Noble , and the letter E.

  4. 题铭雕刻的符号或题词,尤指用在纹章图案中基于AFM的纳米机械刻划切屑形成研究

    A graphic symbol or motto , especially in heraldry . Study of Nano-mechanical Characterization of Chip Formation Using Atomic Force Microscopy

  5. 纪念碑上刻有象征秘密军队的狮子纹章:GL。

    The plaques bear the lion 's emblem of the " GL ", the secret army .

  6. 颤抖着打开信封,哈利看到一个盖有纹章的紫色蜡印:一只狮子,一只鹰,一只獾和一条蛇围绕着一只大大的字母“H”。

    Turning the envelope over , his hand trembling , Harry saw a purple wax seal bearing a coat of arms ; a lion , an eagle , a badger , and a snake surrounding a large letter H.

  7. 玛丽·卡特兰佐(MaryKatrantzou)说,骑士精神开始流行。她把王室的纹章图案融入自己的秋季系列中(上排中左)。

    Chivalry reigns on , according to Mary Katrantzou , who incorporated regal , heraldic motifs in her fall collection ( top center-left ) .

  8. 星星、月亮和太阳的纹章装点了那面圣洁的墙(G.K.切斯特顿)

    The stars and moons and suns blazoned on that sacred wall ( G.K. Chesterton )

  9. 西文善本中的印刷纹章与版权意识

    Printed Devices in Western Rare Books with Printers ' Copyright Consciousness

  10. 后来纹章官成为这些法庭的主要官员。

    In time heralds became the principal officers of these courts .

  11. 一名少校在制服的肩部有个王冠形的纹章

    A major have a crown on the shoulder of his uniform

  12. 红色骏马纹章向来受奔流城欢迎礼遇.

    The red stallion was always a welcome sight at Riverrun .

  13. 论十八世纪纹章瓷纹章装饰对珐琅彩瓷的影响

    Influence of 18th century armorial porcelain decoration on enamel ceramics

  14. 壁炉架旁边有一把印有纹章的小椅子。

    There was a little heraldic chair by the chimney-piece .

  15. (纹章学)任何几个传统的数字在盾上使用。

    ( heraldry ) any of several conventional figures used on shields .

  16. 刺绣纺织纹章,有可见底布你还可以买一些刺绣台布与挂毯搭配。

    And you can buy some embroidered tablecloths to match the tapestry .

  17. 黑暗中只有他们纹章上金属光泽依稀可辨。

    Only the shine of their metal was distinguishable in the gloom .

  18. 一种放在盾形纹章上方的饰物。

    A device placed above the shield on a coat of arms .

  19. 党徽被放到了国家盾形纹章之上。

    The party emblem was superimposed on the state coat of arms .

  20. 黑色-定、贞,有时也暗喻纹章主人的悲伤感情和气质。

    Sable or black - Constancy , sometimes grief .

  21. 这辆大马车上有王室的盾形纹章。

    The coach bears the royal coat of arms .

  22. 史塔克家族的纹章是冰原狼,对不对?

    The direwolf is the sigil of House Stark , is it not ?

  23. 他的盾形纹章包含三棵苹果树。

    His coat of arms incorporates three apple trees .

  24. (纹章学)代表跳跃(用后脚直立向前倾斜)。

    ( heraldry ) represented as leaping ( rampant but leaning forward ) .

  25. 可惜那帮设计纹章的实在没创意。

    The only problem is ye old crest makers weren 't very creative .

  26. 沙:那是古老的纹章。

    Shallow : it is an old coat .

  27. (纹章学)有纹章的图案。

    ( heraldry ) bearing an heraldic device .

  28. 刻有家族纹章的一口棺材。

    A casket emblazoned with the family crest .

  29. (纹章学)用四只脚站立。

    ( heraldry ) standing on four feet .

  30. 修正纹章甲上的旗帜显示问题。

    Fixed banner display problems on heraldic armors .