
  • 网络Promotion Law;prtr;SEPL
  1. 150mg/kg的金霉素对肉仔鸡的胸腺和脾脏发育具有显著的抑制作用(P<0.05),而且显著促进法氏囊的萎缩(P<0.05)。

    150mg / kg CTC had significant inhibitory effect on bursal , thymus and spleen , and T , B cell proliferation ( P < 0 . 05 ) .

  2. 《循环经济促进法》中应创设发展循环经济的规划制度、绿色GDP制度、循环经济的科技支撑和示范制度、抑制废物形成制度、产品回收利用制度等十大法律制度。

    The Act will be deemed as the basic law in the legal system of circular economy and ten rules concerning planning , green GDP , technological support and paradigm , etc. , should be laid down in the Act .

  3. [病例报告]采用本体感觉神经肌肉促进法(PNF)中保持-放松技术和中频电疗法治疗急性颈肌筋膜炎32例,其中痊愈29例,好转3例。

    CASE REPORTS Technique of proprioceptive neuromuscular ( facilitation ( PNF )) and medium frequency electrotherapy were carried out on 32 cases of the acute fasciitis at neck . As results 29 cases were cured and 3 cases were effective .

  4. 本体感觉神经肌肉促进法用于治疗颞下颌关节紊乱病的疗效分析

    Therapeutic effects analysis of proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation on temporomandibular joint disorder

  5. 我国《可再生能源促进法》的制度设计

    On the Design of China 's Reproduceable Energy Promotion Law

  6. 《民办教育促进法》适用范围的法律特征

    The Civil Education Promote Law : Legal Feature of Applications

  7. 《民办教育促进法》出台后的若干思考

    Some Reflections After the Promulgation of Non-governmental Education Promotion Law

  8. 西部开发促进法立法研究

    A Study of Legislating Promotion Law for Grand Development of Western China

  9. 日本资源有效利用促进法的实施

    Implementation of " Promotion Law on Effective Utilization of Resources " in Japan

  10. 制定我国《中小企业促进法》的构想

    On the Medium-and Small-sized businesses Promotion Law in China

  11. 清洁生产:由生产领域扩展至消费领域&结合《中华人民共和国清洁生产促进法》相关规定评析之

    Cleaner Production : Extending from the Area of Production to That of Consumption

  12. 我国应当建立以《循环经济促进法》为基础的循环经济法律体系。

    China should constitute a circular economy legal system .

  13. 意义·突破·发展&学习《中华人民共和国民办教育促进法》

    Significance , Breakthrough & Development-Study Non-governmental Education Promotion Law of the PRC ;

  14. 循环经济立法对两型社会建设的影响&以《循环经济促进法》为例

    Influences of circular economy legislation on the building of resource-saving and environment-friendly society

  15. 贯彻落实《清洁生产促进法》促进经济社会可持续发展

    Implementing the Cleaner Production Promotion Law to facilitate the economic and social sustainable development

  16. 并在加紧制定《西部促进法》草案,依此类推,是否意味着将出台《振兴东北地区等老工业基地法》以及贫困县经济立法呢?

    Then is it necessary to make law of Northeast Development and Poverty-stricken Counties ?

  17. 漆树种子发芽促进法研究

    Method Study on Promoting Lacquer-tree Seeds to Germinate

  18. 修订《清洁生产促进法》和《固体废弃物污染防治法》;

    Revising Clean Production Promotes Law and Solid Waste Pollution Prevention and Treatment Law ;

  19. 迎接民办教育大发展的新时期&学习《民办教育促进法》的体会

    Meeting the New Great Developing Time of Civilian & run Education - Understanding from learning

  20. 学习贯彻《民办教育促进法》促进民办教育大发展

    Study and Implement Non-governmental Education Promotion Law to Promote the Rapid Development of Non-governmental Education

  21. 法引导社会正义,社会正义促进法走向文明。

    Law leads to social justice , social justice in return leads law towards law civilisation .

  22. 贯彻《清洁生产促进法》调整环保产业发展战略

    Implement the Promotion Law on Cleaner Production , Readjust the Development Strategy of Environmental Protection Industry

  23. 落实民办学校办学自主权是实施《民办教育促进法》的核心任务

    The Fundamental Task of Carrying Out Non-governmental Education Promote Law : Practising Self-control Right of Non-governmental Education

  24. 论《清洁生产促进法》的鼓励、促进清洁生产原则

    Discussion on the Principle of Encouraging and Promoting Clean Production in the Law of Promoting Clean Production

  25. 随着《中小企业促进法》的实施,中小企业主体法律制度将会越来越完善。

    With the implementation of SME Promotion Law , the SME subject legal system will be perfected .

  26. 循环经济的发展理念在20世纪90年代才引起我国的重视,2003年才在法律层次上被《清洁生产促进法》所采用。

    Circular economy adopted by the " Cleaner Production Promotion Law " in the year of 2003 .

  27. 《清洁生产促进法》的制定对我国可持续发展具有重要意义。

    Drafting the first The Clear Production Promoting Law is very significant for our country 's sustainable development .

  28. 论我国农民工就业权的平等保护&兼评《就业促进法》

    Equal Protection on the Employment Right of Chinese Peasant Workers and a Review on " Employment Promotion Law ";

  29. 《民办教育促进法》的正式实施,给民办高职院校提供了广泛的生存与发展空间。

    The implementation of Private Education Promoted Law gives private higher vocational colleges broad space of survival and development .

  30. 以《循环经济促进法》为指导,提高资源综合利用水平

    Under the guidance of the " Circular Economy Promotion Law ", lift the level of comprehensive utilization of resources