
  1. 绿色创建夯实基础着力推进马铃薯产业发展再上新台阶

    Green Creating Laying a Solid Foundation Efforts to Promote the Development of Potato Industry to a New Level

  2. 影响绿色学校创建的因素由哪些?

    What are the factors influence the establishments of Green Schools ?

  3. 首先,单击绿色十字创建一个新模式。

    First , click the green cross to create a new pattern .

  4. 绿色学校创建程序及验收工作中存在的问题及对策

    Problem and Countermeasure in Green school Establishing and Acceptance Inspection

  5. 生态道德教育与绿色杭州创建

    Ecology Ethics Education and Construction of Green Hangzhou

  6. 深化绿色学校创建的实践与思考

    Practice and Thinking about Deepening Establish Green School

  7. 落实科学发展观加速绿色景区创建

    Implement the Scientific Outlook on Development Quicken the Establishment on the Green Scenic Area

  8. 绿色大学创建实践活动开展了十年,成绩无疑是显著的,但也存在一些问题。

    The current situation and problems existing in the construction of green university in China are analyzed .

  9. 绿色学校创建初探

    On Setting up Green Schools

  10. 以深圳市开展绿色学校创建为基础,探讨了中学生开展环境教育的措施。

    Investigation of environmental awareness of the students of primary green schools in Urumqi and the consequent analysis ;

  11. 为了规范绿色学校创建程序、申报和验收工作,通过对绿色学校创建过程中存在问题的研究,阐述了绿色学校创建过程中针对创建程序、验收形式、申报材料要求等三方面的看法和观点。

    The paper discusses problems in green school establishing , expounds demand on establishing process , acceptance inspection form and declare stuff .

  12. 绿化只是绿色学校创建要求中的一个方面,绿色学校的建设涉及到学校建设各个方面的内容,决不是学校工作的某一个方面所能代替和涵盖的。

    Green lization is only an aspect of the construction . It concerns various aspects instead of a certain respect of the school affairs .

  13. 生态建设和环境保护的知识进入课堂,绿色学校创建活动全面开展。

    Lessons on ecological improvement and environmental protection are given in schools , and an effort to establish " green schools " is in full swing .

  14. 建立了面向机电产品方案设计的绿色特征创建模型。

    Also , the design scheme decision-making methods using green feature are analyzed through fuzzy hierarchy analysis . ( 2 ) The model of building green feature aiming at conceptual design is established .

  15. 论文从政策引导、课程改革、教学方法改进、绿色大学创建、强化实践等方面提出一些措施,以期达到丰富高校德育内容、增强高校德育实效性的目的。

    The thesis discusses the measures of policy guidance , reform in curriculum and teaching methods , construction of ' green university ' , and practice strengthening in order to enrich the content and increase the effectiveness of moral education in universities .

  16. 如我常处于能另自己感动但平实的状态时,新的世界就此展开.生态建设和环境保护的知识进入课堂,绿色学校创建活动全面开展。

    When I am able to feel comfortable and at the same time being moved , a new world is opened up . Lessons on ecological improvement and environmental protection are given in schools , and an effort to establish " green schools " is in full swing .

  17. 绿色GDP的创建势必成为经济社会发展的主题,为推动经济社会的发展起到重要作用。

    The creation of green GDP is bound to become the subject of economic and social development , to promote economic and social development play an important role .

  18. 关于倡导绿色文明,创建绿色家园活动社会效应的调研报告

    Investigation Report of Social Effect of Advocation of Green Civilization and Construction of Green Home

  19. 绿色社区的创建与发展

    The establishment and development of green community

  20. 本文就绿色社区的创建、涵义、社会意义和发展等方面作简要的阐述和概括。

    The establishment , concepts , social meanings and development of green community are expounded and summarized .

  21. “绿色学校”创建活动是环境教育的有效方式,也是实施素质教育的重要载体。

    Green school construction is an efficient way to carry out environmental education , and an important carrier of quality education also .

  22. 学校管理部门,要全面起动绿色大学的创建活动,为环境教育的开展营造良好的发展环境。

    Administrations should initiate a campaign of creating a " Green College ", for constructing a much better circumstance of the comprehensive environmental education .

  23. 文章介绍了“绿色社区”创建的内涵和意义,阐述了江西省推动“绿色社区”创建工作的思考和建议。

    The paper introduces the connotative meaning of establishing green community and expounding the thought and suggestion about establishing green community in Jiangxi province .

  24. 在双鸭山市政府大力营造绿色空间,创建宜人山水城市的目标下,改变煤城原始印象,恢复矿区城市的生命力,创建绿色矿区的生态环境显得尤为重要,并对于园林工作者具有重大意义。

    So it is of great significance for the landscape designer to change the original impression , restore the vitality , and creat a green enviroment .

  25. 文章对其实施的背景及具体实践策略进行了介绍、评析,以期对我国环境教育的发展和绿色学校的创建有所启示。

    In this essay , we introduce and analyse the background and strategies of this project , hoping to give some enlightenments to the green schools in our country .

  26. 本文以全国生态环境最敏感和脆弱的四川民族地区为研究重点,积极探索民族地区绿色教育,创建民族地区双语绿色学校。

    Setting sensitive and fragile minority region of Sichuan in ecological environment as an important researching point , it actively explores green education and creates double languages and green schools in minority region .

  27. 会府联手迎接低碳时代的到来&来自乌海(中国)腐植酸绿色化学园的创建报告

    The Government and the Association Work Together to Meet the Low-carbon Era & A report about HA green chemistry Garden'foundation from Wuhai

  28. 自然生态理念方面包括:推行绿色教学、发展绿色科技、创建绿色的物质文化校园;

    The natural ecological concept includes : practicing green teaching , developing green technology , building campuses with green material culture .

  29. 以绿色饭店标准作为饭店企业文化的核心和指导,归纳出了绿色饭店文化的三个层面,为绿色饭店文化创建提供借鉴。

    Under the guidance of the green hotel standard , it turns out three aspects of green hotel culture , which will help develop green culture in hotels .