
  • 网络uygur dance;dance of Uygur nationality;VCD
  1. 谈维吾尔族舞蹈教学中的风格与节奏

    The Style and Rhythm Of Uygur Dance Teaching

  2. 浅议学前教育专业技能培训中维吾尔族舞蹈的运用

    On the Application of Uygur Dance in the Skill Training of Pre-school Education Specialty

  3. 作为维吾尔族舞蹈表演艺术家、教育家,她在新疆现当代舞蹈史上居于首要地位。

    Therefore she takes a capital position in Xinjiang history of modern and contemporary dancing development .

  4. 但在维吾尔族舞蹈教学中,风格和节奏的处理上存在一些亟待解决的问题。

    However , in the process of Uygur dance teaching , there are some problems remained to be solved in style and rhythm .

  5. 对维吾尔族舞蹈发展的优质基因的发现并自觉地进行传承,将是实现对维吾尔族舞蹈科学化传承的关键环节。

    The discovery and consciously inheritance of " High-quality Genes " on Uygur dance development will be the key part of implementing the scientific heritage of them .

  6. 维吾尔族舞蹈在中华民族舞蹈之林中的地位和影响力可谓独树一帜,无论在民间还是在舞台艺术中都成为一个不可忽视的民族舞蹈现象。

    Uygur dance hold the unique position and influence in the Chinese dance development and has become a noticeable phenomenon of folk dance both in the private or the stage art .

  7. 维吾尔族民间舞蹈中具有:微颤的动律、多变的舞姿、高超的技巧。

    The Uygur folk dances feature vibrating rhythm , diversified movements and superb skill .

  8. 维吾尔族“双人高跷”,则把民间对舞融入其中,令人耳目一新。西北地区回族、撒拉族、维吾尔族民间婚俗舞蹈比较研究(连载)

    The " Two-Person Gaoqiao " of the Uygur nationality blend their local dance in it , which is fresh and new . The Comparison Study on the Folk Dance in Wedding Ceremony among the Minority Nationality of Salar , Hui and Uygur ;