
jīnɡ jì jī chǔ
  • economic basis/base
经济基础 [jīng jì jī chǔ]
  • [economic base] 指社会生产关系的总和,是与之相应的上层建筑的基础

  1. 企业只有具备了稳固的经济基础才能立足和发展。

    A business can only be built and expanded on a sound financial base

  2. 确实是那些没有经济基础的穷国的环境记录最差。

    It 's really the poor countries that don 't have an economic base that have the worst environmental records

  3. 亚洲各国有着良好的经济基础和发展潜力。

    Asian countries have a good economic foundation and great potentials .

  4. 上层建筑要与经济基础相适应。

    The superstructure should be suited to the economic base .

  5. 所有人都明白,这些经济基础设施的提高将会提高生产效率,使经济更快增长。

    Everybody understands that improving these bones of our economy can lead to gains in productivity and higher economic growth .

  6. 经济基础是职业篮球发展的基础条件;

    The economic basis is the professional basketball development base term ;

  7. 发展乡镇企业,夯实新农村建设的经济基础

    Develop Township Enterprises and Strengthen Economic Base of New Rural Construction

  8. 据称,该机构的客户为有一定经济基础的已婚人士。

    Their clients are allegedly married people with a well-developed economic foundation .

  9. 论经济基础、上层建筑与社会基本矛盾

    On Economic Foundation , Superstructure and Social Basic Contradiction

  10. 中国改革开放的政治前提与经济基础

    The Political Premises and Economic Basis of China 's Reform and Opening up

  11. 试论解放战争迅速取得胜利的经济基础

    On economic basis for swift victory in Liberation War

  12. 思想政治教育永远承担着为社会主义经济基础服务的使命。

    Ideological and political education must serve the basis of the socialist economy forever .

  13. 工业化是城市化的经济基础。

    Industrialization is the economic basis for urbanization .

  14. 论消费信用的微观经济基础

    On the Microeconomic Basis for the Consumer Credit

  15. 教师工资是维持和激励教师生存与发展的经济基础。

    Teachers ' salary is the financial foundation to sustain survival and inspire development .

  16. 同时,上层建筑也反作用于经济基础。

    At the same time , the superstructure plays the counteraction against the economic base .

  17. 第二节则主要从社会背景方面分析了志愿医院建立的经济基础。

    The second section analyzed the economic base of the founding of the voluntary hospitals .

  18. 这是社会主义初级阶段社会经济基础的必然反映。

    It is an inevitable reflect of social economic base in the primary stage of socialism .

  19. 和谐社会的经济基础

    On Economic Base of Harmonious Society

  20. 经济基础与上层建筑的关系;

    Economic base and superstructure ;

  21. 我国是处于社会主义初级阶段的发展中国家,经济基础薄弱,穷国办大教育,国拔高等教育经费不足将是相当长一段时期内我国的基本国情。

    Lacking of higher educational fund will be a basic problem in China for a long time .

  22. 赎刑在西周的实施,有利于缓解社会矛盾,巩固国家的经济基础。

    The implementation of the system helped relieve the social problems and reinforce the national economic foundation .

  23. 在这一部分,作者从物质形态、意识形态、经济基础的角度将滨水区景观规划设计特色要素归纳为三大要素:生态、物质要素,非物质要素和经济技术要素,并就特色进行阐述。

    Author concluded characteristic element into three aspect : ecological substance element , ideological element , economical element .

  24. 经济基础与上层建筑之间的矛盾则类似于本质与现象的矛盾关系。因此,即使经济基础与上层建筑之间存在着一定的矛盾关系,它们也不会成为社会基本矛盾。

    Therefore , the relationship between economic foundation and superstructure is just like the relationship between essence and phenomenon .

  25. 作为封建社会的统治思想,它直接作用于封建社会的经济基础;

    As the governance thought of feudal society , It acts on the economic base of the feudal society directly ;

  26. 历史唯物主义认为,经济基础决定上层建筑,上层建筑反映经济基础,并能动地反作用于经济基础。

    Historical materialism says that the economic basis decides the upper building and the upper building reflects the economic basis .

  27. 一方面是夯实经济基础,完善社会主义市场经济体制,大力发展社会主义市场经济。

    One is lays an economic foundation for improving the socialist market economic system , vigorously develops the socialist market economy .

  28. 文章着重从经济基础、文化样式和思维方式等角度,考察了性别观形成的历史过程。

    This article emphasizes the historical course of gender view considering all angles of economic bases , culture styles and thinking ways .

  29. 为此,本文提出了以完善我国市场经济基础制度为核心的政策建议。

    For this purpose , this article puts forward the policy suggestion focused on refining fundamental institution for market economy of our country .

  30. 然而,由于各地的自然地理状况和经济基础条件各不相同,发展循环经济所选择的模式也就各不相同。

    However , due to natural and geographical conditions and the economy base different from each other , recycling economy development model also varies .