
zǔ dàn bái xiū shì
  • histone modification
  1. DNA甲基化往往与组蛋白修饰相互作用共同调控基因的表达。

    DNA methylation is often interact with histone modification to regulate gene expression .

  2. DNA甲基化与组蛋白修饰对克隆胚发育的影响

    The Effect of DNA Methylation and Histone Modification on the Development of Cloned Embryos

  3. 表观遗传修饰主要有DNA甲基化和以组蛋白修饰为特征的染色质重塑。

    Epigenetic modification includes DNA methylation and histone modifications .

  4. DNA甲基化、组蛋白修饰与基因沉默

    DNA Methylation , Histone Modifications and Genes Silencing

  5. 肿瘤DNA异常甲基化与组蛋白修饰

    Aberrant DNA Methylation and Histone Modification in Tumor

  6. 活化的差异组蛋白修饰标记物对抑制基因的改变伴随着这些DNA甲基化改变。

    Differential histone modification marks of active versus repressed genes accompany these DNA methylation changes .

  7. 表观遗传改变的两个最主要机制就是DNA甲基化和组蛋白修饰。

    The two primary changes of epigenetic mechanism are the DNA methylation and the histone modification .

  8. 在现有的多种组蛋白修饰中,组蛋白赖氨酸的甲基化实际上参与了所有的以染色质为基础的生物进程,包括转录调控和DNA损伤修复。

    Among various histone modifications identified , histone lysine methylation functions in virtually all chromatin based biological processes including transcriptional regulation and DNA damage repair .

  9. DNA甲基化由DNA甲基转移酶催化,在多种调节因子的参与下,与组蛋白修饰相互作用,抑制基因转录,导致基因沉默。

    DNA methylation catalyzed by DNA methyltransferases interacts with histone modification to inhibit gene transcription , induce gene silencing at the participation of many regulators .

  10. 表观遗传学涉及的机制主要包括DNA甲基化和组蛋白修饰及染色质重塑。

    Epigenetic mechanisms , including DNA methylation , histone modification and chromatin remodeling , have been demonstrated to be involved in the development of SLE .

  11. 因此,也就为研究DNA去甲基化以及DNA甲基化与组蛋白修饰之间的关系造成了麻烦。

    Based on those disadvantages of traditional methods , the study for DNA demethylation and the relationship between DNA methylation and histone modification are difficult .

  12. 综述了RNA干扰,小RNA,组蛋白修饰,染色质沉默及基因表达调控之间存在着精密的网络调控机制。

    The mechanism existed in RNA interference , short RNAs , chromatin modification and chromatin silencing has been disclosed .

  13. 表观遗传学包括DNA甲基化、组蛋白修饰以及由非编码RNA调控的mRNA表达等。

    Epigenetic mechanisms include DNA methylation , histone modifications such as acetylation and methylation , and control of mRNA expression by non-coding RNAs .

  14. 表观遗传学指不发生DNA序列改变的基因表达改变,DNA甲基化和组蛋白修饰是其中的两个主要内容。

    Epigenetics refers to gene expression changes which DNA sequence will not changed , the main contents of epigenetic mechanism is that DNA methylation and histone modification .

  15. DNA的低甲基化可能在异常组蛋白修饰的协同下引起某些T细胞基因的异常活化,导致狼疮自身免疫的发生。

    DNA hypomethylation , likely to be cooperating with aberrant histone modification , may induce the activation of some T cell genes and development of autoimmunity in SLE .

  16. 表遗传学改变,如DNA甲基化和组蛋白修饰改变可以调节基因的表达,在肿瘤的发生和发展中可能起关键作用。

    The changes of epigenetics such as DNA methylation and histone modification can regulate the expression of genes and play an important role in the development of tumors .

  17. 非DNA序列变异,如DNA甲基化、组蛋白修饰等亦可改变生物性状,包括重要农艺性状如株高、花期、抗性、产量等,并可稳定遗传。

    Non-DNA sequence variations , such as DNA methylation and histone modification , can also change biological traits such as plant height , flowering time , resistance and yield .

  18. 表观遗传变异对于植物的生长发育起着重要作用,主要包括DNA甲基化、组蛋白修饰、染色体重塑和RNA干涉等。

    Epigenetic variation plays an important role in plant growth and development , including DNA methylation , histone modification , chromosome remodeling , and RNA interference and so on .

  19. 染色质免疫沉淀法是研究染色质结构的首选方法,它不仅可用来研究体内反式因子与DNA的相互作用,也可以用来研究组蛋白修饰与基因表达的关系。

    Chromatin immunoprecipitation assay ( ChIP ) provides a powerful tool to analyze the interaction of trans-acting factors with specific chromatin regions in vivo , as well as the role of histone modifications in gene regulation .

  20. 在父性、母性孕期酒精暴露研究中,怀孕期间酒精摄入对植入前胚胎DNA甲基化及组蛋白修饰可能造成损害的差异,也为我们预防酒精对胎儿的伤害提供借鉴的作用。

    In the paternal or maternal alcohol exposure during pregnancy , parents with alcohol intake during pregnancy may damage DNA methylation and histone modifications of pre-implantation embryo . We provide prevent the harm of alcohol to the fetus .

  21. 一般认为克隆效率低下与重构胚不正确或者不完全的重组而导致的错误表观修饰相关,其中最主要的就是DNA甲基化异常和组蛋白修饰错误。

    It is generally believed that the low efficiency of cloning is due to the incorrect or incomplete nuclear reprogramming of the differentiated somatic cells after nuclear transfer . One of which is the abnormal DNA methylation and histone modifications .

  22. 许多研究揭示,miRNA受甲基化和组蛋白修饰等表观遗传机制调控,表观遗传对miRNA分子产生重要的调控且直接参与肿瘤发生发展等过程。

    Many studies have revealed that miRNAs are regulated by epigenetic regulation of methylation and histone modifications . Epigenetic regulates miRNA molecules and directly involves in the process of tumor development .

  23. 本研究深入探索组蛋白修饰在骨髓间充质干细胞分化过程中的调控机制,为BMSCs移植治疗压力性尿失禁的研究奠定基础。

    In this study , we explored the regulatory mechanism of histone acetylation on the differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells . Thus laid down a foundation for clinical usage of BMSCs transplantation in SUI treatment .

  24. 组蛋白修饰在基因转录调控中占有重要地位,在组蛋白修饰酶HATs、HDACs、HMTs的共同作用下控制着染色质的结构和基因的表达,从而参与特定位点的基因转录调控。

    Histone modifications plays an important role in transcriptional regulation . Histone modification enzymes , such as HATs , HDACs , HMTs control the chromatin structure and gene expression , thus participate in gene transcription regulation of specific sites .

  25. 组蛋白修饰与干扰素γ应答基因调控的关系

    The relationship between histone acetylation modification and IFN-gamma responsive gene regulation

  26. 我们证明了组蛋白修饰在选择性剪接中一个直接的作用。

    We demonstrated a direct role for histone modifications in alternative splicing .

  27. 染色体带型和组蛋白修饰的特有模式相关。

    Chromosome banding patterns are correlated with unique patterns of histone modifications .

  28. 目的应用染色质免疫沉淀技术研究组蛋白修饰与干扰素γ应答基因调控的关系。

    Objective To study the role of histone modification in the regulation of IFN-gamma-activated gene using chromatin immunoprecipitation technique .

  29. 表观遗传标记,例如组蛋白修饰,对于机体细胞的分化也很重要。

    Epigenetic marks , such as the modifications of the histones , are also important for the specialisation of the body 's cells .

  30. 目的:组蛋白修饰在基因表达调控等多种生物学过程中起着重要作用,是表观遗传中重要的调控机制之一。

    AIMNESS : Histone modification as one of the key epigenetic regulation mechanisms plays critical roles in various biological processes , including regulation of chromatin structure dynamics and gene expression .