
  • 网络facilitated diffusion;facilited diffusion;faciliatied diffusion
  1. 整个燃烧过程优化的目标就是减少预混合燃烧,促进扩散燃烧。

    The aim of combustion process optimizing is to decrease pre-mixed burn proportion and to improve diffuse combustion .

  2. 后处理(沉积后700℃×30min退火)促进元素扩散并减小沉积层厚度。

    Post-treatment ( annealing at 700 ℃× 30 min after deposition ) can promote elements diffusing and decreases the thickness of the deposition coating .

  3. 专利池形成之后,通过促进技术扩散和技术溢出,将有利于我国自主创新能力的提高。

    After formation of patent pool , it can improve innovation ability through promoting technology diffusion and spillover .

  4. 最后提出了进一步加强产业链联系、促进技术扩散效应最大化的建议。

    In the last section , the paper outs forward some measures to strengthen the linkages to maximize the effect of technology diffusion .

  5. 管理上的启示是可以通过促进产品扩散来尽早实现销售数量的规模化增长并进而实现产业化。

    This leaves the implication for management that we can early arrive the take-off point of sales volumes through promoting product diffusion , and industrialization is also achieved .

  6. 研究了当前跨国公司发展的新特征,分析了其对技术扩散所产生的影响,并提出了促进技术扩散和提高我国企业技术水平的一些对策。

    This paper makes a study on the new development features of MNE and analyses the influence of which and in the meantime puts forward some countermeasures to promote technology diffusion so as to improve our enterprises technology level .

  7. 微波的快速烧结能降低反应活化能并促进晶界的扩散,从而有助于获得高致密度的PLZT陶瓷;

    The recent research showed that rapid sintering of microwave sintering reduces the activation-energy and accelerates the diffuse the crystal boundary and help to improve the density of PLZT .

  8. 通过各种细胞分子技术,研究者发现胰岛素对培养的人角质化细胞有促进增殖和扩散的作用。

    Using various cell and molecular techniques , the researchers discovered that insulin stimulates human keratinocytes in culture to proliferate and migrate .

  9. 科技传播是促进科技信息扩散、实现科技知识增长的过程。

    Science and technology communication is a process of promoting the diffusion of science and technology information and increasing the knowledge of science and technology .

  10. 那么,研究企业知识转移绩效的影响因素不仅进一步丰富和完善了知识转移理论,对于促进企业知识扩散,发挥企业知识无形资源的优势,改善企业知识转移的效果具有重要的现实意义。

    In that case , the research on the impact factors of knowledge transfer performance of enterprises not only further enriches and improves the knowledge transfer theory .

  11. 于是如何提高消费者对新产品的认同度,减少消费者感知风险,促进新产品扩散,就成了本文要解决的问题。

    Accordingly , how to increase the consumer satisfaction on new product , reduce consumer perceived risk and promote the diffusion of new product . This was what this paper resolved .

  12. 著作权保护制度在鼓励知识产品的创造、实现产权人的利益、维护生产经营者的垄断优势以及促进新技术扩散与利用等四个方面起到了对经济发展的激励作用。

    The system of copyright protection plays an important role in creating intellectual products , realizing its owner profits , maintaining producers ' monopoly advantages and stimulating the spread and use of new technology .

  13. 对产业集群内技术创新扩散特征进行了分析,揭示了产业集群促进技术创新扩散的本质;

    The characteristics of technology innovation diffusion in industry cluster were analyzed , the reasons why industry cluster could promote the spread of technology innovation exposed , and the dynamics diffusion courses of technology innovation in industry cluster described .

  14. 研究影响新产品市场扩散的终端因素及对策,就是要在新产品市场扩散中做到:消除导入期障碍,促进新产品扩散速度加快;维持成长期的高速增长。

    To research the point-of-sale factors influencing new product market diffusion and countermeasures is to eliminate obstacles of introduction period , speed up new product diffusion and maintain high increase of growth period in the process of new product market diffusion .

  15. 它在内氧化前沿产生,促进了Cu的扩散以及CuO的形核。

    It was believed that the SFT produced in internal oxidation front might promote the diffusion of Cu as the nucleation for CuO precipitation .

  16. 研究表明VEGF-D可诱导淋巴管生成,促进癌细胞淋巴扩散,因此又被称为淋巴管内皮生长因子。

    VEGF-D can induce lymphatic vessel generation and promote lymphatic cancer cell proliferation .

  17. 3T磁场以下制备的薄膜表面晶粒比无磁场下的晶粒细小,这是由于磁场对形核的促进作用以及对扩散的抑制作用引起的。

    The magnetic field could result in the smaller grains in the films , which is due to the nucleation promotion and the diffusion inhibition from magnetic field .

  18. 随着变形量的增加,CCT曲线整体向左上方移动,变形促进了碳原子扩散进而加速了铁素体相变,使相变温度升高,相变进程加快。

    As the deformation reduction increases , the whole CCT curve moved towards the upper left orientation , the ferrite transformation was accelerated which reason was the deformation accelerate the diffusion of carbon atom , transformation temperature change higher .

  19. 退火可以有效地促进金属之间的扩散,提高复合界面的剪切强度。

    Annealing can effectively promote the spread between the metals and improve the composite interface shear strength . 5 .

  20. 传统的知识扩散研究集中在单一主体领域,学者力图通过构建扩散模型促进主体内部知识扩散。

    Traditional research on knowledge diffusion is focused on single organization , in which models are built up to improve diffusion .

  21. 产业集群有利于地区优势产业发展,促进技术进步和扩散,发展地方经济。

    The industrial clusters are advantageous to the development of regional superior industries , technological advancement and proliferation and the local economy .

  22. 低碳技术的转移不仅有助于促进技术创新成果扩散,同时也能提高低碳技术二次创新可能性。

    Low carbon technology transfer technique innovation achievements not only help to promote diffusion , also can improve the second low carbon technologies innovation possibilities .

  23. 创新政策的制定和实施是为了更好地促进研发和技术扩散,促进人力资源发展,促进科技成果产业化和区域创新环境优化。

    The innovation policy made and executed is to promote the research and technical diffusion as well as human resources development , and optimize the innovation environment .

  24. 有效的专利成果转化不仅是促进技术创新成果扩散的机制,而且也是形成良性创新机制的重要环节。

    Effective patent achievements is not only the mechanism to promote the diffusion of technological innovation achievement and it is also or an important part of benign innovative mechanisms .

  25. 信息产业的融合有助于加速传统产业的升级改造以及促进信息技术的扩散和渗透,提高生产效率。

    Merge in information industry will benefit to accelerate the upgrading and reconstruction in the traditional industry , speed up the diffusing and penetrating of information technology , promote the industry productivity .

  26. 产业聚集所表现出来的增进规模经济,促进创新和技术扩散,深化专业化分工与合作的特性及由此带来的竞争优势,对于地区产业竞争力的提升和地区产业的协调发展具有重要意义。

    The competitive advantage displayed by industrial agglomeration promotes economies of scale , innovation and technical proliferation , and brings from this a deepened specialization in the division of work with characteristic cooperation .

  27. 发现直拉硅中杂质锗的存在可促进氧的外扩散,抑制氧沉淀的发生并可形成较宽的清洁区。

    It is found that Ge not only can promote the out-diffusion of oxygen and form wider DFZ in Ge-Doped CZSi wafer than that in the control sample , but also can suppress the formation of precipitation .

  28. 因此,要想促进环保技术的扩散,需要采取提升环保技术创新水平、增加环保投入及完善环保法律法规等有针对性措施。

    Therefore , environmental technologies need to be taken to upgrade the level of innovation , to enhance environmental protection investment and to improve the environmental laws and regulations in order to promote the spread of environmental technology .

  29. 村镇银行个人层次的社会网络资本主要是通过促进个体隐性知识扩散、修正个人偏好协调个体行为、抑制道德风险来发挥经济作用。

    The individual level of social network capital at Village Banks is mainly spread through the promotion of individual tacit knowledge , amend the personal preferences of individual acts of co-ordination and curb moral hazard to play economic role .

  30. 产业集群的运行深嵌于本地化的社会文化之中,共同的区域文化和价值观,有利于企业间建立以合作与信任为基础的社会网络,有效地降低交易成本,促进技术创新与扩散。

    A common regional culture and value will help to set up inter-enterprise cooperation and trust-based social network , effectively reducing transaction costs , promoting technological innovation and proliferation . As a matter of fact , regional culture has become the underlying social causes of clusters ' development .