
  • 网络Buffering method;PBL
  1. 综合碱性中和法和缓冲法的优点,优化了云母钛珠光颜料的制备工艺,并分别以尿素和氢氧化钠作为pH值稳定剂进行实验。

    Combined the advantages of basic neutralizing method and buffer method , the preparation technology of titanium-mica pearlescent pigments was improved , and the experiments were carried out using ( NH_2 ) _2CO and NaOH as neutralization matter .

  2. 利用缓冲法进行空间数据的插补和知识挖掘

    Interpolation and knowledge mining of spatial data with buffer - method

  3. 缓冲法控制交联聚合物弱凝胶成胶时间

    Controlling gel time of weak cross - linked polymer gel system by buffer method

  4. 综合了液相沉积法中缓冲法和碱性中和法的长处,优化云母钛珠光颜料的制备工艺。

    The pearly pigment of mica titanium was prepared by using the liquid deposition method with the urea as precipitant .

  5. 分析表明,与机械混合法相比,缓冲溶液法能够使Ni在YSZ基质中分布更均匀。

    It was found that the buffer-solution method , compared with the mechanical mixing method , can assure more homogeneous distribution of Ni in YSZ substrate .

  6. 方法:分别用PCR缓冲液法、SDS蛋白酶K法和Chelex100法从大鼠毛发中提取核酸,对所提核酸进行PCR扩增及电泳分析,并对3种方法进行比较。

    Method : The method with PCR buffer 、 SDS-proteinase K or Chelex-100 were used to extract the nucleic acid from rat 's hair separately , and the isolated nucleic acid was analyzed by PCR and electrophoresis .

  7. 结果河南汉族214例无关个体中检出4种等位基因,重复5~8次,基因差异度0.5013。腐败肌肉及角化组织用DTT联合Chelex-100法和PCR缓冲液法均分型成功。

    Results : A total of 4 alleles with 5 ~ 8 repeat units were observed and the genetic diversity was estimated to be 0.501 3 . Decomposed and keratinized samples were typed successfully by using the methods of Chelex-100 with DTT and PCR buffer , respectively .

  8. 简要地介绍了Ni-YSZ阳极材料,详细地介绍了NiO-YSZ粉末的制备技术,包括机械混合法、共沉淀法、缓冲溶液法、凝胶沉淀法、包裹沉淀法、燃烧合成法。

    Ni - YSZ anode material was briefly introduced . The preparation technologies of NiO - YSZ powder were reviewed in detail , including mechanical mixing , co - precipitation , buffer - solution , gel - precipitation , surface - induced coating and combustion synthesis method .

  9. 磷酸盐缓冲液法提取茶叶多酚氧化酶的工艺研究

    Reasearch on Extraction of Polyphenol oxidase from Fresh tea with Phosphate Buffer

  10. 缓冲溶液法测定白砂糖色值的探讨

    Inquiring into Method of Buffer Solution to Determine Colour of White Sugar

  11. 缓冲溶液法用于流动注射分析中电势检测的研究&1.络合物体系

    Study on Potentiometric Detection in FIA Based on Buffer Solution Principle ─ 1.Complex System

  12. 采用缓冲液法对马尾松毛虫幼虫中的蛋白质进行提取研究。

    Proteins extraction from the larva of Dendrolimus punctatus with a buffer solution method was studied .

  13. 电导法测定橙皮甙有机酸分析的柱后缓冲电导法与紫外法、直接电导法的比较

    Comparison of Post-column pH-buffered Conductive Method with UV and Direct Conductive Measurement for Organic Acid Analysis

  14. 采用缓冲页法批量插入数据,提高了插入效率,减少了节点分裂次数。

    The efficiency of inserting is improved and the degree of node split is decreased using buffer-leaf method to bulk-insert data .

  15. 通过2种方法的比较,可知化学中和法得到的活菌数约为缓冲盐法的3~5倍。

    Comparing the two methods , the numbers of live bacteria cultured by the buffer salt solution were three-five times the neutralization culture .

  16. 本试验综合采用超滤法、缓冲盐法、流加碱中和法、离心法浓缩菌体,优选工艺路线,为规模化生产奠定基础。

    This thesis use the methods of ultra-filtration , phosphate buffer , flowing-alkaline , centrifugal to concentrate the Yoghurt starter , and optimize the processing techniques of it .

  17. 利用指针和双数据缓冲区法快速实现数据压缩的技术,并给出了应用实例。

    A fast technique for implementing Holter cardio real time data reduction based on pointer and dual data buffers is presented in this paper , and an example of its application is also given here .

  18. 为制备高效浓缩乳酸菌发酵剂,通过综合运用复合生长培养基、缓冲盐法及化学中和法,对乳酸菌的浓缩培养进行了研究。

    In order to prepare the high effective lactic acid bacteria starter concentrates , the culture with concentration of lactic acid bacteria was studied through using a compound medium , buffer salt and neutralizer in this paper .

  19. 由于刀具路径离散位置的连续性,采用设置缓冲区法来减少需要处理的节点数,从而有效降低了算法的复杂性。

    Because of the continuity of discrete position of tool path , cache which consists of nodes detected in last step is setup up to reduce nodes needed to deal with , thus the complexity of the algorithm is reduced effectively .

  20. 介绍了在ATM接入控制中常用的漏桶法的基本原理,并分析了一种在此基础上的改进算法&前置缓冲漏桶法。

    The paper presents the concept of Leaky Bucket Technique in ATM access control and analyses Advanced Leaky Bucket with Data Buffer .

  21. 大山区血吸虫病流行区危险环境识别及控制策略的研究在此基础上,采用地理信息系统(GIS)缓冲区分析法初步分析了危险环境的影响范围及相互影响。

    HIGHER RISK AREA AND STRATEGY FOR CONTROLLING SCHISTOSOMIASIS IN MOUNTAINOUS REGION , SICHUAN Based on the theory ' of geographic information system ( GIS ), the impact scope and interrelationship was studied .

  22. 分析了用一般方法在OpenGL中进行图形消隐时存在消隐质量问题的产生原因,提出了两种具体的改善消隐质量方法,即模板缓冲区校验法和多边形偏移量修正法。

    This paper analyzes the quality problem of hidden-image using common method to draw images in OpenGL , puts forward two methods to improve on that : stencil buffer verification and polygon offset modification .

  23. 用氨气作为循环介质,采用缓冲溶液沉淀法,制得的粉末状拟薄水铝石的比表面积达到300m~2/g以上,孔容达到0.7ml/g左右;

    The pseudo-boehmite was obtained by depositing from buffer solution with ammonia gas circulated medium . The specific surface area of product reached up to 300m2 / g and pore volume reached about 0.7ml/g .

  24. 水稀释法和缓冲液稀释法的影响较小。

    The water-dilution-method and buffer-dilution-method affected it less .

  25. 中性缓冲碘化钾溶液法

    Neutral buffered potassium iodide methode

  26. 利用缓冲区分析法研究了水质与景观组分及格局的关系。

    The relationship among the water quality , landscape composition and pattern has been researched by the method of buffer zone analysis .

  27. 本文就环境空气中二氧化硫在低浓度状况下,短时间采样采用甲醛缓冲溶液吸收法测定进行探讨。

    Determination of low concentration sulfur dioxide in the air using formaldehyde buffer solution absorption method and short sampling time duration was discussed .

  28. 缓冲液稀释法在绝对值上优于水稀释法,但t检验表明二者之间并无显著差异。

    Although the buffer-solution-method surpassed the water-dilution-method in the absolute value , the t test showed no significant difference between the 2 methods .

  29. 第四部分,运用缓冲区分析法,分析城市道路建设对城市林地景观格局的影响。

    Part four ; it analyzed the impact of urban road construction on the woodland landscape pattern by using the buffer zone analysis method .

  30. 结果表明,在pH5.0的NaAc-HAc缓冲体系下动态法固定金属Cu2+的方法最为适宜。

    The results indicate that the method of dynamic method for fixing metal Cu2 + in the pH 5.0 NaAc-HAc was optium .