
zǔ zhī
  • organization;organize;tissue;plan;structure;order;form;conduct;set-up;stage;handling;machinery;organized system;weave;line up;get together;spinning and weaving
组织 [zǔ zhī]
  • (1) [organize;structure;form]∶按照一定的目的、任务和形式加以编制;安排事物使有系统或构成整体

  • 组织一个集会并建立一个教堂

  • (2) [organization;organized system]∶按一定宗旨和系统建立起来的集体

  • 党团组织

  • (3) [tissue]∶通常由一类或几类特殊的细胞与其胞间质(胞间质是结构物质之一)一起组成的聚集体,动植物体即由这些聚集体构造而成

  • 结缔组织

  • (4) [weave]∶纺织品经纬纱线的结构

  • 斜纹组织

  • (5) [spinning and weaving]∶纺织

  • 树桑麻,习组织

组织[zǔ zhī]
  1. 该组织自1955年创建以来已有重大的发展。

    The organization has grown enormously since its foundation in 1955 .

  2. 他是一个大型国际组织的主席。

    He 's the president of a large international organization .

  3. 一帮反叛者从核心组织中分裂了出去。

    A rebel faction has split away from the main group .

  4. 让她来组织这次聚会非坏事不可。

    Letting her organize the party is a recipe for disaster .

  5. 两大组织合并组成一个新党。

    The two groups have merged to form a new party .

  6. 恐怖主义组织声称对这几起枪击和爆炸事件负责。

    Terrorist groups claimed responsibility for the shootings and bomb attacks .

  7. 这一证据和先前关于一次有组织暴乱的报告相吻合。

    This evidence meshes with earlier reports of an organized riot .

  8. 中央情报局的特工人员成功地渗入了恐怖分子组织。

    The CIA agents successfully infiltrated into the terrorist organizations .

  9. 在营地有为孩子们组织的各种各样的活动。

    There are all sorts of activities for kids at the campsite .

  10. 我们党的成员绝不与非法组织有来往。

    We in this party will have no truck with illegal organizations .

  11. 在这个组织中,妇女发挥着相对次要的作用。

    Women played a relatively minor role in the organization .

  12. 政府着手完全彻底地摧毁这个组织。

    The government set out to destroy the organization root and branch .

  13. 这个组织笼罩着一种诡秘的气氛。

    The organization is cloaked in a shroud of secrecy .

  14. 自行车组织正在为全国自行车周活动作准备。

    Cycle organizations are gearing up for National Bike Week .

  15. 公共医疗在组织上需要有一个根本性的变革。

    A fundamental change in the organization of health services was required .

  16. 他们的手段已被其他恐怖组织效仿。

    Their tactics have been copied by other terrorist organizations .

  17. 她当选为地方党组织的书记。

    She was elected to serve as secretary of the local party .

  18. 我得催他组织安排这次会议。

    I need to chase him about organizing the meeting .

  19. 这项赛事是由师生共同组织的。

    The event was organized jointly by students and staff .

  20. 我要把组织工作交给你这位能手。

    I 'll leave the organization in your capable hands .

  21. 这个组织发誓他们将继续投入运动。

    The group has pledged that they will continue campaigning .

  22. 这个组织的宗旨完全是追求和平。

    The aims of the organization are wholly peaceful .

  23. 政府支持这些工会组织提出的确定最低限度工资的要求。

    The government supported the unions in their demand for a minimum wage .

  24. 工会组织面临消除纷争的压力。

    There is pressure on the unions to settle .

  25. 应该让这个组织逐步发展。

    The organization should be allowed to develop organically .

  26. 老师对课程组织安排得如何?

    How well does the teacher structure the lessons ?

  27. 这些措施得到环境保护组织的大力支持。

    These measures are strongly supported by environmental groups .

  28. 国际货币基金组织已经调低对未来十年的增长预测。

    The IMF has scaled back its growth forecasts for the next decade .

  29. 各级工会组织了数千名工人抗议削减工资。

    The unions mobilized thousands of workers in a protest against the cuts .

  30. 国际货币基金组织已经调低了它对未来十年的增长预测。

    The IMF has scaled back its growth forecasts for the next decade .