
jīnɡ yínɡ ɡuǎn lǐ quán
  • Management rights;the right of management and administration
  1. 他们收买了一家建筑公司和玻璃制品厂的经营管理权。

    They bought control of a building company and a glass factory .

  2. 股权融资还要求自愿与投资商分享经营管理权。

    Equity financing also requires a willingness to share management control with the investors .

  3. 所有权与经营管理权相分离,促进企业制度创新;

    Separation of managerial right from ownership , which promotes innovations in the corporation system ;

  4. 在私有制社会里,财产的所有权与经营管理权相分离。

    In the private ownership society , the property rights and the management authority separated .

  5. 有价证券投资是一种长期投资,投资者不行使任何的经营管理权。

    Portfolio investment is a long-term investment in which the investor does not exercise any managerial control .

  6. 公司独立人格制度的设计使财产所有权和经营管理权的分离成为可能。

    The company independent personality system design of the property of the separation of ownership and management become possible .

  7. 并且进一步拓宽了经营管理权,完善了处置权并确保收益权。

    Furthermore , the reform leads to broaden the management right , to fulfill disposition right and to ensure usufruct .

  8. 破产重整制度中的一个核心问题是负债企业提起重整以后,其经营管理权应该由哪一方来控制。

    A key problem of the reorganization law is which party may control the indebted enterprise after the petition of the reorganization proceeding .

  9. 这个时期商业日益发达,财产的所有权与经营管理权相分离,复杂的经济责任关系产生。

    The commerce had increasingly developed in this period , the property and business management responsibility separated , the complex economic responsibility appeared .

  10. 国外的主要经验是将面积小于500hm2以下的灌区经营管理权转让给用水者协会。

    Key experiences to turn over a government sponsored small - sized irrigation projects of less than 500 hm2 each to water user association .

  11. 洋务派和商方在经营管理权以及对这一制度的理解上存在很大分歧和矛盾。

    There are great differences and contradictions on right of operation and management and understanding of this system between trader and " Westernization " group .

  12. 使用权、经营管理权、用益权等非完备的权利集合只是所有权中的部分权利。

    The right of use , the right of management , the right of profit that are the uncomplete rights are only part of rights of ownership .

  13. 有限责任公司的股权内在地涵盖经营管理权的内容,致使其出质行为受到较多的限制。

    Shares of stocks of a limited liability company are inherently affiliated with management , and its conduct of pledge has more restriction than that of a liability company limited by shares .

  14. 公司董事在法律和公司章程所设定的范围内享有广泛的经营管理权,但是权力必须伴随义务和责任,否则就会造成权力被滥用。

    Directors have a wide range of management power defined in the law of articles of corporation . However , no power goes without duties and liabilities , since power is always abused .

  15. 这不仅有损于我国主权、政经营管理权和经济利益,也将会造成我国邮政通信管理上的混乱。

    This would not only infringe upon our sovereignty , right of postal management and administration and economic interests , but also cause disorder in the administration of post and communications in our country .

  16. 在基金制度体系中,基金管理公司拥有对基金资产的实际控制权、经营管理权,有权决定基金在何时进行何种证券的买卖,在投资基金的运作中处于核心地位。

    In current system , the fund management companies are in the core of the system . They control the assets and are authorized to decide when and what securities to buy and sell .

  17. 现代企业的成长要求所有权和经营管理权的分离,双方信息的不对称最终导致企业内部所有者和经营者的博弈格局的形成。

    The development of modern enterprise demands the separation of ownership and management . Then finally an internal game setting between owner and manager comes into being as a result of the asymmetry of information .

  18. 本文通过22家技术入股型公司的相关数据的实证研究和理论分析,认为技术入股股东的股权与经营管理权通常合一。

    After researching the data collected through 22 corporations with technology as its capital contribution , the dissertation advocates the usual integration of the rights of shareholders with technology contributed for capital and the rights of operation and management .

  19. 现代企业制度的核心是两权分离,即资本所有权与企业经营管理权分离,也就是资本的剩余索取权与企业的控制权分离。

    The core of the modern firm institution is the dividing of two rights & the dividing of the capital ownership and the managerial right , i.e. the dividing of the claim right of capital residue and control right of the firms .

  20. 在美、德、法、英四国,因为负债企业的经营管理权被赋予了债务人、债权人、法院、有破产执业资格或者经验的第三方,从而形成了四种不同的立法模式。

    In the US , Germany , France and the Great Britain , four different legislative models were formed by giving the controlling right to the debtor , the creditors , the court or a third party having the insolvency practicing license or experience .

  21. 跨国直接投资是指一国(地区)的投资者在另一国(地区)以最终获取利润为目的并取得投资企业一定或全部经营管理权的投资行为。

    Overseas direct investment is defined as an investment action an investor of one nation ( or region ) takes to gain profits from an enterprise and acquire full or a certain level of management of the enterprise in another nation ( or region ) .

  22. 但由于所有权和经营管理权的分离,这些外部利益集团并不直接参与企业的经营管理活动,他们要想了解企业的财务状况和经营成果,惟有通过企业的财务报表。

    But because of ownership and management rights ' separation , these external interest groups not directly involved in the operation and management of corporate activity . If they want to know the financial position and operating results , they have no choice but to corporate financial statements .

  23. 这样必须规范篮协的职能,篮协、体育局应从CBA职业篮球联赛俱乐部的管理中逐渐转变其职能,俱乐部拥有经营权和管理权才能真正成为CBA职业篮球联赛的实体。

    Must be functions of the standard basket , basket , Sports Council withdrawing from the CBA League club management , Club has the right to operate and manage power to actually become a CBA Professional League " entities " .

  24. 一是经营权与管理权分开原则,二是社会环境效益优先兼顾经济效益原则,三是经营方式灵活多样、经营流程规范化原则。

    The first principle , the right to operate and manage should be separation . The second is the social cost-effective environmental benefits , taking into account the principle of priority . And the third principle is flexible and diversified mode of operation , business process standardization .

  25. 继承与超越&论俄罗斯联邦民法典中的单一制企业经营权与业务管理权

    The Succession and the Jumping & New Russian Civil Law on rights of management and business control under historical comparison

  26. 矿业权的生产经营管理工作是矿业权人的投入与再投入过程,其目的就是在最佳的经营阶段以最佳的经营形式通过矿业权市场获得最大的收益回报。

    Operation and management of mining authority is a process of investment and reinvestment in order to gain maximum economic benefits .

  27. 掌握了公司控制权,就可以实现对企业主要管理人员的任免权、对重要经营管理活动的决策权和监督权。

    The person who masters corporate control can make decision right for important management and order right for the managers of the firm through voting rights .

  28. 股东直接参与公司经营也是股东行使管理权的重要方式,但从公司法所强调的两权分离的理念看,又是股东管理权行使的特例。

    Company shareholders are also directly involved in the exercise of management , which is an important way , but the Act emphasized the concept of separation of ownership and management , so it is a special case .

  29. 在国家所有权的实现方式上采用了两种不同的权利安排:一是对国有单一制企业和机构保留国家的所有权,该单一制企业和机构本身享有他物权性质的经营权和业务管理权;

    Two ways ensure the smooth exercise of the right of state ownership :( 1 ) as to unitary state-owned enterprises and institutions , state ownership is preserved while such enterprises and institutions per se have operational and managerial power that bears the nature of jus in re aliena ;

  30. 在近几十年的公司发展中,一方面公司股份日益公众化和社会化,另一方面,经营层的权力日渐扩大,公司的实际经营管理权已掌握在经营层之手。

    In the recent dozens of years in the development of corporation system , the shares become more and more publicized and socialized , meanwhile the power of management expanded much and the management has actually controlled the managing power of corporations .