
jīnɡ jì sù sònɡ
  • economic lawsuit;economic litigation
  1. 作为一种新类型、具有特殊作用的诉讼,经济诉讼在我国能否独立存在,已经在法学界引起了广泛关注。

    As a new style lawsuit possessing special function , independence of economic lawsuit has brought about the widespread attention in the field of the law in china .

  2. 论经济诉讼独立的缘由及表征

    On the Reasons and Features of the Independent Economic Lawsuit

  3. 论公益经济诉讼的独立试论海法独立学科体系

    Trial discussion of the independent subject system of the Maritime Law

  4. 我国的反垄断诉讼及其性质&兼论实质意义上的经济诉讼

    China 's Antitrust Lawsuit and Its Nature On Economic Public Interest Litigation

  5. 建立我国经济诉讼特别程序的思考

    Thoughts on Creating Special Procedures for China 's Economic Lawsuits

  6. 不需建立独立的经济诉讼制度

    Economic Lawsuit System Thought to be Unnecessary

  7. 公益诉讼的局限及其发展的困难&对建立新型经济诉讼的几点思考

    Research Into the Limitation of the Public Welfare Litigation and the Difficulty in Its Developing

  8. 经济诉讼机制完善的思考&以越南《经济诉讼法令》为视角

    On completion of economic litigation mechanism & Taking Vietnam Economic Litigation Law as an example

  9. 公益经济诉讼制度体系的构建始终要与经济法实体要求保持高度的一致。

    The construction of the Public Economic Interest Litigation System should always keep high conformity with the substantive requirements of Economic Law .

  10. 而公益经济诉讼能够弥补这种缺陷,从而成为解决这种纠纷的有效司法制度。

    However , the Public Economic Interest Litigation can make up the defects and becomes an effective judiciary system that can resolve the dissensions .

  11. 公益经济诉讼原告资格比较广泛化:任何个体、社会团体和国家特设机关。

    The qualification of the plaintiff of the Public Economic Interest Litigation is quite extensive : any individuals , social organizations and nation specialized departments are capable .

  12. 分析了这种诉讼与民事诉讼、行政诉讼的不同之处,指出其与传统的“经济诉讼”的区别,提出实质意义上的经济诉讼即“社会经济诉讼”的观。

    After analyzing the differences between this lawsuit and civil lawsuit and administrative lawsuit , its difference from traditional " economic lawsuit " is also pointed out .

  13. 公益经济诉讼是经济法和诉讼法领域的重要课题,也是经济法程序的重要内容。

    The public economic litigation is an important issue in the fields of economic law and procedure law and is the important contents of economic law 's procedure .

  14. 因此,应参照国外的成熟制度,在现有的制度上创新,建立我国的经济诉讼特别程序。

    Therefore , it might be sensible for China to draw on well-developed foreign legislation on economy and then establish special procedures for economic lawsuits by overhauling China 's current system .

  15. 摘要公益经济诉讼的独立与经济法的可诉性密切相关,但其独立的基础在于经济法对整体经济利益的追求。

    The independence of public economic interest litigation is relative to the justiciability of economic law indeed , but its foundation of independence lies in the whole benefit that the economic law pursues .

  16. 分析了公益经济诉讼的客观诉讼属性、诉讼主体多元化、诉讼规则特别化、制裁手段一体化等主要特征。

    The main characters of the Public Interest Economic Litigation such as the objective litigation attribute , the multi-subject in litigation , the specialization of the litigation regulation and the integration of sanction means are analyzed .

  17. 对其经济诉讼法律制度进行研究,不仅可以为我国的经济法制建设提供有益的经验,而且有利于促进中越两国经济文化的交流与合作。

    Research into economic litigation law and regulation of Vietnam not only can provide experience for construction of China 's economic law and regulation but also can help economic and cultural exchange and cooperation between the two countries .

  18. 在无法有效解决这些问题的情况下,建立在公益诉讼模式基础之上的新型经济诉讼难以成为保障经济法有效运行的基本的司法形式。

    We have no available means to resolve the questions at present . Therefore , new-fashioned economic litigation , which is established according to the mode of public interests litigation , is difficult to become the basic judicial form of the economic law .

  19. 外部因素包括国家权力行使的方式的限制、立法指导思想的制约、司法功能特性与实践做法的局限、经济诉讼历史变迁造成误区、诉讼理论和学术偏好的影响等。

    The external factors include restriction and limitation of administrative enforcement , restriction of guiding principle of legislation , restraints of jurisdiction and the judicial practice , gray area caused by variation of economic litigation , influence of litigant theory and academic preference .

  20. 任何一位社会公众在面对国有资产流失问题时,都有权利以公益经济诉讼的方式寻求司法救济,这不仅是对传统诉讼理论的突破,更是实现社会正义的新的手段。

    Any one in the face of the loss of state-owned assets problem , has the right to seek ways of public economic interest litigation judicatory relief , it is not only to the traditional lawsuit theory , but also realize this breakthrough new means of justice .

  21. 在面对国有资产流失的问题时,倘若社会公众能够通过公益经济诉讼的方式加以保护,直接地可以起到防止国有资产流失的作用,间接地也是社会公众监督权的发挥。

    In the face of the loss of state-owned assets , if the social public can pass of public economic interest litigation way to protect , directly can rise to prevent loss of state-owned assets , which indirectly also is the role of social public supervision function .

  22. 我国对此概念争议较大:局限于行政诉讼、民事诉讼、经济诉讼、囊括三者以及包括刑事诉讼等更大范围的学说都存在,莫衷一是。

    In our country the dispute of this concept is big : Limited in the administrative proceedings , the civil action , the economical lawsuit , includes three as well as and so on the wide range theory all exists including the criminal prosecution , unable to agree .

  23. 程序法上,应该建立消费者经济公益诉讼法。

    At the same time , we should establish consumer protection procedure law .

  24. 暗中交易从不会在有关经济的诉讼中影响他的裁判。

    The privy-purse never influenced his judgment in law-suits involving money .

  25. 论我国经济公益诉讼的基本原则

    On Essential Principles of the Economic Public Welfare Lawsuit in Our County

  26. 论经济法诉讼的实体法支持

    On the Sustainment of Substantive Law in Economic Law Litigation

  27. 我国经济法诉讼的反思与再定位

    A Rethinking and Reorientation of Economic Law Litigation in China

  28. 国外经济公益诉讼制度的理论与实践

    Theory and Practice of Overseas Economic Public Interests Lawsuit System

  29. 经济公益诉讼地位研究

    Research on Status of Public Good Lawsuit in Economy

  30. 论经济公益诉讼体系之构架

    On the Structure of Economic Prosecution of Public Good