
bǎng jià
  • kidnap;abduct
绑架 [bǎng jià]
  • [kidnap] 用暴力把人劫走

绑架[bǎng jià]
  1. 警方已侦破一起绑架总统之子的阴谋。

    Police have uncovered a plot to kidnap the President 's son .

  2. 他被指控绑架一名25岁的女子。

    He was charged with the kidnap of a 25 year-old woman .

  3. 被绑架的儿童在交付了赎金后均安然回到家中。

    The kidnapped children were all ransomed and returned home unharmed .

  4. 绑架者向他的家人索要赎金5万英镑。

    The kidnappers demanded a ransom of £ 50 000 from his family .

  5. 两名商人遭恐怖分子绑架。

    Two businessmen have been kidnapped by terrorists .

  6. 绑架者索要75,000英镑赎金才肯放她。

    Her kidnapper extorted a £ 75,000 ransom for her release .

  7. 警方利用电子监视设备跟踪绑架者。

    Police keep track of the kidnapper using electronic surveillance equipment .

  8. 他刚到罗马就遭到了绑架。

    No sooner had he arrived in Rome than he was kidnapped .

  9. 巴西警方发现了有人要绑架他的阴谋。

    Police in Brazil uncovered a plot to kidnap him

  10. 他们聪明且有教养,却选择去绑架和杀人。

    They were intelligent and educated , yet they chose to kidnap and kill

  11. 据说那名男子是被5个人绑架的。

    The kidnapped man was said to have been seized by five people .

  12. 他被控于去年绑架了一名商人并勒索钱财。

    He is charged with kidnapping a businessman last year and holding him for ransom

  13. 他与绑架者有直接联系。

    He was in direct contact with the kidnappers

  14. 她说这张模拟画像像极了绑架她的人。

    She says the artist 's impression is an excellent likeness of her abductor .

  15. 因孩子被绑架所受的万分折磨全写在她脸上。

    The torment of having her baby kidnapped is written all over her face .

  16. 获释之后,她提供了一些有关绑架她的人的关键信息。

    After her release she was able to give vital information about her kidnapper .

  17. 1973年他在罗马居住时,他16岁的儿子遭到了绑架。

    In 1973 , when he lived in Rome , his sixteen-year-old son was kidnapped .

  18. 这部节奏紧张刺激的惊悚片以当代都柏林为背景,包含了绑架、暴力致人伤残和谋杀情节。

    Set in contemporary Dublin , this pacy thriller features kidnapping , mayhem and murder .

  19. 斯图尔特否认对其谋杀未遂和绑架的指控。

    Stewart denies attempted murder and kidnap

  20. 拿到现金后,绑架者沿着废弃的铁道逃走了。

    After collecting the cash , the kidnapper made his escape down the disused railway line .

  21. 小货车内是关押被绑架人的好地方。

    The inside of a van was as good a place as any to hold a kidnap victim

  22. 葡萄种植兼酿酒者说他们一直都为谷物和大豆种植者的利益所绑架。

    Wine growers say they 've been held hostage to the interests of the cereal and soybean farmers .

  23. 霍尔特侦探说:“绑架者是一名男子,我们必须抓住他,越快越好。”

    Detective Holt said : ' The kidnapper is a man we must catch and the sooner the better ' .

  24. “至少咱们没被绑架。”——“对此我很庆幸,”答复就是这么简短的一句话。

    ' At least we weren 't kidnapped . ' — ' I 'm glad of that , ' was the laconic response .

  25. 据说绑架杜兹是汤姆策划的。

    Tom was alleged to be the brains behind the Dozier kidnapping .

  26. 警方已排除了绑架者逃走的可能性。

    The police have excluded the possibility that the kidnappers have run away .

  27. 它们包括以不当或非法手段、身份窃取、尴尬、同龄人霸凌或数字绑架而改变其用途的照片。

    They include photos repurposed for inappropriate or illegal means , identity theft , embarrassment , bullying by peers or digital kidnapping .

  28. 两人在陈先生去博物馆的路上绑架了他。

    The two men kidnapped Mr. Chan on his way to the museum .

  29. 侦探尚未排除她被绑架的可能性。

    Detectives have not ruled out the possibility that she was abducted .

  30. 这些绑架者与任何军事组织都没有紧密联系。

    The kidnappers had no affiliation with any militant group .