
  • 网络Marimo;chlorella;Chlorococcum littorale;Chlorococcum
  1. 采用藻类生物测试标准方法研究了不同氮浓度条件下绿球藻(Chlorococcumsp.)的生长及生理变化。

    The growth and physiological change of Chlorococcum sp. under different nitrogen concentrations were studied adopting the standard method of algal bioassay .

  2. 结果提示,绿球藻是一种耐受Cu2+胁迫的藻类,对其去除率也高,可以应用于含铜污水的处理。

    These results indicated that Chlorococcum sp. could be applied to treat the wastewater containing Cu 2 + , because it could endure the stress of Cu 2 + with high removal rate of Cu 2 + .

  3. 中国绿球藻目的新种和新变种

    New species and new varieties of green algae ( chlorococcales ) from China

  4. 绿球藻科的一个模式属;单细胞绿色海藻生长在土壤或湿岩石上,独生或群生。

    Type genus of Chlorococcales ; unicellular green algae occurring singly or in a layer on soil or damp rock .

  5. 在对天然湖泊水的处理中,绿球藻对总溶解性磷的去除率在第5天为79.2%。

    The removal rate of total soluble phosphorus from crude lake water by the alga was 79.2 % in five days .

  6. 对于抗氧化系统,微波辐射后微绿球藻总抗氧化能力及抗超氧阴离子能力分别下降115.4%和26.6%,而抗羟自由基的能力则提高了21.2%;

    For antioxidant system , the total antioxidant ability and anti-hydroxyl free radical ability declined by 115.4 % and 26.6 % respectively ;

  7. 实验期间固定化微绿球藻的生物量增加了约17倍,证明了它的生理活性不会因固定化而受干扰。

    Oculata increased about 17 times during the experiment . It proves that the physiological conditions of the immobilized microalgae were not interrupted by the immobilization .

  8. 借助人工装置和露天水池,通过分析实验水体中氮、磷元素浓度的变化,研究了实验室条件下一种绿球藻(Chlorococcumsp.)

    By analyzing the concentration changes of nitrogen and phosphorus in experimental water , both a laboratory study and an outdoor experiment have been conducted for testing the removal efficiency of nutrients by algae .

  9. 引入固定化的微绿球藻不但可以降低养殖水体中氨氮、亚硝酸氮等有害因子的浓度,还能提高水中溶解氧含量,使水体环境长时间处于良好的动态平衡状态。

    At the same time , immobilized microalgae did not only reduce the concentration of the harmful factors such as NH4 + - N and NO2 & N , but also added DO in to water which can hold better balance of water environment for a long time .