
  • 网络Loose connective tissue;L.C.T.
  1. 脉络丝由软脑膜的疏松结缔组织构成。

    The choroid plexus is composed of loose connective tissue of the piamater .

  2. 教学用疏松结缔组织铺片技术的改良

    An improvement on stretched preparation of loose connective tissue

  3. 合成蛋白质,构成疏松结缔组织的纤维和基质成分

    Function-forming and remodelling collagen , reticular and elastic fibres and the ground substances .

  4. TritonX-100处理24h及36h后,可见腱细胞数量较前减少,腱膜及腱束间疏松结缔组织内细胞大部分消失;

    Treatment with Triton X-100 for 24h and 36h decreased the number of tendon cells ;

  5. 疏松结缔组织是支持与储备系统重要的组成部分,其中的脂肪源干细胞(adipose-DERIVEDSTEMCELLS,ADSCs)是机体重要的干细胞储备之一。

    Loose connective tissue is a an important part of the supporting-storing system , and adipose-derived stem cells ( ADSCs ) are main stem cells reserved in this system .

  6. 结果为,ALP主要分布于GMG细胞群间的疏松结缔组织中;

    ALP distributed largely in the endothelium of blood vessels in loose connective tissues between the GMG cells masses .

  7. 自从1877年Ehrlich氏在疏松结缔组织内发现并描述了肥大细胞以后,肥大细胞作为疏松结缔组织中的细胞成分,已为世界各国动物学界和医学界的广大学者所公认。

    It has been well known in zoological and medical fields throughout the world that mast cell discovered and first described by Ehrlich in 1877 , acts as one of the components in loose connective tissue cells .

  8. 结论滑膜衬里细胞肥大增生、疏松结缔组织炎症细胞浸润等滑膜炎表现,局灶性软骨基质减少、变性、纤维化和软骨下骨板炎症细胞浸润、破坏,是早期SIJ炎的病理特点;

    Conclusion Synovitis , including hyperplasia of lining cell and the infiltration of inflammatory cell in loose connective tissue , and local cartilage degeneration and inflammatory cell infiltration , and destruction of subchondral bony plate are the early changes identified in sacroiliitis .

  9. 精细管之间的间质为疏松结缔组织,富含血管。

    There was a interstitial cell in the loose connective tissue .

  10. 疏松结缔组织撕片染色法改良

    Improved staining method of spreading section of loose connective tissue

  11. 沿疏松结缔组织生长(11例);

    Extension in rarefaction connective tissue ( 11 cases ) .

  12. 内皮下层则由疏松结缔组织组成。

    The sub-intima is composed by loose connective tissues .

  13. 粘膜下层为疏松结缔组织。

    It was loose connective tissue in the submucosa .

  14. 2皮下疏松结缔组织;

    The loose connective tissue in the subcutaneous layer .

  15. 干细胞、上皮细胞和疏松结缔组织细胞为靶细胞。

    The epithelial cells and connective tissue cells and stem cell are target .

  16. 上皮下为疏松结缔组织,结缔组织的主要成分为胶原纤维。

    Under the epithelia is loose connective tissue whose chief elements are collagen fibers .

  17. 不同方法制作疏松结缔组织铺片的比较观察

    A comparative observation on stretch preparation of the loose connective tissue with different methods

  18. 房室束横断面大多为三角形,外包有疏松结缔组织鞘。

    His 's bundle surround by loose connective tissues , was mostly triangle in shape .

  19. 沿疏松结缔组织浸润性生长;

    Growing along the rarefied connective tissue ;

  20. 白色脂肪被疏松结缔组织隔膜分隔成脂肪细胞群。

    White fat is partitioned by septa of loose connective tissue into clusters of adipose cells .

  21. 黏膜上皮主要为单层柱状纤毛细胞,黏膜下层为疏松结缔组织。

    Mucosal epithelial is formed by simple ciliated columnar cells while the submucosa is formed by loose connective tissue .

  22. 在各次级淋巴器官和疏松结缔组织内则为均一类型的成熟肥大细胞。

    There are only uniform maturated mast cells in all secondary lymph organs and loose connective tissues . Therefore .

  23. 注入颞筋膜下疏松结缔组织中者,充填物可经颧弓深面再向前沿面颊脂体蔓延至颊部。

    Polyacrylamide hydrogel injected into the loose connective tissue below the deep temporal fascia could spread down to the cheek .

  24. 结果:⑴在鼻背筋膜下存在一薄的疏松结缔组织层,与骨膜之间为一潜在间隙。

    Results : ⑴ A latent space between the periosteum and the connective tissue lay under the fascia of dorsum nasi .

  25. 4神经血管束疏松结缔组织;5内脏器官门及被膜疏松结缔组织。

    The loose connective tissue around the neurovascular tracts , and 5.The loose connective tissue at the visceral hili and tunicae .

  26. 上皮下和内皮下都是疏松结缔组织,胶原纤维是结缔组织的主要成分,在此可见血管、淋巴管、神经等。

    We can see loose connective tissues under epithelium and endothelium . The major composition of connective tissue is collagen fiber .

  27. 结果⑴假体组织学特点:大致可分为两层,包膜外层为疏松结缔组织,内层为致密结缔组织。

    Results ⑴ Capsule was divided into two layers : the inner layer was dense and the outer loose connective tissues .

  28. 卵巢壁由外向内依次由上皮层、疏松结缔组织、基膜和分化上皮构成;

    The ovarian wall is composed of epithelium layer , loose connective tissue , basement membrane and differentiation epithelium from out to in .

  29. 3具4侧肌内供血动脉与肌肉深面疏松结缔组织内较大分支并存;

    On 4 sides of 3 cadavers , intramuscular nutrient arteries coexist with the big branches in the loose connective tissue deep to the muscle ;

  30. 左、右迷走神经主干沿食管两侧缘下行,与食管壁外膜以疏松结缔组织相连;

    The left and right vagi descended along the lateral border of esophagus , being connected with the outer layer of esophageal wall by loose connective tissue ;