
  • 网络Promotion Plan;agreements
  1. 这次简报是我们促销计划的概要说明。

    This presentation is an overview of our promotion plan .

  2. 要设法研拟促销计划,尽量用各种机会来推广。

    A promotion plan should be developed to utilize as much opportunity as possible .

  3. 北美跨产业商务标准联合会提出了协同规划、预测与补货(CPFR),吸收了促销计划、例外处理、多层协作和同步化等理念和工作流程。

    Voluntary Interindustry Commerce Standards ( VICS ) in North America introduced Collaborative Planning , Forecasting and Replenishment ( CPFR ), drawing on the notion and the working flow of sales promotion plans , exception treatment , multi-level collaboration and synchronization .

  4. 我们再看一遍促销计划。

    Lester : Let 's go over our promotion plans again .

  5. 新产品推广,完成公司制定的促销计划等各项销售活动;

    New product promotion , and fulfill the promotion plan and sales activities .

  6. 招揽顾客参加促销计划?

    Enrolment of customers to the incentive scheme ?

  7. 感谢你方提供的化妆品促销计划文件。

    Thank you for the documents in support of your Cosmetic Sales Promotion plan .

  8. 信中提到你们正在策划我们所关注的产品的促销计划。

    You mentioned that you were planning a promotion of the product in question .

  9. 建立和执行经销商年/度的区域促销计划活动。

    Make and implement DLR sales promotion annual / monthly active plan in regional zone .

  10. 那些促销计划怎么样?

    What about the sales projections ?

  11. 用不了多久以后我们就会拿出促销计划。

    It won 't be long before we work out some plans to promote our sales .

  12. 此广告促销计划的目的在于提高产品的知名度。

    The advertising campaign has been planned to raise awareness of the product amongst the public .

  13. 这个周末你要在办公室加班做促销计划?

    So you have to spend this weekend in the office to get the promotion campaign details ready ?

  14. 如果没有过去的历史歧视,没有强制雇用或促销计划,那么支持黑人是允许的。

    If there is no past history of discrimination , no mandatory hiring or promotional plan favoring blacks is permissible .

  15. 其他公司新推出的产品的表现不错,这迫使我们公司从零开始重新制定促销计划。

    The performance of the new products launched by other company has forced our company to go back to the drawing board with the promotion plan .

  16. 您可以从一个由基础的日常业务流程组成的存储库(比如花费报告或促销计划)开始,找到满足您需要的那些业务流程,然后再针对您自己的使用定制它们。

    You can start from a repository of basic every day business processes ( for example , expense report or sales promotion ), locate the ones that meet your needs , and then customize them for their own use .

  17. 为了吸引顾客,餐厅老板刘晓军和他的两个合作人想出了一个促销计划:无论顾客点了多少菜,都可以按自己的意愿任意支付。

    In order to attract customers , the restaurant owner Liu Xiaojun and his two partners came up with a promotion plan : customers could pay however much they wanted for the bill , no matter how many dishes they had ordered .

  18. 随件应附促销推广计划和策略,推广计划中必须包含执行促销价所需费用的预算。

    A detailed plan contained the budget of costs incurred for the promotion as well as the strategy should also be attached .

  19. 出于员工安全考虑,他们取消了让营销人员在火炬传递沿线向人群派发促销材料的计划。

    They cancelled plans for marketers to distribute promotional materials to the crowds along the relay route out of concern for workers ' safety .

  20. 请告知我方贵方促销的详细计划,以便商议代理协议的条款。

    Please tell us your detailed plan of sales promotion so that we may proceed with our negotiations about the terms of agency agreement .

  21. 在此基础上,利用RFID系统所产生的信息进行促销管理、协同计划和补货,以及建立公平、公正的利益分配机制,展现其在战术层面起到的协同作用。

    At last , the paper points out the RFID system produces lots of information which can be applied in promotional management , collaborative plan , forecast and replenishment , and building a fair and impartial benefit allocation mechanism , to demonstrate its role in tactical collaboration .

  22. 酒店年度的市场销售计划中应包括促销价的施行计划。

    Promotion and package should be planned as part of the hotel 's annual marketing plan .

  23. 加大终端促销力度,有计划的搞丰富多彩的促销活动。

    Terminal promotion intensity should be strengthened , and diverse promotion activities should be held with plan .