
  • 网络The Birth of Venus;La Primavera
  1. 维纳斯的诞生这幅画同样也是桑德罗·波提切利的作品。

    The Birth of Venus is a painting by Sandro Botticelli .

  2. 桑德罗•波提切利的作品《维纳斯的诞生》,正是表现了这一美轮美奂的神话场景。

    In his most renowned masterpiece , The Birth of Venus , Early Renaissance painter Sandro Botticelli depicted this mythological moment in breathtaking detail .

  3. 2011年,意大利佛罗伦萨的乌菲齐美术馆(UffiziGallery)利用普拉多博物馆的三维制画法也举办了一个展览,不过规模更小,展品是其馆藏之一、波提切(Botticelli)《维纳斯的诞生》(TheBirthofVenus)的缩小版副本。

    In 2011 , the Uffizi Gallery in Florence , Italy , exhibited a more modest version of the Prado 's 3-D method , a downsized copy of one of its masterworks , " The Birth of Venus " by Botticelli .

  4. 幸运的是她读了一本书叫作《维纳斯的诞生》。偶然间她读到一个章节,讲的是文艺复兴时期意大利的修女,和她们对浮华虚荣的约束。

    Luckily , while reading a book called Birth of Venus she stumbled about a paragraph about nuns in Renaissance Italy and their restrictions against vanity .