
  • 网络green stink bug
  1. 阿尔及利亚的绿蝽象的发生与防治研究

    Studies on the Occurrence and Control of Green Bug in Algeria

  2. 黄添友:让生命之树长绿蝽类昆虫在地球生命中的主干种演化历程

    Huang Tianyou Makes the Tree of Life Green Forever

  3. 讨论指出绿盲蝽已成为转Bt基因棉生产中的重要问题,应加快绿盲蝽在转Bt基因棉田的生态调控研究。

    It suggested that green leaf bug became an important pest in Bt cotton production and its ecological control in Bt cotton field should be studied .

  4. 研究表明,SGK321在对棉铃虫具有很好抗性的同时,对棉蚜、棉粉虱、绿盲蝽、小绿叶蝉等非靶标害虫的发生也有一定的抑制作用;

    The results suggested that the transgenic cotton SGK321 had control efficiency not only to the cotton bollworm , but also to some non-target pests , such as the cotton aphid and the tobacco whitefly .

  5. 绿盲蝽在果园中的发生与危害状况;

    Occurrence and harmfulness of Lugus lucorum ( Meyer-Diir ) in orchard ;

  6. 结果表明:绿盲蝽的敏感虫态为1龄若虫;

    The results indicated that the1st instar larvae of A.lucorum was the sensitive stage .

  7. 上述结果表明,水稻挥发物在黑肩绿盲蝽的捕食行为中起着重要作用。

    The results showed that rice volatiles played an important role in mediating the foraging behaviour of C.

  8. 但是,在高氮稻株上褐飞虱蜜露显著降低黑肩绿盲蝽的捕食能力。

    However , the honeydew of BPH on the plants with high nitrogen regime significantly decreased the predatory capacity of C.lividipennis on BPH eggs .

  9. 中黑盲蝽显著选择绿盲蝽危害感性品种、中黑盲蝽危害感性品种和感性品种。

    However , A.suturalis preferred to the susceptible variety damaged by A.lucorum , the susceptible variety damaged by A.suturalis and the susceptible variety observably .

  10. 利用扫描电镜对绿盲蝽雌雄成虫的触角形态和感器进行了观察。

    Antennal morphology and sensilla of the green plant bug , Lygus lucorum Meyer D ü r ( Heteroptera : Miridae ), were studied using scanning electron microscopy .

  11. 黑肩绿盲蝽的若虫龄数随寄主卵和寄主植物的变化而变化,表现为5龄、6龄和4龄。

    The instar number of this mind bug was affected by its host eggs and plants , 5 , 6 or 4 instars were recorded on various hosts .