
  • 网络vitruvius;Vitruvian;Vitruvian Man;Vitruvii
  1. 在新上映的《乐高大电影》(LegoMovie)中,弗里曼为维特鲁威(Vitruvius)配音,这位盲人乐高先知在本片中有很多滑稽的台词。

    In the new Lego Movie , Freeman voices Vitruvius , a blind Lego guru who has his share of silly lines .

  2. 古典建筑的知识来自古建筑的废墟以及维特鲁威的著作。

    Knowledge of Classical architecture came from the ruins of ancient buildings and the writings of Vitruvius .

  3. 兰登说着,放出另一张幻灯片&列昂纳多·达·芬奇的著名男性裸体画《维特鲁威人》。

    He pulled up another slide & Leonardo da Vinci 's famous male nude-The Vitruvian Man .

  4. 维特鲁威在他的书里第一次提到了里程表的存在,这让人们认为里程表是由阿基米德发明的。

    Vitruvius first talks of an ancient odometer in his book , and some believe that the device had been invented previously by Archimedes .

  5. 他们对维特鲁威以及他们意大利的前辈所有的不充分的数据很不满意,于是无视那种喜欢对自然准确观察而产生经验的传统。

    Dissatisfied with the inadequate data of Vitruvius and their own Italian forerunners , they disregarded tradition in favour of an experience supported by the accurate observation of nature .

  6. 费尔德曼表示:鲁比诺对达·芬奇的素描画《维特鲁威人》中的几何关系进行过详细的研究,他提出看看这幅《蒙娜丽莎》,看它的几何结构是否符合。

    He has made extended studies of the geometry of Leonardo 's Vitruvian Man [ a sketch of a youth with arms and legs extended ] and offered to look at our painting to see if it conformed , said Feldman .