
jīnɡ jì jià zhí
  • economic value
  1. 烟草是一种经济价值比较高的作物。

    Tobacco is a crop which has relatively high economic value .

  2. 这样的速度使这种机器具有很大的经济价值。

    This speed makes the machine of high economic value .

  3. 她想与其让每个家庭出钱,还不如抓住废物本身固有的经济价值,然后用这个利益去帮助卫生事业运转。

    Instead of making households pay , she wants to capture the inherent economic value of waste itself , and use the profits to help pay for sanitation .

  4. 良好生态本身蕴含着无穷的经济价值,能够源源不断创造综合效益,实现经济社会可持续发展。

    A sound environment promises great economic potential , generates good returns , and contributes to economic and social sustainability .

  5. 运用CVM对生态保护经济价值的评价&在武陵源国家自然保护区中的应用分析

    Evaluation of the Economic Value of the Protection of Ecological Environment by Applying CVM

  6. 对重庆雪宝山进行AHP生态评价,研究结果说明雪宝山生态质量较好,保护的优先程度较高,具有重要的生态价值、经济价值和社会价值。

    The results show that its ecological quality is relatively good , its conserved priority is satisfactory , and it has significant ecological , economic and social values .

  7. 同时,Bi、Cd及其他伴生元素含量也较高,在找矿勘探工作中,应注意综合评价,以提高矿床的经济价值。

    Contents of Bi , Cd and other associated elements are also high . Therefore , comprehensive assessment in exploration work is expected to raise the economic value of the mine .

  8. 与此同时,VOC是重要的化工原料,其回收有重要的经济价值。

    At the same time , VOC is an important chemical raw material , and its recovery has important economic value .

  9. 在全球环境污染和资源匮乏的严峻形势下,开发PLA等降解聚合物具有重要的社会意义和经济价值。

    In the grim situation of global environmental pollution and lack of resources , the researches on PLA and other biodegradable polymers have important social significance and economic value .

  10. 浓度-价值损失率法依据污染物对地下水质量的损害程度即损失率与未受污染的同一水体的总经济价值K乘积来计算,符合环境经济学的原理,理论依据充分;

    The calculation is based on the impacts of pollutants on groundwater quality and in comparison with the total economic value of the same water body unpolluted , which is coincident with environmental economics and has strong theoretic basis .

  11. 海鞘(Ascidian)的生物学特性及经济价值

    Biological Characteristics of Ascidian and Its Commercial Value

  12. 雀稗属(Paspalum)为禾本科黍亚科多年生或一年生植物,是黍亚科内最有经济价值的类群之一。

    Genus Paspalum , a perennial or annual grass of Gramineae , is one of the with great economic value groups .

  13. 烟蚜Myzuspersicae对烤烟质量与经济价值的影响及防治指标的研究

    A Study on the influence of Myzus persicae ( Sulzer ) upon the Quality , Economic Value of Flue-cured Tobacco and its Economic Threshold

  14. 尤其适合以IGBT作为主功率开关管的高电压、大功率功率变换,具有广泛的应用前景和巨大的经济价值。

    So this novel converter has a wide application and huge economy effect in power converting field , especially in the high voltage and high power feild where IGBT is used as the main switch .

  15. 除桑蚕以外,蓖麻蚕和天蚕都是鳞翅目(Lepidoptera),天蚕蛾科(Saturniidae)中具有较高经济价值的绢丝昆虫。

    Besides silkworm , Samia cynthia ricini and Antheraea yamamai are all Lepidoptera , Saturniidae and spun silk insect of higher economic worth .

  16. 美洲帘蛤Mercenariamercenaria是一种生长快,适应能力强,适温、适盐范围广,经济价值高的大型双壳贝类。

    Mercenaria mercenaria is a bigger shellfish with high value , fast growth , power adaptability , and wide adapt rang for temperature and salinity .

  17. 引进了效益的概念,提出了在工程结构风险分析中应用最大期望效益准则(EUV)的方法,使经济价值因素和非经济价值因素得到统一。

    " Utility " concept is introduced into the engineering area . To unify the economic and non-economic factors in engineering structures risk analysis the max expected utility value ( EUV ) method is presented .

  18. VMI是目前国际领先的物流管理模式,它能为客户带来实现JIT库存、增加市场响应速度、提高经营效率和降低风险等经济价值。

    VMI ( Vender Managed Inventory ) is the most advanced international logistics management mode , which can bring the following economic value to customs , such as producing JIT storage , reducing responding time , increasing management efficiency , decreasing risks and so on .

  19. 人肿瘤坏死因子受体Ⅱ-Fc抗体融合蛋白(TNFR-Fc)对治疗风湿性、类风湿性关节炎疾病具有良好的疗效,拥有广阔的市场前景和巨大的经济价值。

    The human tumor necrosis factor receptor-IgG Fc fusion ( TNFR-Fc ), has been successfully used for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis , and therefore it has great economic value and broad market prospects .

  20. 在10kV电力线上实现高速数据传输有着广阔的应用前景和经济价值,但是由于电力线信道存在着不可预期的高噪声、多径效应和信道衰落,严重制约了高速数据的传输。

    High-speed data communication over 10 kV power line is an active field with broad application perspective and economic benefits . But due to the unpredictable high noise , multi-path effect and path attenuation , power line channel is difficult for transmitting high-speed streams .

  21. 绿竹(Dendrocalamopsisoldhami)用途广泛,成林快、笋期长、产量高、营养丰富,具有较高的经济价值和生态效益。

    Green bamboo ( Dendrocalamopsis oldhami ), which is widely used in many aspects and grows into forest fast . It has long shoot-yield period , output high , nutrient-rich with high economic value and ecological benefits .

  22. 本文参照Constanza等的思路与方法,以内蒙古典型草原生态系统有机物生产为基础,分别采用市场价值法、替代市场法等估算其主要服务功能的经济价值。

    Referring to the methodology of constanza et al , and based on the biomass of Inner Mongolia steppe , authors of this paper assessed the total value of the steppe ecosystem services by various economic calculative methods .

  23. 因此,联邦土地还具有巨大的经济价值。

    Thus , the federal lands also have tremendous economic importance .

  24. 区域生态环境服务功能经济价值评价的理论与方法

    Theories and method of evaluating regional ecosystem environment service economic value

  25. 蓝莓是一种食用价值和经济价值较高的新兴浆果类。

    Blueberry is a kind of emerging fruit with edible value .

  26. 提高企业信用的经济价值认识,加强企业信用建设

    Enhancing the Knowledge of Enterprise Credit and Strengthening Its Construction

  27. 本文提出一种长行程多油缸的同步测试新方法,取代传统大量程传感器绝对位移测量方法,实现了实时检测,实践表明,方法直接、可靠,具有显著技术经济价值和广泛应用前景

    A method of synchronous testing for long stroke multi-cylinder is

  28. 网络域名在现代社会具有较高的经济价值。

    Domain name presents its great economic value in the modern era .

  29. 对有经济价值的可再生资源进行开发;

    Renewable resources with economic worth are developed in the nature reserve .

  30. 中国草地资源生态经济价值的探讨

    An Inquiry into the Ecological Economic Value of Grassland Resource in China