
  1. 在行业方面,信息科技等新兴产业公司更可能赴海外上市,这一结论符合海外上市绑定假说。

    Companies of emerging industry such as information technology are more likely to choose listing overseas .

  2. 交叉上市的资本成本效应是从公司理财角度研究交叉上市的核心领域,市场分割假说、流动性假说、投资者认知假说和绑定假说是解释交叉上市资本成本效应的四个重要理论。

    Cost of capital effects of cross listings are the core research field of cross-listings from the point of corporate finance . Market segmentation hypothesis , liquidity hypothesis , investor recognition hypothesis and bonding hypothesis are four important theories to interpret the cost of capital effects of cross-listings .