
  • 网络combinability;compositionality;modularity;non-compositionality
  1. 本文旨在从意义的组合性原则出发,对含有量化名词词组的及物性结构进行语义分析。

    Guided by the Principle of Compositionality , this paper concentrates on the semantic analysis of transitive constructions containing quantified noun phrases .

  2. 此方案的关键在于使用了虚拟存储的概念和利用虚拟存储的可组合性来实现系统的扩展。

    The key of the method lies in implementing system extension through using the conception of virtual store and the combinability virtual store .

  3. 我们认为在Web服务领域中服务之间本身可存在着紧密的语义关系,例如等价性,可组合性,可替换性等。

    We hold that there exists extensive relationship between services , such as equivalence , composable , replaceable and so on .

  4. 利用语义技术增强SOA的可组合性

    Use of semantic technologies to enhance SOA composability

  5. 一个可组合性技术的成功SOA部署的用例、经验教训和最佳实践

    Use Cases , lessons learned and best practices for a successful SOA deployment of composability technologies

  6. 涉及可组合性的SOA标准:如何使不同的标准支持可组合性,如何使它们彼此配合

    The standards for SOA relating to composability : how do various standards support composability , how do they compose with each other

  7. 正如这篇文章所描述的,契约的版本管理和可组合性方面涉及了SOA成熟度级别的全部内容。

    As this article has shown , the aspects of contract versioning and composability cover the full spectrum of SOA maturity levels .

  8. 最后,用Plotkin风格的结构操作语义SOS(structuraloperationalsemantics)规则归纳地给出满足组合性的UML状态机语义。

    In the end , a set of Plotkin-style structural operational semantics ( SOS ) rules inductively defines a compositional formal semantics for UML state machine .

  9. 在InfoQ发布的《契约的版本管理、兼容性和可组合性》一文中,涉及了SOA很多方面的内容,既涵盖了设计时和运行时的设计,又涵盖了治理。

    The Contract Versioning , Compatibility & Composability article at InfoQ covers a wide range of SOA aspects , both design-time and run-time design and governance aspects .

  10. 我推荐阅读InfoQ上的文章《契约的版本管理、兼容性和可组合性》,它将指导你如何实现这个高级能力。

    I recommend reading the Contract Versioning , Compatibility & Composability article at InfoQ for guidelines on how to implement this Advanced capability .

  11. 我们使用“可组合性(Composability)”这一术语表示这个特性。

    We use the term " composability " to denote this quality .

  12. 讨论了钉板投球及其推广模型,利用它设计出2种均匀伪随机数组合性检验法,证明Poker检验是其特例。

    Utilizing bowling on the board with nails and its generalization , this paper designs two kinds of combination-tests on uniform pseudorandom numbers , and proves that Poker-test is its inference .

  13. 这种面向对象的语义模型建模每个语言构件的抽象语法、静态和动态语义为单个Object-Z类构件,具有简洁性、可组合性和可重用性,适应了XML家族语言不断变化发展的特点。

    This Object-Oriented semantic model describes abstract syntax , static and dynamic semantics of each language construct as single Object-Z class . This highly structured semantic model is concise , composable and reusable .

  14. [目的]探讨术前不牵引用组合性手术治疗年长儿先天性髋关节脱位(CDH)的治疗效果。

    [ Objective ] To explore the outcome of combined surgery for the treatment of congenital dislocation of the hip in elderly children without preoperative traction .

  15. 出于SOHO方式对灵活自由空间而不是单独空间的追求,办公家具设计越来越趋向可改造性、自由组合性和不确定性,以及模数化形式的应用。

    Because the SOHO needs a free and flexible but not a separate space , the designing of office furniture is required to be changed , united freely , unfixed and made up of models .

  16. 可组合性是XMSF的一个重要的要求,它是指在不同的联合中选择和聚集仿真组件,并把这些组件放入仿真系统的能力。

    Composability is a central requirement for XMSF , Composability is the capability to select and assemble simulation components in various combinations into simulation systems .

  17. 主要创新点:1.从概念模型和软件结构两方面设计基于SOA和HLA的分布式仿真系统的软件架构SO-HLA,提高分布式仿真系统的互操作性、重用性和组合性。

    The software architecture SO-HLA of the distributed simulation system based on HLA and SOA is designed from the perspectives of concept model and software structure so as to enhance the interoperability , the reusability and the combination of the distributed simulation system . 2 .

  18. 可组合性是业务服务的主要特征。

    Composability is one of the main characteristics of business services .

  19. 这种高度结构化的语义模型具有简洁、可组合性和可复用性的特点。

    This highly structured semantic model is concise , composable and extensible .

  20. 既然是主观的知觉经验判断,固然存在着知觉的差异性与不同的组合性。

    The subjective judgment of perceptual experience has its otherness and different combinations .

  21. 重症小儿麻痹后遗症组合性手术的应用(附385例报告)

    New Development for Severe Poliomyelitis Combined Orthotherapy ( with 385 Case Reports )

  22. 用多重分形研究元素的共生组合性

    Study Chemical Elements ' Intergrowth Combination with Multi-Fractals

  23. 纵向上具有组合性,不同层系相似的沉积体系组合决定了输导体系的组合性;

    The similar sedimentary system assemblage leads to the vertical combination of transportation system .

  24. 教学媒体设计凸显先进性、组合性。

    Finally , the design of teaching media should be both highly advanced and integrated .

  25. 通过建立产品配置的匹配程度函数,提出了组合性的产品配置方法。

    The product configuration combinatorial method is studied , using the matching function of product configuration .

  26. 将IT环境持续重构成更具组合性和动态性的构造单元极其重要。

    Constantly refactoring the IT environment into more composable and dynamic building blocks is extremely important .

  27. 针对可重用性而设计以及拥有版本管理和兼容性策略是实现可组合性的核心。

    Designing for reusability and having a versioning and compatibility policy is central to achieve composability .

  28. 对常见可组合性的描述

    Descriptions of common types of composability

  29. 正是可组合性允许由相同的服务集合构建不同的业务解决方案。

    It is composability that allows to build different business solutions from the same set of services .

  30. 我们要考虑的组合性自动作用的形式特徵是事件的发生像是一连串。

    The formal characteristic of the associational automatism to be considered is that events occur in chains .