
dù hǎi
  • Crossing the Sea;sail across a sea
渡海[dù hǎi]
  1. 渡海时风浪很大,多数乘客看上去脸色发青。

    It was a rough crossing and most of the passengers looked distinctly green .

  2. 他们渡海到法国去了。

    They have gone over to France .

  3. 从前有一乘船渡海的人,不慎把银制的器皿掉到海里.

    Once upon a time there was a man who dropped a silver bowl into the sea while crossing it .

  4. 旁人又问:“在什么地方丢的?”回答说:“在刚渡海的时候。”

    People went on , " Where did you lose it ? " He answered , " I lost it crossing the sea . "

  5. 目的:探讨模拟不同船舱环境对血浆血管紧张素Ⅱ(AngⅡ)及抗渡海运动病能力的影响,为我军特殊环境的预适应体能训练提供依据。

    Objective To study the changes of the plasma angiotensin ⅱ( P-Ang ⅱ) and anti-seasickness capacity in various cabin environment , in order to provide the theoretical basis for the physical training in the special environment .

  6. 当逾800万叙利亚人在总统巴沙尔•阿萨德(Basharal-Assad)发动的战争中流离失所,另有400万人沦为难民时,为什么我们会震惊于他们中的一些人愿意为了到欧洲寻觅更美好未来的渺茫希望而冒险渡海?

    When more than 8m of them have been displaced from their homes in the war waged by President Bashar al-Assad and another 4m are refugees [ SOURCE OF NUMBERS ? ] , why are we shocked to see some of them braving death for the fleeting hope of a better future in Europe ?

  7. 现在我将会和你乘船渡海。

    I 'll sail with you upon ships across the seas .

  8. 对渡海登陆作战集团军财务保障的思考

    The army financial support in the future battle of landing lands

  9. 渡海东行的星星,在城中驻足。

    Shipping to the east , in town the star shone .

  10. 渡海作战海上救护基本预案探讨

    Exploration of basic preparative scheme for at-sea rescue at sea-crossing combat

  11. 渡海时很平静,因此没人晕船。

    The cross was very calm . So no one was seasick .

  12. 乘风驭浪会有时中国陆军航空兵的发展及其在渡海登陆作战中的作用

    Development of China 's Army Aviation and Its Role in Landing Operation

  13. 渡海登陆作战两栖装甲部队综合保障能力评估

    Evaluation of Integrating Support Abilities on Amphibious Armored Forces in Landing Operation

  14. 渡海登陆疲劳产生的因素及对策

    Factors and Strategies for Fatigue Resistance in Sea - crossing and Landing

  15. 据了解,这是上海师傅渡海带来的制糖技术。

    As we known , the skill was inherited from Shanghai Bakeries .

  16. 乔治的祖先是随诺曼人一起渡海来英国的。

    George 's ancestors came over with the Norman ' s.

  17. 她渡海时觉得恶心。

    She felt / was nauseous during the sea crossing .

  18. 在丹麦和瑞典之间乘船渡海有时会遇到风浪。

    The sea crosses between Denmark and Sweden can be quite rough .

  19. 模拟渡海登陆作战官兵全程健康教育探讨

    Longitudinal Health Education in Military Officers and Men Entering Simulated Sea-crossing Landing Operations

  20. 我要渡海到珍珠岛的岸上去。

    I shall cross to the pearl island shore .

  21. 渡海前往中国求证佛法。

    He sailed to China in search of scriptures .

  22. 渡海时因风暴而剧烈颠簸。

    The cross are rough because of the storm .

  23. 渡海登陆作战(下篇)渡海登陆作战军需战备建设的几点思考

    A study of the war preparedness construction of military supplies in the landing battle

  24. 渡海登陆战中的炮兵火力支援&对我军船载炮兵的技术分析

    Artillery Fire Support during Cross-channel and Landing Operation

  25. 五万希腊人渡海而来,不是来看你弟弟打架的。

    Fifty thousand Greeks didn 't cross the sea to watch your brother fight .

  26. 片瓦渡海&跨世纪的拥抱

    Crossing the Taiwan Strait-ACross - century Embrace

  27. 模拟渡海登陆训练官兵心理调查及干预对策

    Psychological Characteristics and Intervention Strategy of Military Officers and Soldiers during Simulated Sea-crossing Landing Training

  28. 他将渡海到法国去。

    He will sail over to France .

  29. 渡海登陆作战军人体能需求与针对性训练

    The Basic Requirements of the Physical Conditions of the Armymen and Correct Training for Amphibious Landing Operations

  30. 柏拉图三度冒险渡海至西西里岛,只为向戴奥尼索斯王献策;

    Plato undertook three long and dangerous voyages to Sicily in order to advise the King Dionysius .