
  • 网络kidnapping
  1. 虽然这宗绑架案没有政治动机。

    And while her kidnapping is not considered politically motivated .

  2. 我敢打赌,这件绑架案他肯定参与了。

    I bet he had a hand in the kidnapping .

  3. 同时,发生在外国人身上的绑架案正在下降。

    At the same time , the rate of abducting foreigners is going down .

  4. 我以前是联邦调查局的,办过几起绑架案。

    I 'm a ex fbl , worked a few abductions .

  5. 你也许同绑架案有点瓜葛。

    You may have had something to do with the kidnapping .

  6. 你现在是原则上的绑架案的嫌疑人。

    You are the principle suspect in a kidnapping case .

  7. 在我们到这之前是一起绑架案

    By the time we got here , it was kidnapping

  8. 没关系,可能又是另外一件绑架案。

    No problem . it 's probably just another kidnapping .

  9. 小孩绑架案现在有了新进展。

    There 's been a new development in the child kidnapping case .

  10. 再查查看有没有为赎金的绑架案记录。

    And find out if there 's been any ransom kidnappings reported .

  11. 有人举报这里发生了绑架案。

    Someone said there 's a hostage situation here .

  12. 我确信她与我的绑架案有关。

    I 'm pretty sure she had something to do with my kidnapping .

  13. 警察正把这案子当作绑架案来调查

    The cops are investigating this as a kidnapping .

  14. 和当晚的一起绑架案有关。

    Involved in an apparent kidnapping that same night .

  15. 这个地区又报道了三起绑架案。

    Three further kidnaps were reported in the urgion .

  16. 警察仍然在寻找绑架案的有力证据。

    Police are still looking for a smoking gun in the kidnapping case .

  17. 这位特勤担任警方与绑架案中间的协调者。

    The specialist acted as an intermediary between the police and the kidnapers .

  18. 哥伦比亚上个月被劫持一名10岁女童已获释,该起绑架案震惊全国。

    A10-year-old Colombian girl whose kidnapping last month shocked the nation has been released .

  19. 归咎于他妻子绑架案给他的压力。

    To a breakdown brought on by the stress of his wife 's abduction .

  20. 总统认为只要绑架案没有惊动媒体。

    The president feels as long as the kidnappings haven 't hit the press .

  21. 涉嫌卷入露苹塔拉莫斯绑架案。

    Ofpossible involvement in the kidnapping oflupita ramos .

  22. 侦探彻底搜索草坪,寻找绑架案的蛛丝马迹。

    The detective felt thoroughly through the lawn for any trace of the kidnapping .

  23. 很可能有不止一个绑架案的目击者。

    It is possible that there is more than one witness to the kidnapping .

  24. 我保证绑架案跟我没关系

    I assure you , I had no part to play in our abduction ,

  25. 我会谎称我是中情局总部派来跟进绑架案的

    I 'll tell them Langley sent me to follow up on the kidnapping .

  26. 认为是绑架案的受害者?

    You think it 's our kidnap vic ?

  27. 我是否与绑架案有牵连?

    Am I somehow responsible for the kidnapping ?

  28. 这也是首次,伊斯兰极端分子声称对大规模绑架案负责。

    For the first time , he also claimed responsibility for the mass abduction .

  29. 亚利桑那州的一桩绑架案目前已转变成对一名性侵害罪犯的拘捕。

    A kidnapping case in Arizona is now a hunt for a convicted sex offender .

  30. 多数儿童绑架案是由分居的配偶、伴侣或者其他家庭成员犯下的。

    Most child abductions are by estranged spouses or partners , or other family members .