
shū shuǐ xiāng hù zuò yònɡ
  • hydrophobic interaction
  1. 由于PR和SDS间是较弱的疏水相互作用,这样的自组装膜在极性有机溶剂中能很快地被刻蚀掉。

    The resulting films can be etched quickly when being immersed in polar organic solvents due to the weak hydrophobic interaction between PR and SDS .

  2. 表面活性剂与AP-P4间相互作用的本质在于疏水相互作用,而SDBS与OP-10由于荷电性质不同,对溶液性质的影响程度也不同。

    The essence of interaction between surfactants and AP-P4 is hydrophobic interaction , the electric charge property difference make the different degree of influence on the solution properties .

  3. 疏水相互作用色谱中Z值的测定

    Accurate Determination of Z Value in Hydrophobic Interaction Chromatography

  4. 本文通过突变和光谱学分析,发现连接片段和C末端结构域之间的疏水相互作用对肌酸激酶活性、稳定性和折叠具有重要意义。

    In this research , the results suggested that the hydrophobic interactions between the linker and the C-terminal domain played a key role on the activity , structural stability and folding of creatine kinase by mutation and spectral analysis .

  5. 文中讨论了表征分子量和疏水相互作用的特性粘数与Huggins常数。

    The intrinsic viscosity and Huggins constant characterizing molecular weight and hydrophobic interaction were discussed .

  6. Raman光谱中通过S-S和C-C伸缩振动特征谱带的变化,说明脉冲电场对巯基和二硫键有一定的影响;通过酪氨酸特征振动频率的变化情况,说明脉冲电场对疏水相互作用有一定的影响。

    Changes in S-S and C-C stretching vibration frequency by Raman spectra indicated that PEF have certain effects on sulfhydryl and disulphide bond .

  7. CDF和XMF同胆酸盐间以疏水相互作用为主。

    The main interaction between cholate and CDF / XMF was hydrophobic interaction .

  8. 用平衡渗析法研究了不同温度时甲醇和脲存在下P(St-Am·MG)与X-3B相互作用的热力学。证明了它们之间确实存在疏水相互作用。

    The hydrophobic interaction of P ( St-Am · MG ) with X-3B has been investigated by the equilibrium dialysis method at 25 °, 35 ° , 45 ° and 55 ℃ in the presence of urea and methanol .

  9. 蛋白质的静电相互作用通过有限差分方法求解Poisson-Boltzmann方程得到,疏水相互作用通过分析溶剂可及性表面模型得到。

    Solving the Poisson-Boltzmann equation the finite difference method was used to calculate the electrostatic potential . The solvent accessible surface model was supplied for the molecular surface and hydrophobicity .

  10. 首次研究了疏水相互作用色谱(HIC)中芳香醇同系物在四种盐流动相中的保留行为,并对蛋白质在HIC中的保留行为进行了研究。

    Effect of composition of mobile phases on the retention behavior of solutes in hydrophobic interaction chromatography ( HIC ) The retention behavior of aromatic alcohol homologues in the solutions of different salts in HIC was firstly investigated , and the retention behavior of proteins was also studied .

  11. 四苯硼钠在活性炭表面吸附过程的疏水相互作用

    Hydrophobic interaction for the adsorption of sodium tetraphenylborate onto activated carbon

  12. 疏水相互作用对阳离子聚电解质与染料键合的影响

    The effect of hydrophobic interaction on the cationic polyelectrolyte-dye binding

  13. 丹参酮ⅡA疏水相互作用的电镜观察

    Observation on the hydrophobic interaction of Tanshinone ⅱ _A by transmission electron microscope

  14. 疏水相互作用色谱中蛋白质保留值的预测

    Prediction of Retention for Protein in Hydrophobic Interaction Chromatography

  15. 人们利用各种分子在亲疏水相互作用的诱导下合成了各多种多样的囊泡。

    Many kinds of molecules were used to assemble vesicles by hydrophilic and hydrophobic interactions .

  16. 疏水相互作用和分子之间的氢键是自组装的驱动力。

    The driving forces of aggregation are the hydrogen-bonding interactions between molecules and the hydrophobic interaction .

  17. 本文介绍了一种以硅胶为基质,修饰了多功能氨基官能团的疏水相互作用色谱固定相。

    Abstract : Results from a silica-based HIC stationary phase with multifunctional attachment of amide groups are presented .

  18. 氢键、疏水相互作用和静电相互作用是形成大豆分离蛋白凝胶的主要作用力。

    Hydrogen bond , hydrophobic interaction and electrostatic interaction were major forces in the formation of SPI gels .

  19. 此时吸附剂与内毒素之间存在静电、氢键、疏水相互作用和八元环的协同作用。

    The electrostatic interaction , hydrogen bond and cooperative effect of the eight - membered ring were formed simultaneously .

  20. 研究表明,二硫键、非二硫共价键、疏水相互作用是维持鲢鱼糜凝胶网络结构的主要化学作用力。

    The main chemical interactions to maintain silver carp surimi gel network structure were disulfide bonds , non-disulfide covalent bonds and hydrophobicity .

  21. 对三七素在石墨化碳柱上的保留及其影响因素的研究结果表明:三七素在石墨化碳柱上的保留机理仍主要是疏水相互作用。

    The retention mechanism of dencichine on a porous graphitic carbon column seems to be mainly hydrophobic interaction according to the study .

  22. 对莲花杆活性炭吸附,疏水相互作用,阳离子交换和电子给体-受体相互作用,可能是其主要机制。

    Lotus bar on activated carbon adsorption , hydrophobic interactions , cation exchange and donor-acceptor interactions , may be the primary mechanism .

  23. 色素因疏水相互作用产生笼形水合物并形成较大粒径的水合物晶体,可离心除去。

    Pigment formed clathrate hydrates for the sake of hydrophobic interaction and further aggregated to bigger clathrate hydrates which can be removed by centrifuge .

  24. 乙醇解吸可能改变了溶剂的相互作用,削弱了多肽链和树脂之间的疏水相互作用,从而使水解物从吸附的树脂上被洗脱。

    Desorption with alcohol reversed the solvent antagonism , weaken hydrophobic interaction forces between the peptides and resins and hence to elute the peptides .

  25. 对于结合,免疫球蛋白直接吸附在颗粒的表面上,主要通过London-范德华力和疏水相互作用。

    For conjugation , immunoglobulin is directly adsorbed on the particle surfaces , mediated mainly by London – van der Waals force and hydrophobic interaction .

  26. 我们通过两种配基的比较,发现配基和内毒素之间同时有电荷相互作用和疏水相互作用。

    With comparison to two kind of ligands , it is shown that both electrostatic and hydrophobic interactions contribute to the association of ligands and endotoxin .

  27. 它们都以疏水相互作用为主要驱动力,表现出分层次自组装的过程。

    They can show lots of self-assemble ways and morphology . The main inner driving force of these two molecules are hydrophobic interactions and they assemble hierarchically .

  28. 配体结合处的踪迹残基决定了受体-配体间的氢键作用和疏水相互作用模式并导致了亚家族的配体结合特异性。

    Trace residues in ligand-binding sites display different hydrogen-bond interactions and van der Waals contacts between receptors and its ligands , which decide subfamilies ' ligand binding specificity .

  29. 结果表明,界面大小、氢键和疏水相互作用在界面所占比例以及疏水相互作用的集中程度可以作为分类的依据。

    The size of interface , the proportion of hydrophobic and hydrophilic property and the extent of concentration in hydrophobicity were found to be important for interface classification .

  30. 即多肽对海藻糖的优先排阻作用阻碍了多肽之间的疏水相互作用发生,从而抑制了多肽分子的疏水性塌缩和构象转变。

    The preferential exclusion effect of the peptides on trehalose could suppress hydrophobic interactions , so the hydrophobic collapse of the peptides and the conformational transitions were inhibited .