
  • 网络Economic profit;EVA
  1. EVA的本质是经济利润。

    EVA is essentially the economic profit .

  2. 据咨询公司EVADimensions的估算,沃尔玛的经济利润投资者最关心的一项标准多年来一路飙升。

    Its economic profit , the measure that investors care about most , has been rocketing for years , calculates the EVA dimensions consulting firm .

  3. 经济利润指标EVA为全面预算管理体系提供了测定和分析工具,具有广泛的适用性。

    Economical profit target EVA has provided the determination and analysis tools for the comprehensive budget management system , and has widespread applicability .

  4. 经过以上分析,本文认为,EVA指标比其他公司估价指标具有更多的优点,它是对一个公司真实经济利润的衡量,其理念符合现代财务管理的核心&股东价值最大化。

    As a scale of the real economic profit of a corporation , EVA accord with the core of modern financial management , namely maximize of the stockholder value .

  5. 因此,在计算经济利润时,正如咨询公司EVADimensions的做法,研发和广告被视为是资本开支,分别按5年和3年摊销。

    So in calculating economic profit , as done by the EVA dimensions consulting firm , R & D and advertising are regarded as capital expenditures and are amortized over five and three years respectively .

  6. 奥纬咨询(oliverwyman)最近对全球顶级银行的一项分析显示,在多达15条业务线中,大约五分之一的营收是完全没有经济利润的。

    In a recent Oliver Wyman analysis of top global banks , about a fifth of revenues from up to 15 business lines made no economic profit at all .

  7. EVA的实质是一种经济利润,是净营业利润与投资者使用的资本的成本相比,超出或低于后者的差值。

    The essence of EVA is a kind of " economic profit ", which refers to that the net operating profits are in proportion with the capitals used by investors , and the difference values higher or lower than the investors ' capitals .

  8. 本文基于中国日化用品行业应用扩展的Hotelling模型分析了在位企业可以利用品牌扩散战略在获取经济利润的同时,成功阻止潜在竞争者的进入。

    The paper applies to extensive Hotelling model to analyze Chinese daily chemical articles industry . It is concluded that reigning enterprises can make use of the brand extension strategies to successfully deter potential competitors ' entry as welt as achieve economic profits .

  9. 经济利润是面向未来、面向决策的利润。

    The enterprise interest is focusing future and facing policy decision .

  10. 基于经济利润模型的企业价值评估

    Assessment of Enterprise 's Value Based on Economic Profit Method

  11. 它对企业经济利润的增长和企业竞争力具有决定性的意义。

    It is crucial to increase profit and competition of an industry .

  12. 经济利润评价在现代公司治理中的运用

    The Application of Profit Evaluation in Modern Company Management

  13. 会计利润和经济利润是一对既有联系又有区别的概念。

    Accounting profits and economic profits are related and different from each other .

  14. 经济利润及折现现金流在企业价值评估中的应用研究

    Studies on Applications of Economic Profit and Discounted Cash Flow in Business Valuation

  15. 投资者想看到经济利润的增加,而亚马逊在这方面似乎保持了增长。

    Investors want to see rising economic profit that seems likely to keep rising .

  16. 集成电路的成品率是决定半导体产业经济利润的重要因素。

    Yield is an important factor which can determine the profits of semiconductor industry .

  17. 因此,经济利润的出现就会很快吸引新的厂商进入该市场。

    Thus , the presence of economic profits will quickly lure new firms into the market .

  18. 战略管理文献主要从经济利润和价值创造的角度考察竞争优势。

    Strategic management literature approaches competitive advantage mainly from the perspective of economic profit and value creation .

  19. 会计利润和经济利润

    Accounting Profits Economic Profits

  20. 他们不仅仅是单纯追求企业的经济利润,更是考虑到了企业为投资者带来的财富。

    They not only pursuit of economic profits , but also consider the corporate wealth for the investors .

  21. 只重视经济利润,而忽视市场管理等。本文就健康体检中心存在的问题进行分析,并提出相应的对策。

    The existent problems in physical examination center are analyzed and relevant countermeasures are offered in this article .

  22. 可见,经济利润对于企业价值管理和财务战略管理具有重要意义。

    It is clear that economic profit for important meaning of enterprise value management and financial strategic management .

  23. 这种防污漆的使用虽然给航运业带来了巨大的经济利润,但也产生了严峻的环境问题。

    Although this kind of paints has brought about great profit to the shipping , it brought severe environmental problem .

  24. 工业革命以来,人类开始崇尚物质主义与经济利润,大量开采自然资源。

    Since the industrialism , human beings start to adore materialism and pursue profit through the exploitation of natural resources .

  25. 本文利用内含价值法的原理推导出企业价值增值的折现现金流量模型和经济利润模型。

    This paper deduces the Discounted Cash Flow model and Economic Profit model based on the principle of inherent value method .

  26. 经济学家衡量的是企业的经济利润,它是总收益减去所有的机会成本(显性和隐性的)。

    Economists measure a firm 's economic profit as total revenue minus all the opportunity costs ( explicit and implicit ) .

  27. 跳跃式的能源和食品价格对于价格指数回升具有突出作用,尤其减缩了经济利润。

    Galloping energy and food prices , which are especially squeezing business profits , figured prominently in the index 's pickup .

  28. 经济利润为会计利润扣减资本成本的剩余收益,是评价资本增值和股东价值的重要指标。

    Economic profit , as a surplus profit , is the important index to evaluate capital value increase and stockholder 's profit .

  29. 经济利润法与现金流量法相比,更具有与企业价值相关联又便于层层分解实际考核的双重优点。

    By comparison , the second method is in more connection with the target and more convenient for practical checking at different levels .

  30. 从而为火法炼锌的厂矿,在回收镉方面研究出了能获得高附加值经济利润的简单回收工艺。

    For Zinc refiners adopting pyro-refining method , the method illustrated in this paper is a simple retrieving technique with additional high profits .