
cái dìnɡ shū
  • Ruling;order;rule in writing;ruling in writing
  1. 裁定书应当送达双方当事人和仲裁机构。

    The above-mentioned written order shall be served on both parties and the arbitral organ .

  2. 当事人不服人民法院第一审裁定的,有权在裁定书送达之日起十日内向上一级人民法院提起上诉。

    If a party refuses to accept an order of first instance by a people 's court , he shall have the right to file an appeal with the people 's court at the next higher level within 10 days of the serving of the written order .

  3. 二,笔者整理了许多有关快递合同纠纷的民事判决书,裁定书以作为对司法实务开展研究的第一手材料。

    Secondly , I put together express disputes , civil judgments , ruling as a judicial practice research material .

  4. 查封、扣押、冻结裁定书和协助执行通知书送达时发生法律效力。

    The ruling on the sealing , distraining or freezing measure and the notice for assistance in enforcement shall become legally effective once it has been served .

  5. 这位旧金山的法官在他长达136页的裁定书中写道,有关的禁令阻碍了加州履行宪法赋予的提供平等婚姻的义务。

    In his136-page decision , the San Francisco judge wrote that the ban prevents the state from fulfilling its constitutional obligation to provide marriages on an equal basis .

  6. 当事人必须依法行使诉讼权利,遵守诉讼秩序,履行发生法律效力的判决书、裁定书和调解书。

    A litigant must exercise his rights in accordance with the law , observe procedural order , and implement any legally binding verdict , ruling and mediation agreement .

  7. 裁定书由审判人员、书记员署名,加盖人民法院印章。口头裁定的,记入笔录。

    A written ruling shall be signed by the judge and the recording clerk , and sealed by the people 's court . a verbal ruling shall be entered in the record .

  8. 然后,规范刑事审判指定管辖指定程序,应由控方启动指定管辖程序,而且只能指定次数以一次为限,最终由法院以裁定书的形式来指定。

    Then standardize the procedure of the designated jurisdiction in criminal trial . The procedure should bi started by the prosecution and the jurisdiction can designate only by the court in the form of award finally .

  9. 向有管辖权的法院申请执行已生效的法院判决、裁定、调解书等法律文书;

    To apply to the courts that have jurisdiction to enforce the binding judgments , decisions , mediation documents and other legal paper ;

  10. 据NPR新闻的克雷格·温德姆报道,负责该案的军事法庭法官允许被告律师进行选择,此前法官裁定早前的认罪书可能受到了政治关切的不当影响。

    NPR 's Craig Windham reports the military court judge overseeing the case gave defense attorneys an option after determining the rejection of a previous plea offer may have been improperly influenced by political concerns .

  11. 民事审判监督程序,又称民事再审程序,是指人民法院对已经发生法律效力的民事判决、裁定、民事调解书发现有错误的,依法再次进行审理而设计的一种特别法律救济程序。

    Civil procedure for trail supervision , the so-called civil retrial procedure , is a special remedy which is designed for conducting a retrial when the court finds definite error in a legally effective judgments , written orders or civil conciliation documents .

  12. 我国并购法规中的基础性规定及其检讨&公司法和证券法上的视角公证债权文书确有错误的,人民法院裁定不予执行,并将裁定书送达双方当事人和公证机关。

    Elementary Regulation and Review on China 's M & A Laws and Regulations If a definite error is found in the notary document , the people 's court shall refuse to execute it and inform the litigants of both parties and the notary public of the ruling .

  13. 当事人对裁定不服的,可以在收到裁定书之日起七日内提起上诉。

    Where the parties are not satisfied with an order , they may file an appeal within seven days from the date of the receipt of the order .

  14. 第五十八条当事人对裁定不服的,可以在收到裁定书之日起五日内申请复议一次。

    Article58if a party is not satisfied with the order , he may apply for reconsideration once within five days of the date of receiving the written order .