
Wéi yě nà
  • Vienna
维也纳 [wéi yě nà]
  • [Vienna] 奥地利首都。曾长期为世界音乐都城

  1. 这位艺术家最近从保加利亚途经维也纳到了巴黎。

    The artist recently arrived in Paris from Bulgaria by way of Vienna .

  2. 他让布拉格、维也纳和巴黎的观众们着迷。

    He enthralled audiences in Prague , Vienna , and Paris

  3. 该行为公然违背了《维也纳公约》。

    The action is an open violation of the Vienna Convention

  4. 我吃的第一道菜是维也纳特色菜鸡蛋饼汤,也叫炒饼汤。

    I started with the Viennese speciality frittatensuppe , or pancake soup .

  5. 本月早些时候在维也纳设午宴招待了前联合国工作人员。

    Earlier this month , a luncheon for former UN staff was held in Vienna .

  6. 奥地利队在维也纳自家赛场以3比0领先意大利队。

    Austria , playing on home ground in Vienna , took a 3-0 lead over Italy .

  7. 在国外工作多年后,他决定在维也纳定居下来。

    After working abroad for years , he wants to settle in Vienna .

  8. 肯尼迪同赫鲁晓夫在维也纳会晤时,日内瓦会议已经休会

    The Geneva meeting recessed while Kennety and Khrushchev met in Vienna .

  9. 影片讲述了美国青年杰西和法国女孩塞琳娜在火车上相遇,并在维也纳下车漫游一整夜,在交谈中逐渐认识彼此的故事。

    The film follows Jesse , a young American man , and C é line , a young French woman , who meet on a train and disembark in Vienna , where they spend the night walking around the city and getting to know each other .

  10. 维也纳科技大学(ViennaUniversityofTechnology)的一个研究小组最近宣布了一种看待树木的睡眠的新角度。

    A team of researchers from the Vienna University of Technology recently announced another perspective on arboreal repose .

  11. 于2005年开业的第三个人博物馆(TheThirdManMuseum)陈列了由一对维也纳夫妇收集的有关这部电影的各式各样的工艺制品和纪念物。

    The Third Man Museum , an exhaustive collection of artifacts and memorabilia amassed by a Viennese couple , opened in2005 .

  12. 欧洲标准化委员会(CEN)已经根据维也纳协议规定将该事宜提交ISO。

    CEN had offered this work to ISO following the so-called Vienna agreement .

  13. 节奏更快,更令人兴奋的比玻姆的1970年与维也纳爱乐乐团(DG)的改造。

    Tempos are faster and more exciting than in Bohm's1970 remake with the Vienna Philharmonic ( DG ) .

  14. 维也纳梅瑟利研究所聪明狗狗实验室(MesserliResearchInstitute'sCleverDogLab)的科学家们,训练狗狗将笑脸或怒容的图片与奖励联系在一起。

    Scientists at the Messerli Research Institute 's Clever Dog Lab in Vienna trained dogs to associate pictures of happy or angry faces with a reward .

  15. 有人期待19世纪末的那种势力均衡;也有人指望维也纳会议(congressofvienna)后诞生的那种强国联盟。

    Some look to the power balancing of the late 19th century ; others to the great power concert that emerged from the Congress of Vienna .

  16. 谈判在维也纳举行,NPR新闻的彼得·肯杨将报道详细报道。

    They 've been talking in Vienna , and NPR 's Peter Kenyon is there covering these discussions .

  17. 这种杀微生物剂凝胶含有抗逆转录病毒药物替诺福韦,它在今年6月通过了III期临床试验,而且在7月于维也纳举行的第18届国际艾滋病大会上宣布了这一成功。

    Gel , containing the antiretroviral agent tenofovir , passed phase III clinical trials in June , and the success was announced at the XVIII International AIDS Conference in Vienna in July .

  18. 来自弗吉尼亚州维也纳(Vienna)的纳塔莉&12539;戴维斯(NatalieDavis)从八岁起就到北卡罗来纳州的海滨度假,去年她在那里买了一栋度假别墅。

    Natalie Davis has been vacationing on the North Carolina coast since she was 8 years old and bought a vacation house there last year .

  19. 列席维也纳会议的PFC能源谘询公司分析师阿卡迪说,如有必要欧佩克会重新考虑这个决定。

    Raad Alkadiri , an analyst for PFC Energy who sat on the sidelines at the Vienna meeting , says OPEC will review the decision again if necessary .

  20. 维也纳大学(UniversityofVienna)英语与应用语言学教授芭芭拉?赛德尔霍弗(BarbaraSeidlhofer)表示,人们通常感觉没有英语母语人士在场会更轻松。

    Barbara Seidlhofer , professor of English and applied linguistics at the University of Vienna , says relief at the absence of native speakers is common .

  21. 奥地利ORF广播公司委托制作了这部名为《维也纳奇迹》的纪录片,并在决赛阶段前夕播出,吸引了大批电视观众。

    Austrian broadcaster ORF commissioned the film'The Miracle of Vienna'and screened it on the eve of the finals , attracting a large television audience .

  22. 弗朗兹·舒伯特(FranzSchubert,1797-1828)生活在古典主义和浪漫主义交接时期的维也纳,是十九世纪浪漫乐派的奠基人之一。

    Franz Schubert , living in Vienna in late Classical and early Romantic periods , is the founders of the Romantic Music of the nineteenth century .

  23. 乔纳森‧弗兰岑(JonathanFranzen)翻译了十九世纪末德国剧作家弗兰克‧魏德凯(FrankWedekind)的《春之苏醒》(SpringAwakening),以及维也纳讽刺作家卡尔‧克劳斯(KarlKraus)的散文。

    Jonathan Franzen has translated " Spring Awakening , " by the fin-de-si è cle German dramatist Frank Wedekind , and the essays of Viennese satirist Karl Kraus .

  24. 他出生于土耳其,在维也纳取得能源经济学博士学位后在产油国组成的石油输出国组织(OrganizationofthePetroleumExportingCountries)担任分析师,开始了自己的职业生涯。石油输出国组织的议程,通常被认为与国际能源署的相悖。

    Born in Turkey , he obtained his doctorate in energy economics in Vienna and began his career as an analyst at the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries , the oil producers " group , often seen as having an agenda rivaling the agency 's.

  25. 3月11日世界知名人力资源公司WilliamMercer公布了“世界城市适宜居住情况”的调查结果,瑞士的苏黎世位居榜首,去年排名首位的的温哥华和维也纳并列。

    A survey published on Monday shows Zurich as the world 's most desirable city in which to live , knocking last year 's winner Vancouver into a second place-tie with Vienna .

  26. 油价日前已升至接近历史高位的水平,这加大了石油输出国组织(opec,又称欧佩克)在下周维也纳会议上就产量水平发出积极信号的压力。

    The price of oil has risen close to a record level , putting more pressure on OPEC to give a positive signal about production levels at its meeting in Vienna next week .

  27. 总部位于维也纳的JBC能源咨询公司(JBCEnergy)表示:这看起来越来越像一场真正的供应冲击。

    It is increasingly looking as if this is the real deal in terms of a supply shock , said JBC Energy , a Vienna-based consultancy .

  28. Jesse要去维也纳搭飞机回美国,而Cline见完外婆后正要回巴黎的大学。

    Jesse is going to Vienna to catch a flight back to the United States , whereas Cline is returning to university in Paris after visiting her grandmother .

  29. 在德克萨斯州、北达科他州等地工作的油企团体,与OPEC石油部长的会面迥然不同。后者会在维也纳的会议上决定减少或增加供应量。

    A group of oil companies working in Texas and North Dakota and elsewhere is far different from the gatherings of OPEC oil ministers that decide whether to cut or increase supply at meetings in Vienna .

  30. 维也纳Schoenbrunn动物园的两只火烈鸟正在室外觅食。

    Two flamingos search for food in the outdoor enclosure at Schoenbrunn Zoo in Vienna