
  • 网络trichoderma viride;T.viride;viride;trichoderma
  1. 绿色木霉DNA提取方法研究

    Research on the DNA extraction method from Trichoderma viride

  2. 绿色木霉PCR模板的制备方法研究

    Study on the Extraction Method of PCR Template for Trichoderma viride

  3. 绿色木霉纤维二糖水解酶Ⅱ的X射线辐射损伤研究

    Damage Analyse of X-Ray Radiated Cellobiohydrolase ⅱ Molecule from Trichoderma Viride

  4. 采用经典CTAB法、简化CTAB法、氯化苄法和快速提取法对绿色木霉总DNA进行制备。

    The total DNA of Trichoderma viride was extracted with the classical CTAB method , simplified CTAB method , benzyl chloride method and a rapid DNA extraction method .

  5. 系统研究了碳源、氮源、初始pH、培养温度、培养基装液量、接种量和培养时间等因素对绿色木霉867产壳聚糖酶的影响。

    The effect of a number of factors on the production of chitosanase was studied , including the carbon source , nitrogen source , pH value , culture temperature , volume of culture media , innoculation and culture time .

  6. 绿色木霉ZY-1固态发酵产纤维素酶

    Cellulase production by Trichoderma viride ZY-1 under solid-state fermentation

  7. 探讨了3种表面活性剂和两种有机酸对绿色木霉A10纤维素酶分泌的影响。

    The effect of three surface active agents and two organic acids on the secretion and its time course of cellulase was researched .

  8. 对纤维素酶系中的三种主要成分,绿色木霉所产的CMC酶活最高,但是表面活性剂对其的影响最小。

    Among three major components of cellulase system , CMCase activity secreted by T. viride was the highest , but the stimulatory effects of surfactants on CMCase were the least .

  9. 运用能够揭示蛋白质分子基团振动特征的激光拉曼光谱分析技术,对绿色木霉纤维素酶中的CBHⅡ在固态以及两种pH值的液态中酶分子内的氢键状态进行了分析。

    Hydrogen-bond states on cellobiohydrolase ⅱ ( CBH ⅱ) of trichoderma viride were analysed by laser Raman spectroscopic method used to reveal molecular normal modes of vibration character .

  10. 绿色木霉CBHⅡ基因的克隆及在酿酒酵母中的表达

    Cloning of Cellobiohydrolase ⅱ Encoding Gene from Trichoderma viride and Its Expression in Saccharomyces cerevisiae

  11. 绿色木霉LTR-2菌株的紫外线诱变改良

    Improvement of Trichoderma viride LTR-2 by Ultraviolet Mutation

  12. 绿色木霉TR-8菌株对尖镰孢的拮抗机制

    Antifungal Mechanisms of Trichoderma viride Strain TR-8 against Fusarium oxysporum

  13. 通过比较分析,可得同绿色木霉发酵法相比,乳酸菌发酵法制备柑桔皮渣DF更适合作为将柑桔加工后所剩余的皮渣变废为宝、综合利用的有效措施。

    Through comparative analysis , we found that compared with Trichoderma viride fermentation method , the Lactobacillus fermentation method was more suitable to be an effective measure for recycling and comprehensive utilization of citrus peel .

  14. 绿色木霉(TrichodermaViride)是产纤维素酶活性最高的菌株之一,它在自然界分布广泛,常腐生于木材、种子及植物残体上。

    Trichoderma viride is one of the fungi that produces the highest cellulase activity and widely distributes in nature , which is often saprophytic on wood , seeds and plant debris .

  15. 绿色木霉TR-8菌株的生物学特性研究

    Biological Characteristics of Trichoderma Viride Strain TR-8

  16. 绿色木霉(TrichodermaViride)产生的高活性纤维素酶广泛应用于开发纤维素资源,本文主要综述了绿色木霉的降解功能、在生物防治中的应用及其它作用的研究进展。

    The high activity cellulase produced by Trichoderma viride were extensively used to explore cellulosic materials . The article reviewed some advance of Trichoderma viride in its biodegradation effects and biological control .

  17. 绿色木霉BGLⅠ基因在酿酒酵母中的克隆表达及其纤维素乙醇发酵

    Cloning and expression of β - glucosidase ⅰ gene of Trichoderma viride in Saccharomyces cerevisiae and ethanol fermentation of cellulose

  18. 绿色木霉RW-2纤维素酶的酶学性质研究

    Study on cellulase activity of Trichoderma viride Rw-2

  19. 在100mL的锥形瓶中装入40mL培养基的产酶状况最好,其通气量最佳,培养液初始pH为8时绿色木霉产生的CBH活力最高。

    Culturing in 100 mL conical flasks with 40 mL liquid medium provided optimal aeration and , with the liquid medium at an initial pH of 8 , produced the maximal amount of CBH activity .

  20. 通过紫外线诱变处理,获得了可以在低温下(10℃)生长的绿色木霉LTR2的快速生长型突变株LR,以及对多菌灵具有抗性的突变株LRR。

    Mutant LR which is fast growing and grows at low temperature ( 10 ℃), and mutant LRR which is resistant to carbendazim ( 20 μ g / ml ), were obtained from a Trichoderma viride strain LTR-2 by ultraviolet mutation .

  21. 苯并咪唑类杀菌剂对绿色木霉LTR-2的毒性最高,多菌灵、苯菌灵和甲基硫菌灵的EC50值依次为0.73951、.6784和0.7370μg/g。

    Fungicides with benzimidazolyl had the highest toxicity against Trichoderma viride LTR-2.The EC_ ( 50 ) value of carbendazim , benlate and thiophanate-methyl were 0.7395, 1.6784 and 0.7370 μ g / g , respectively .

  22. 随绿色木霉生长时间的延长,CBH的活力与培养基中的葡萄糖含量呈交替的一高一低的波浪状变化。

    Along with the growth of the mold , the activity of the CBH produced as well as the amount of glucose in the medium changed , fluctuating between high and low then low and high in turns .

  23. 绿色木霉复合木聚糖酶的固态发酵条件优化

    Condition Optimization on Complex Xylanase by Trichoderma viride in Solid-state Fermentation

  24. 绿色木霉产非专一性水解壳聚糖的纤维素酶研究

    Study on Cellulase Production for Non-specific Chitosan Hydrolysis by Trichoderma Viride

  25. 不同森林土壤链霉菌及其绿霉拮抗菌的分布不同林分中拮抗菌的筛选及其对绿色木霉的拮抗试验

    Screening antagonistic streptomycetes against Trichoderma viride in forest soil eco systems

  26. 绿色木霉对土传病原真菌的体外拮抗作用

    In Vitro Antagonism of Trichoderma viride Against the Soilborne Fungal Pathogens

  27. 一个抗真菌蛋白在绿色木霉中的分泌表达

    Secretory Expression of an Antifungal Protein in the Mould Trichoderma viride

  28. 球毛壳菌与绿色木霉均为重要的生防真菌。

    Both Chaetomium globosum and Trichoderma viride are important biocontrol fungi .

  29. 绿色木霉产双功能酶的结构与功能研究

    Study on Structure and Function of Bifunctional Cellulase-Chitosanase from Trichoderma Viride

  30. 绿色木霉对丝核菌的生防机制及木霉生防制剂研究

    Study on Biocontrol Mechanism of Trichoderma Viride on Rhizoctonia and Trichoderma Preparation