
xì mù gōng bǎn
  • Joinery board;core-board
细木工板[xì mù gōng bǎn]
  1. 本文针对细木工板的构造特点和现存的细木工板产品检测方法的缺陷,提出了采用X射线对细木工板无损检测的方法。

    This paper proposes a scheme for nondestructive detection of Blockboard with X-ray nondestructive testing method , according to Blockboard structural characteristics and defects of existing detection method .

  2. 以三聚氰胺改性脲醛(MUF)树脂压制的胶合板、装饰贴面板、细木工板经检测均符合E1级的标准要求。

    Plywood , decorative plywood and blockboard manufactured with this MUF resin conformed to E1 degree required by standard .

  3. 本文以生产规模1万m3/a细木工板生产线为例,阐述了该生产线的工艺设计特点和设备选型。

    Taking a blockboard production line with capacity 10 000 m 3 / a as an example , this paper described features of technological design and equipment selection .

  4. 经生产性试验,用此API胶压制的三层实木复合地板、机拼细木工板、胶合板及集成材等胶合制品,其理化性能指标完全达到有关标准要求,并且制品无甲醛等有毒物质挥发。

    After production experiments in three layers composite flooring board , blockboard , plywood , laminated stuff and other bond products with this API adhesive proved , all of this performance indexes are passed and there are no poison materials emission from products .

  5. 细木工板游离甲醛不同检测方法的比较分析

    Comparison and Analysis on Different Determination Methods for Formaldehyde Emission from Blockboard

  6. 油漆涂饰的细木工板的防火性能和安全性能较差。

    Painting block-boards is poor in fire performance and security .

  7. 随着BL-甲醛消纳剂加入比例的增加,细木工板的甲醛释放量呈明显的降低趋势;

    BL-formaldehyde absorptive reagent can effectively reduce the formaldehyde emission of blockboard .

  8. 以杉木作芯板的细木工板制作工艺

    Technology of bond joint Chinese fir - core blockboard

  9. 论细木工板发展趋势对室内装饰装修及家具产品的影响

    The effects of interior decoration and furniture products on the BLOCKBOARDS developable tendency

  10. 细木工板理化性能影响因素的研究

    The Study on the Influential Factors to the Physics and Chemistry Performance of Blockboard

  11. 我国细木工板发展现状和质量问题分析

    The Analysis with the Development Status and Quality Problem of Block Board in China

  12. 近年浙江省细木工板监督抽查质量形势分析

    Analysis on Recent Years ' Situation for Block Board Product Selective Supervision in Zhejiang Province

  13. 南方十种树种木材作芯条的细木工板性能研究复合夹芯板的生产工艺

    Effect of 10 Wood Species from Southern China on Properties of Block Board with Cores from These Species

  14. 选择适当的原料和工艺,制备出低成本的,适用于胶合板和细木工板的水性高分子异氰酸酯胶粘剂。

    Low cost API adhesive for plywood and blockboard has been made adopting appropriate raw materials and technology .

  15. 无溶剂型湿固化异氰酸酯树脂胶粘剂的研制水性异氰酸酯胶合板与细木工板的研究

    Preparation of moisture curing solventless isocyanate adhesive Study on Application of Water Based Isocyanate Adhesive in Plywood and Blockboard Manufacture

  16. 其主要产品包括:刨花板、密度板、细木工板、多层板、贴面板等建筑装饰家具材料。

    Its main products include : particleboard , MDF , Blockboard , multilayer , such as furniture , building decoration materials .

  17. 如建一条胶合板、刨花板或细木工板生产线价格也不过几十万元。

    For example , the construction of a production line of plywood , particleboard or blockboard merely costs RMB several hundred thousand .

  18. 我正在寻找不同品牌的木制品的模型,像木门,胶合板,中密度纤维板和细木工板产品。

    I am looking for different Brands and models of Wooden Products like Wooden doors , plywood , MDF & Block board .

  19. 结果表明:在芯板制作中采用不同的热压温度、芯条涂胶量、芯条含水率和芯条含水率均匀性对细木工板的性能有影响。

    The results showed that hot pressing temperature , core strip resin content and core strip moisture content had effects on blockboard properties .

  20. 分别用穿孔法和大室法研究了4种人造板材(胶合板、细木工板、刨花板和中密度纤维板)的甲醛散发水平。

    Formaldehyde emission levels of four kinds of wood-base d panel ( Plywood , Blockboard , Particleboard and MDF ) were studied with perforate m ethod and large chamber method .

  21. 为了更好的对细木工板进行检测,根据检测实验要求和安全需要及细木工板的外在形状,设计并做出了机械传动轨道。

    In order to better detect Blockboard , the track of mechanical transmission is designed and made under considering experimental testing requirements and security needs combined with the external shape of Blockboard .

  22. 细木工板的板芯处于细木工板内部,占总体积的60%以上,主要给细木工板提供一定厚度和强度,与细木工板质量有很大关系。

    The board core in internal Blockboard , mainly to provide a certain thickness and strength Blockboard , is over 60 % of the total volume and plays an important role to Blockboard quality .

  23. 浸渍单板贴面对于细木工板的防火性能影响不大,所得的参数几乎与素板一致;2、采用磷酸二氢铵进行阻燃处理的板材具有很好的防火性能和安全性能。

    Veneered block-boards in little effect on the fire performance , Obtained parameters are almost consistent with the blank block-board . ( 2 ) Utilizing ammonium dihydrogen phosphate to treat with block-board has good fire performance and safety .

  24. 针对小型胶合板、细木工板生产企业的实际情况,从制造工艺技术方面提出具体要求与措施,以生产出质量符合国家标准要求的产品。

    In view of the realities in the small-scale plywood and blockboard enterprises , concrete requirements and measures for improving manufacture technologies and techniques are recommended for these enterprises to produce qualified products meeting the requirements of National Standards .

  25. 方法选取刨花板、三夹板、细木工板、强化地板4种木质板材采用小型环境测试舱平衡浓度法进行甲醛释放量的测定。

    Methods Four kinds of wood-based materials were selected and the formaldehyde emission rates were determined by applying the balancing concentration method of small environmental test chamber and the emission rates of different kinds of the materials were compared .

  26. 胶合板、细木工板、刨花板等用作家具及木结构构件时的变形,可按正交各向异性平板理论进行理论分析,且用微分方程来描述。

    Deformation of the plywood , joinery board , particle board and so on which were used in making furnitures and other wood structures could be analysed by using the theory of perpendicular heterogeneous panel and described by partial differential equation .

  27. 摘要通过对我国细木工板发展现状、趋势和目前存在主要问题的论述,探讨对细木工板横向静曲强度影响因素研究的重要性和必要性。

    Basing on the discussion of the development status and the direction of block board in China and the key problem existing currently , this essay mainly discussed the research to the influential factors of bending strength about block board and its importance and necessity .

  28. 本文从剖析甲醛来源及其释放影响因素入手,得出室内空气中甲醛的来源主要有以下几个方面:(1)用作室内装饰的胶合板,细木工板,中密度纤维板和刨花板等人造板材。

    Starting from the study on the source of indoor formaldehyde and the analysis of elements affecting its emission , the thesis elicits that indoor formaldehyde comes mainly from the following places : ( 1 ) decoration-used artificial glue board , wood block , fiberboard and flakeboard ;

  29. 用PSL法生产细木工芯板

    Study on manufacturing joiner core by PSL method